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20061112NJ ; Classical Song Traditions of Contemporary Western Arnhem Land in Their Multilingual Context
Abstract: Video and photographs of the preparation for the Nginji Mamurrng ceremony and the first showing of the mamurrng at the mamurrng ceremony. Men and women paint themselves and each other in preparation for the ceremony. The Nginji and Inyjalarrku musicians practice and the women and young men practice dancing, particularly the dancing with the mamurrng. The mamurrng ceremony was for Simone, the young daughter of Peter Guwadbu. See also 'Nginji_mamurrng_photo_metadat.xls' ; The classical song traditions of Western Arnhem Land are amongst the foremost examples of verbal art in the nine endangered languages of the region, but few people are now competent to perform or comment on them. Typically performed in multi-lingual social contexts, song texts demonstrate unusual linguistic features such as mixtures of languages and a high proportion of esoteric and intimate vocabulary. We will collect, transcribe, translate and analyse song texts and discussions about songs by contemporary performers, and where relevant repatriate and document archival recordings, making our research results available to communities via a network of local digital repositories. ; Isabel Bickerdike is a postgraduate student at the University of Melbourne, supervised by Linda Barwick and Nick Evans. She was aged 25 in 2006 and was resident at Warruwi from May-November 2006. She is Ngal-bangardi skin, Wurrik clan (Kun-winjku tribe?, given by Mary Gurden-gurden, this is her mother's clan). ; Matthew O'Keeffe is the pilot resident at Warruwi and a friend of Solomon Ganawa. From time to time he can be heard during this session talking to Solomon. ; Frank Nabalamirri is circa 70 and resident at Minjilang in 2006/7. He is the current leader of the Nginji songset. He is encouraging his son, Jonathan, who dances the yumparrparr (giant) role for nginji performances, to learn the songs. He is Nangila skin and Yalama clan and has the same mother as Khaki. ; James Marrwal is aged circa 60 and living in Warruwi in 2006/7. He is one of the main singers of the Nginji songs. ; Singer of Nginji songs, brother of James Marrwal. Recorded by Isabel Bickerdike at Warruwi in 2006. ; David Manmurulu (also known as David \"Goodness\" Manmurulu Winunguj) is aged circa 60 and resident at Warruwi in 2006. He is the current leader of the inyjalarrku songs. His skin is Na-wamut and he is Yalama clan and Ngutikin tribe. His father (d. 1990s) was George Winunguj who features in the book Encounter at Nagalarramba. David sings Inyjalarrku songs originally composed by his father and also his own, as well as knowing those originally composed by Winunguj's MB G(w)uwatpu(t) number 1, who was the leader of the Meinjinaj people (Kun-barlang tribe). He is married to Jenny Manmurulu who is one of the leaders of women's inyjalarrku dancing. He is encouraging his son Rupert, who sometimes plays the yumparrparr (giant)role in the nginji dance, to learn the songs and play didjeridu (arawirr). His other sons Reuben and Ranfred(?sp) also sing and dance. ; First language is Mawng; speaks Iwaidja; also speaks English very well. Bio ; Jenny Manmurulu is the wife of David Manmurulu and mother of Rupert Manmurulu. She teaches at the Warruwi school and is an accomplished dancer. ; empty ; Rupert Manmurulu is the son of David and Jenny Manmurulu and was aged circa 25 and resident at Warruwi in 2006. He is married to a woman from Elliott and sometimes resides there. His skin is Na-wuyuk and his clan is Yalama, Ngutikin tribe. He sings Inyjalarrku and Nginji songs, and dances the yumparrparr (giant) dance, and also plays didjeridu for those song-sets. He also plays guitar and sings with a band from the Barkly area. ; Albert Naluraidj (spelling as on LB consent form; Isabel Bickerdike has his surname as 'Nadarraj') was resident at Warruwi and