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Italian Dictionaries of Abbreviations and the Preparation of Entries of the Italian–Slovene Dictionary of Abbreviations
In: Lexikos; Vol. 31 (2021); 195-213 ; 2224-0039 (2021)
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Towards a Legal Dictionary Dutch–Limburgish: Preferences and Opportunities
In: Lexikos; Vol. 31 (2021); 146-158 ; 2224-0039 (2021)
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Comprehensive Slovenian-Hungarian Dictionary 1.0
Kosem, Iztok; Bálint Čeh, Júlia; Ponikvar, Primož. - : Centre for Language Resources and Technologies, University of Ljubljana, 2021
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An exploration of virtual reality to facilitate authentic tasks in EFL learning in a Vietnamese tertiary setting
Hoang, Thi Ngoc Diem. - : Edith Cowan University, Research Online, Perth, Western Australia, 2021
In: Theses: Doctorates and Masters (2021)
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Educational Policies and Schooling for Arabic Speaking Refugee Children in Australia and Turkey
In: Australian Journal of Teacher Education (2021)
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Teachers’ Experiences of Educating EAL Students in Mainstream Primary and Secondary Classrooms
In: Australian Journal of Teacher Education (2021)
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Second Language Teachers’ Perceptions of Their Pedagogical Practices, Collaborations, and Relationships with Other Teachers through Professional Development
In: Australian Journal of Teacher Education (2021)
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A grounded theory study on how Vietnamese higher education teachers of English as a Foreign Language construct their professional identities
Le, Thi Thuy Chinh. - : Edith Cowan University, Research Online, Perth, Western Australia, 2021
In: Theses: Doctorates and Masters (2021)
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Literacy Uses and Practices of Schoolchildren Living in a Contemporary Malaysian Context
In: Australian Journal of Teacher Education (2021)
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Exploring the self-efficacy beliefs of Vietnamese pre-service teachers of English as a foreign language
In: Research outputs 2014 to 2021 (2021)
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The Exclusive White World of Preservice Teachers’ Book Selection for the Classroom: Influences and Implications for Practice
In: Australian Journal of Teacher Education (2021)
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Acquiring content questions in Japanese: The case of a sequential English-Japanese bilingual child
In: Research outputs 2014 to 2021 (2021)
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Student Articulations of Critical Multicultural Education Concepts from One Study Abroad Experience in New Zealand
In: Australian Journal of Teacher Education (2021)
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Digital representation for assessment of spoken EFL at university level: A case study in Vietnam
Vu, Thi Bich Hiep. - : Edith Cowan University, Research Online, Perth, Western Australia, 2021
In: Theses: Doctorates and Masters (2021)
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Exploring Vietnamese first-year English-major students’ motivation: A longitudinal, mixed-methods investigation
Hoang, Thinh Quoc. - : Edith Cowan University, Research Online, Perth, Western Australia, 2021
In: Theses: Doctorates and Masters (2021)
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EFL Literacy Teaching in Relation to Teachers’ Self-Efficacy, Experience and Native Language
In: Australian Journal of Teacher Education (2021)
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Reconciliation through Language Education: Mediation in a Plurilingual South Africa based on the CEFR Companion Volume
Abstract: Nation-building and reconciliation are essential to any democracy, especially in a country like South Africa, which is still wrestling with its racial past. Education and the classroom can help a country understand itself better to move forward in unison. Mediation and plurilingual approaches based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and its Companion Volume (CEFR-CV) with new descriptors provide solutions and opportunities in this regard. South African language education policies should include mediation to foster reconciliation and social cohesion among its eleven official languages and the people and cultures they represent. Intercultural competence and critical cultural awareness should be part of the school curriculum, inspiring learners to become better citizens. The dissertation starts by looking at the country’s state of affairs, how it deals with multilingualism, its language education policies, followed by what the CEFR-CV can offer a country like South Africa. Being a European language policy, its implementation in a developing country would need closer scrutiny. The African philosophy of Ubuntu is discussed and to what extent it compares to plurilingualism and Intercultural Citizenship