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Ethnienbildung von Muslimen als Abwehr von Antiziganismus ...
Lichnofsky, Claudia. - : Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Lebenswissenschaftliche Fakultät, 2015
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Cyrillic Manuscript Heritage: Vol. 37 [<Journal>]
Abstract: CMH 37 cover design based on the cover design of CMH 34 created by Eva Dujardin Dale. ; Note that in 2015, only one issue appeared of the biannual newsletter appeared: Cyrillic Manuscript Heritage 37 (December 2015). This issue contains information and photos of the Eighth Biennial Medieval Slavic Summer Institute, which was held during the summer of 2015. ; Biannual newsletter of the Hilandar Research Library (HRL) and the Resource Center for Medieval Slavic Studies (RCMSS), The Ohio State University. Includes: features by guest contributors, which appear under the column heading of "HRL Journal" – where Cyrillic Manuscript Heritage asks researchers who have used the resources of the HRL in the past year or so to describe their experience and work; a column, "Director's Desk," by the Director of RCMSS; Reports on recent visitors, research, events, exhibits, projects, updates, etc.; Contributors to both the Hilandar Endowment Fund and Hilandar's Friends of the Library Fund are listed, as are donors of "Gifts in Kind." Also included are seasonal announcements regarding the International Hilandar Conference series and the Medieval Slavic Summer Institute. ; Front cover image: Hodigetria Mosaic icon, 12th century, which Stefan Nemanja (canonized as St. Simeon) is said to have brought to Mount Athos after he took monastic vows in 1198. Image is from a set of slides donated to the HRL by A. Dean McKenzie, professor emeritus of Art History at the University of Oregon; table of contents, front cover; masthead and description of front cover image, p. 2; "From the Director's Desk," by Dr. Predrag Matejic, photos by M.A. Johnson and Jessi Jones, pp. 2-3, 5; "The 2015 Kalamazoo Conference," photos by M.A. Johnson, p. 4; "Welcome Ryan Perkins!," photo courtesy of Opic [the OSU Avatar Service], p. 4; "New Leadership at OSU Libraries," photos courtesy of OSU Libraries, p. 6; "Exploring the 'World's Desire,'" by Kevin Bloomfield, photos by Jessi Jones, p. 6; "Kopitar's Legacy of Slavic Manuscripts in Slovenia and Austria," by M.A. Johnson, photos by M.A. Johnson, p. 7; "HRL Journal: Traversing the Annals of Time," by Ezekiel Abodale Olagoke, photo by Jessi Jones, p. 8; "Getting 'Hands On' at Hilandar Research Library," by Tom Elvins, photos by Jessi Jones, p. 9; "MSSI 2015," photos by Nina Haviernikova, M.A. Johnson, and Jessi Jones, pp. 10-11; "Examining Exegesis and Hermeneutics at HRL," by Maria Ivanova, photo by Jessie Jones, p. 12; "Letter from Dr. Vlada Stanković," p. 12; "2015 Highlights," photos by Nina Haviernikova and courtesy of St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary (SVOTS), p. 13; "HRL Acquires the Emilia Guergova-Veder & William R. Veder Collection," p. 13; "Edward Kasinec Request," photo courtesy of Edward Kasinec, p. 14; "Special Collections Donor Wall," photo by Jessi Jones, p. 14; Contributions to the Hilandar Endowment Fund, Gifts through Friends of the Library, Gifts in Kind to the Hilandar Research Library, p. 15; farewell to OSUL colleague Wes Boomgaarden (retired), photo by Eric Albrecht, and "Happy Holidays and Season's Greetings," back cover.