aged about 60 in 2006. He is the main didjeridu (arawirr) player and occasional singer for the inyjalarrku song-set, and also plays didjeridu for the nginji and ngili song-sets. His skin is Na-wangari and he is Manjdjurlngunj clan and Meyinjdjinadj tribe (Kun-barlang speakers). According to David Manmurulu 3/4/2007 Manjdjurlngunj clan can speak Kun-winjku, Mawng or Kun-barlang. His father was Gwatput number 1, the original composer of the inyjalarrku song-set. ; Leah painting herself for the Nginji mamurrng ; Children at mamurrng preparation ; Sarah painting Leah at mamurrng preparation ; Jenny Manmurulu painging herself at mamurrng preparation ; Jenny Manmurulu ; child at mamurrng preparation ; painting up for Nginji mamurrng ; Leah painting Sarah for the Nginji mamurrng ; waiting for Nginji mamurrng ceremony ; Leah at the preparation for the Nginji mamurrng ceremony, penultimate day ; Jenny Manmurulu at the preparation for the Nginji mamurrng ceremony, penultimate day ; Sarah at the preparation for the Nginji mamurrng ceremony, penultimate day ; Anne at the preparation for the Nginji mamurrng ceremony, penultimate day ; Margaret Marlingarr painting herself at the preparation for the Nginji mamurrng ceremony, penultimate day ; ? Painting herself at the preparation for the Nginji mamurrng ceremony, penultimate day ; bush apples ; child at Nginji mamurrng ceremony preparation ; Nginji musicians ; Jenny Inmulugulu painting ? ; women at Nginji mamurrng preparation ; women dancers at Nginji mamurrng preparation ; women dancers at Nginji mamurrng preparation, dancing Ngili dance ; James Marrwal painting ? At the Nginji mamurrng preparation ; women dancers talking with musician Albert Narruraj at Nginji mamurrng preparation ; Alan being painted by Rupert Manmurulu at the Nginji mamurrng ceremony preparation ; didjeridu player at the Nginji mamurrng preparation ; child painted up at the Nginji mamurrng ceremony preparation ; getting painted up at the Nginji mamurrng preparation ; Jacky Brown (?) at the Nginji mamurrng preparation ; children and women at the Nginji mamurrng preparation ; Albert Narruraj at the Nginji mamurrng preparation, penultimate day ; girl at the Nginji mamurrng ceremony preparation ; Isabel Bickerdike and girl at the preparation for the Nginji mamurrng ceremony, penultimate day ; women at the preparation for the Nginji mamurrng ceremony, penultimate day ; musicians talking to women dancers at the preparation for the Nginji mamurrng ceremony, penultimate day ; women dancers at the preparation for the Nginji mamurrng ceremony, penultimate day ; James Marrwal painting himself at the preparation for the Nginji mamurrng ceremony, penultimate day ; men and boys getting painted up at the preparation for the Nginji mamurrng ceremony, penultimate day ; child at the preparation for the Nginji mamurrng ceremony, penultimate day ; musicians at the Nginji mamurrng ceremony ; men painting up at the Nginji mamurrng preparation ; Musicians David Manmurulu and Ronald Lamilami talking together at the Nginji mamurrng preparation ; Young men painted up for the Nginji mamurrng talking with pilot Matthew O'Keeffe ; Rupert Manmurulu paintingyoung girl (his daughter?) at the Nginji Mamurrng preparation ; Alan's son painted up at the Nginji mamurrng preparation ; boys and young men going to the Nginji mamurrng ceremony in the back of a ute that James Marrwal is driving ; Jenny Manmurulu painting Matthew O'Keeffe at the Nginji mamurrng preparation ; Leah painting ? At the Nginji mamurrng preparation ; Frank Nabalamirri talking with his grandson (?) and wife ; Jenny Manmurulu painting Isabel Bickerdike at the Nginji mamurrng preparation ; Isabel Bickerdike and Matthew O'Keeffe painted up at the Nginji mamurrng preparation ; Men & boys ready for the Nginji mamurrng ceremony ; Women ready for the Nginji mamurrng ceremony ; Men walking to the Nginji mamurrng ceremony ground to perform ; Women walking to the Nginji mamurrng ceremony