
FID Workshop on Scientific Communication

Oct. 13, 2021

On November 10th 2021, FID Linguistik, FID Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft (FID AVL) and the Verband Deutscher Bibliothekare und Bibliothekarinnen (VDB) will host an online workshop titled „New formats in the scientific communication – a challenge for the information supply?”.

The focus will lie on communication channels such as Social Media, blogs, or podcasts. We will look into the specific challenges and additional efforts related to the production of certain formats. We will also discuss what kind of support libraries or infrastructure services such as the Specialised Information Services (Fachinformationsdienste, FID) can offer in this area.
The activities and the services offered by the organising FID will constitute another focal point of the event.

The workshop addresses primarily (subject) librarians responsible for philology and related disciplines. For further information as well as registration, please go to

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