Keyword: 18th Annual Kenneth E. Naylor Memorial Lecture in South Slavic Linguistics (2015); 2015); 2015: Tolkien Days; 50th International Congress on Medieval Studies (Kalamazoo; A. Dean; Abraham; Ackerman; Adelina; Afanas'eva; Afanasyeva; Alex; Alexandre; Alice (photo); Ana (photo); Andreev; Angelov; Angusheva Tihanova; Anna; Annual Father John Meyendorff Memorial Lecture; Arays; Archbishop of New York and All North America (Antiochian Orthodox Church); Archbishop of Washington and All America and Canada (Orthodox Church of America); Arsenovich; Association for the Study of Eastern Christian History and Culture; Association for the Study of Eastern Christian History and Culture (ASEC); Atanasova-Pencheva; Austrian National Library; Barnes; Bartula; Behr; Benoit; Birkfellner; Birnbaum; Bizic; Bodnaruk; Bohac; Boomgaarden; Bourlakov; Bowen; Brandesky; Branislav S; Budny; Burst; Buzar; Campbell; Candido; Carol Pitts (photo); Casas Olea; Catherine E; Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies (Ohio State); Center for Slavic and East European Studies (Ohio State); Center for the Study of Religion (Ohio State); Čermák; Charles E; Chernorizets Hrabr; Christian; Codex Suprasliensis; College of William and Mary (Williamsburg; Collins; Damon (photo); Danica; Daniel Brian; Daniel E; Daria; David J. (photo); Department of Slavic and East European Languages and Culture (Ohio State); Diana; Diana (photo); Dickey; Diedrichs; Diian; Dimitrova; Dr. (photo); Dukhanova; Edward "Ned"; Edward (photo); Eileen; Elvins; Emilia; Engelina Sergeevna; Eric J.; Evelina; Father Rodney; Federica (photo); Finlinson; Flier; Frances; García de la Puente; George; Gerhard; Germanova-Safronova; Gospel of Nicodemus; Gribble; Grumbles; Guergova-Veder; Gwyn (photo); Hagia Sophia; Harry; Hashamova; Hatfield; Hatten; Haviernikova; Hilandar Monastery; Hilandar Research Library; Hilarion of Mŭglen; Hodil; Hope (photo); Icons; Ievgeniia (photo); Ilona V; Inés; Isolde; Iuliia; Ivanova; Jaggars; Janice Zunich; Jekich; Jennifer; Jernej; Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee Theatre Research Institute (Ohio State); Jessi; Joe; Johann; Johanna; John A; John R; Johnson; Jones; Joseph; Josh (photo); Kabakova; Kakridis; Kallistos; Karen; Karpov; Kasinec; Kasinec Family Endowed Acquisition Fund; Kathie; Katic; Katie (photo); Kayla (photo); Keenan; Khristina; Khristo; Konikovo Gospels; Kopitar; Korshunova; Kristan; Krys'ko; Kuder; Kulakia Gospels; Kunkler; Kvocka; Kyrylo; Ljiljana; Lorraine Netretić; Lothar; Luka; Lulik; M.A; MA); Majer; Maliska; Malyak; Marek (photo); Margaret; Maria; Maria (photo); Mariana (photo); Marijan; Marta (photo); Matejic; Matilde; Matjaž; Matt (photo); Mayhew; McKenzie; Medick; Medieval and Renaissance Graduate Student Association (MRGSA; Medieval Slavic Manuscripts; Medieval Slavic Studies; Medieval Slavic Summer Institute (MSSI); Meletii; Melnikova; Menzenski; Metropolitan Joseph; Metropolitan Tikhon; MI); Michael; Michael John; Michael R; Michael S; Michigan); Midwest Slavic Conference (March 14-15; Mihailo St; Mikasinovich; Milan; Milana K; Milica Matejic; Millie; Mineva; Mladenova; Monica; Moscow Institute of Art Studies (Russia); Moscow State University (Russia); Moteiunaite; Mount Athos; MSSI 1999; MSSI 2001; MSSI 2003; MSSI 2006; MSSI 2008; MSSI 2011; MSSI 2013; MSSI 2015; Museum of Russian Icons (Clinton; Negulesco; Nemanja; Nemanjič Dynasty; Nenad; New York); Nicholas (photo); Nichols; Nina; Ohio State); Olga; Ostich; OSU Libraries; Oto; Pauline; Peña Escudero; Perkins; Phillip; Pimen M; Popova; Popović; Popular Culture and the Deep Past; Predrag (photo); Radio Belgrade; Radoslav; Raffensperger; Raoul N; Rare Books & Manuscripts Library (Ohio State); RBMS 2015 Preserve the Humanities!; Rentel; Resanovic; Research Centre of the Slovene Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC SAZU); Rodney; Rosie (photo); Roslovic; Rupert; Ryan S; Sakal; Sally Ann; Samo; Sarah; Sarris; Schallert; Schmoll; Sharon Fullerton; Smirnova; Smith; Smotryckyi; Sofronov; Sparwenfeld; Spasov; Spasova; Spock; St. Petersburg State University (Russia); St. Sava; St. Simeon; St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary (Yonkers; Stanković; Stavroveckyi; Stefan; Stepanov; Stephen; Steuer; Strahinja; Štupar; Sullivan; Susan Catherine; Susan M. B; Svetlana; Sykes; Szymon; Tanya (photo); Tatiana G; Tatiana I; The John and Paraskeva Skvir Lecturer in Practical Theology; The Resource Center for Medieval Slavic Studies; Thyret; Tom (photo); Tomin; Toncheva-Todorova; Torbic; Tsvetelin; University of East Sarajevo (Serbia); VA); Václav; Vadim; Veder; Very Rev. Dr. Alexander; Very Rev. Dr. Chad; Very Rev. Dr. Mateja; Very Rev. John; Vida Matejic; Vidmar; Vlada (photo); Vladan; Voivode of Moldavia; Vrugitz; Vukmer; Ware; Wes (photo); West Michigan University (Kalamazoo; White; William R; Wilson; Yacoubin; Yana; Yannis; Youssef; Zheliazkov; Zograf Monastery; Zoran; Zunich; Đurašković
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Ethnienbildung von Muslimen als Abwehr von Antiziganismus
Lichnofsky, Claudia. - : Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Lebenswissenschaftliche Fakultät, 2015
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