to perform ; Men ready to perform at the Nginji mamurrng ceremony ; Musicians performing at the Nginji mamurrng ceremony ; Men dancing at the Nginji mamurrng ceremony ; People watching the Nginji mamurrng ceremony - including Simone (the girl who it is for) and her family ; Men & boys dancing at the Nginji mamurrng ceremony ; Women dancing at the Nginji mamurrng ceremony ; Men & women dancing at the Nginji mamurrng ceremony ; Men, women and children dancing at the mamurrng ceremony; young boy learning from senior musicians ; Young men dancing the Ngili dance at the Nginji mamurrng ceremony ; Young men, and women dancing the Ngili dance at the Nginji mamurrng ceremony ; Young men, girls, and women dancing the Ngili dance at the Nginji mamurrng ceremony ; Men & women dancing to show the mamurrng at the Nginji mamurrng ceremony ; Men dancing to show the mamurrng at the Nginji mamurrng ceremony ; Women & girls dancing to show the mamurrng at the Nginji mamurrng ceremony ; Women & girls dancing to show the mamurrng at the Nginji mamurrng ceremony. Margaret Marlingarr (centre, facing camera) holds the mamurrng. ; Women & girls dancing to show the mamurrng at the Nginji mamurrng ceremony. Margaret Marlingarr dances with the mamurrng. ; Women & girls dancing to show the mamurrng at the Nginji mamurrng ceremony. Jenny Inmulugulu dances with the mamurrng. ; Women & girls dancing to show the mamurrng at the Nginji mamurrng ceremony. Sarah dances with the mamurrng. ; Musicians, and men & women dancing at the Nginji mamurrng cereomony. ; The mamurrng, held by Nita Garidjalalug ; Men, women & children dancing at the Nginji mamurrng ceremony to show the mamurrng. Albert Narruraj dances in the centre. ; Men, women & children dancing at the Nginji mamurrng ceremony to show the mamurrng. Nita Garidjalalug dances with the mamurrng. ; Men, women & children dancing at the Nginji mamurrng ceremony to show the mamurrng. Albert Narruraj dances with the mamurrng. ; Men, women & children dancing at the Nginji mamurrng ceremony to show the mamurrng. George dances with the mamurrng and prepares to pass it to ? ; Men, women & children dancing at the Nginji mamurrng ceremony to show the mamurrng. ? dances with the mamurrng and prepares to pass it to Albert Narruraj ; Showing the mamurrng. The mamurrng is placed in front of Simone (who is asleep!) and her family. ; Simone & her father Johnny at the Nginji mamurrng ceremony. ; Musicians sitting down at the Nginji mamurrng ceremony. ; Women dancers sitting down at the Nginji mamurrng ceremony. ; Isabel Bickerdike filming Simone and her family. ; Tommy (Simone's grandfather) at the Nginji mamurrng ceremony. ; Nancy (far R) and others at the Nginji mamurrng ceremony. ; Frank Ambidjambidj and Tommy Gargarba at the Nginji Mamurrng ceremony ; Frank Ambidjambidj at the Nginji mamurrng ceremony ; women dancing (Injalarrku?) at the Nginji mamurrng ceremony ; Simone (the girl who the Nginji mamurrng was for) sleeping at the Nginji Mamurrng ceremony ; young boys at the Nginji mamurrng ceremony ; young boy at the Nginji mamurrng ceremony ; Johnny Namaruda (deceased) (Simone's grandfather) with Simone at the Nginji mamurrng ceremony. ; Simone and her parents at the Nginji mamurrng ceremony.
Keyword: English; Iwaidja; Kun-barlang; Kunwinjku; Mawng; Nginji-Ngili NJ Inyjalarrku IL; Singing; Undetermined language
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20061114NJ ; Classical Song Traditions of Contemporary Western Arnhem Land in Their Multilingual Context
Bickerdike Isabel, O'Keeffe; O'Keeffe Matthew; Nabalamirri Frank. - : Linda Barwick, 2006. : University of Sydney, 2006
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20061113NJ ; Classical Song Traditions of Contemporary Western Arnhem Land in Their Multilingual Context
Bickerdike Isabel, O'Keeffe; O'Keeffe Matthew; Nabalamirri Frank. - : Linda Barwick, 2006. : University of Sydney, 2006
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