Education. There is a suggestion to use bilingual literature in teaching the indigenous official languages and how biliteracy leads to plurilingualism and the awareness of the self and the other. The CEFR-CV encourages cultural and linguistic exchanges between schools, communities and cultural institutions. Additionally, the dissertation looks at how Intercultural Citizenship Education and intercultural learning can be introduced in South African schools. ; A construção da nação e a reconciliação são essenciais para qualquer democracia, especialmente num país como a África do Sul, que ainda está a lidar com o seu passado racial. A educação e a sala de aula podem ajudar um país a compreender-se melhor a si próprio para avançar em uníssono. A mediação e as abordagens plurilingues baseadas no Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para as Línguas e o seu Volume Complementar (QECR-VC) com novos descritores fornecem soluções e oportunidades a este respeito. As políticas de educação linguística da África do Sul deveriam incluir a mediação para promover a reconciliação e a coesão social entre as suas onze línguas oficiais e os povos e culturas que estas línguas representam. A competência intercultural e a consciência cultural crítica devem fazer parte do currículo escolar, inspirando os alunos a tornarem-se melhores cidadãos. A dissertação começa por analisar a situação do país, como lida com o multilinguismo, as suas políticas de educação linguística, seguida do que o QECR-VC pode oferecer a um país como a África do Sul. Sendo uma política linguística europeia, a sua implementação num país em desenvolvimento necessitaria de um escrutínio mais atento. A filosofia africana do Ubuntu é discutida e em que medida se compara ao plurilinguismo e à Educação Intercultural para a Cidadania. Há uma sugestão de utilizar literatura bilingue no ensino das línguas oficiais indígenas e de como a biliteracia conduz ao plurilinguismo e à consciência do si próprio e do outro. O QECR-VC incentiva o intercâmbio cultural e linguístico entre escolas, comunidades e instituições culturais. Além disso, a dissertação analisa a forma como a Educação Intercultural para a Cidadania e a aprendizagem intercultural podem ser introduzidas nas escolas sul-africanas. ; Nasiebou en versoening is vir enige demokrasie noodsaaklik, veral in 'n land soos Suid-Afrika, wat steeds met sy rasseverlede worstel. Onderwys en die klaskamer kan 'n land help om homself beter te verstaan om eendragtig vorentoe te beweeg. Bemiddeling en meertalige benaderings, gebaseer op die Gemeenskaplike Europese Verwysingsraamwerk vir Tale en sy Metgesel Volume (GEV-MV) met nuwe beskrywers, bied oplossings en geleenthede in hierdie verband. Suid-Afrikaanse taalonderrigbeleid moet kulturele bemiddeling integreer om versoening tussen die elf amptelike tale en die mense wat hulle verteenwoordig te bevorder. Interkulturele bevoegdheid en kritiese kulturele bewustheid behoort deel van die skoolkurrikulum te wees, wat leerders inspireer om beter burgers te word. Die proefskrif begin deur na die stand van sake in die land te kyk, hoe die land met meertaligheid omgaan, die beleid oor taalonderrig, gevolg deur wat die GEV-MV 'n land soos Suid-Afrika kan bied. Aangesien dit 'n Europese taalbeleid is, sou die implementering daarvan in 'n ontwikkelende land noukeuriger ondersoek moet word. Die Afrika-filosofie van Ubuntu word bespreek en in watter mate dit met pluritaligheid en interkulturele burgerskaponderrig vergelyk. Daar is 'n voorstel om tweetalige literatuur in die onderrig van die inheemse amptelike tale te gebruik en hoe tweetalige geletterdheid tot pluritaligheid lei en die bewustheid van die self en die ander. Die GEV-MV moedig kulturele en taalkundige uitruilings tussen skole, gemeenskappe en kulturele instellings aan. Die proefskrif kyk ook na hoe Interkulturele Burgerskaponderrig en interkulturele leer in Suid-Afrikaanse skole verwesenlik kan word.
Keyword: Bemiddeling; Bilingual Literature; CEFR Companion Volume; Domínio/Área Científica::Ciências Sociais::Ciências da Educação; Domínio/Área Científica::Humanidades::Línguas e Literaturas; Educação Linguística Sul-Africana; GEV Metgesel Volume; Literatura Bilingue; Mediação; Mediation; Plurilingualism; Plurilinguismo; Pluritaligheid; QECR Volume Complementar; South African Language Education; Suid-Afrikaanse Taalonderrig; Tweetalige Letterkunde; Ubuntu
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NUIG at TIAD 2021: Cross-lingual word embeddings for translation inference
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Latinx Teachers Advocating and Providing Support to Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students and Their Families
In: Educational Considerations (2021)
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Age and gender effects in European Portuguese spontaneous speech ; Efectos de la edad y del sexo en el habla espontánea en portugués europeo
In: Loquens; Vol. 8 No. 1-2 (2021): Online First; e077 ; Loquens; Vol. 8 Núm. 1-2 (2021): Número en curso; e077 ; 2386-2637 ; 10.3989/loquens.2021.v8.i1-2 (2021)
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