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Racial/Ethnic and Sex Differences in Emergency Medical Services Transport Among Hospitalized US Stroke Patients: Analysis of the National Get With The Guidelines-Stroke Registry.
Mochari-Greenberger, Heidi; Xian, Ying; Hellkamp, Anne S. - : Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health), 2020
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Predictive Factors of Swallowing Disorders and Bronchopneumonia in Acute Ischemic Stroke.
In: Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases, vol. 28, no. 8, pp. 2148-2154 (2019)
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'Please don't call me Mister': patient preferences of how they are addressed and their knowledge of their treating medical team in an Australian hospital
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Racial/Ethnic and Sex Differences in Emergency Medical Services Transport Among Hospitalized US Stroke Patients: Analysis of the National Get With The Guidelines-Stroke Registry.
In: Journal of the American Heart Association, vol 4, iss 8 (2015)
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The Effect of a Care Transition Intervention on the Patient Experience of Older Multi-Lingual Adults in the Safety Net: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial.
In: Journal of general internal medicine, vol 30, iss 12 (2015)
Abstract: BackgroundThe Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) and Care Transitions Measure (CTM-3) scores are patient experience measures used to determine hospital value-based purchasing reimbursement. Interventions to improve 30-day readmissions have met with mixed results, but less is known about their potential to improve the patient experience among older ethnically and linguistically diverse adults receiving care at safety-net hospitals. In this study, we assessed the effect of a nurse-led hospital-based care transition intervention on discharge-related patient experience in an older multilingual population of adults hospitalized at a safety-net hospital.MethodsWe randomized 700 inpatients aged 55 and older at an academic urban safety-net hospital. In addition to usual care, intervention participants received inpatient visits by a language-concordant study nurse and post-discharge phone calls from a language-concordant nurse practitioner to reinforce the care plan and to address acute complaints. We measured HCAHPS nursing, medication, and discharge communication domain scores and CTM-3 scores at 30 days after hospital discharge.ResultsOf 685 participants who survived to 30 days, 90 % (n = 616) completed follow-up interviews. The mean age was 66.2 years; over half (54.2 %) of the participants had cognitive impairment, and 33.8 % had moderate to severe depression. The majority (62.1 %) of interviews were conducted in English; 23.3 % were conducted in Chinese and 14.6 % in Spanish. Study nurses spent an average of 157 min with intervention participants. Between intervention and usual care participants, CTM-3 scores (80.5 % vs 78.5 %; p = 0.18) and HCAHPS discharge communication domain scores (74.8 % vs 68.7 %; p = 0.11) did not differ, nor did HCAHPS scores in medication (44.5 % vs 53.1 %; p = 0.13) and nursing domains (67.9 % vs 64.9 %; p = 0.43). When stratified by language, no significant differences were seen.ConclusionAn inpatient standalone transition-of-care intervention did not improve patient discharge experience. Older multi-lingual and cognitively impaired populations may require higher-intensity interventions post-hospitalization to improve discharge experience outcomes.
Keyword: Aftercare; Aged; California; Clinical Sciences; Communication; Continuity of Patient Care; Female; General & Internal Medicine; Hospital; Hospitalization; Humans; Male; Middle Aged; Multilingualism; Nursing Service; Patient Discharge; Patient Education as Topic; Patient experience; Patient Outcome Assessment; Patient Satisfaction; Professional-Patient Relations; Randomized controlled trial; Safety-net Providers; Socioeconomic Factors; Transitions of care; Vulnerable Populations
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The health and development of children born to older mothers in the United Kingdom: observational study using longitudinal cohort data.
In: Symplectic Elements at Oxford ; Europe PubMed Central ; PubMed ( ; Scopus ( ; CrossRef (2012)
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Clinical characteristics and outcome of infective endocarditis involving implantable cardiac devices.
Athan E, Chu VH, Tattevin P, Selton-Suty C, Jones P, Naber C, Miró JM, Ninot S, Fernández-Hidalgo N, Durante-Mangoni E, Spelman D, Hoen B, Lejko-Zupanc T, Cecchi E, Thuny F, Hannan MM, Pappas P, Henry M, Fowler VG Jr, Crowley AL, Wang A; ICE-PCS Investigators. Collaborators: Clara L, Sanchez M, Nacinovich F, Fernandez Oses P, Ronderos R, Sucari A, Thierer J, Casabé J, Cortes C, Altclas J, Kogan S, Spelman D, Athan E, Harris O, Kennedy K, Tan R, Gordon D, Papanicolas L, Eisen D, Grigg L, Street A, Korman T, Kotsanas D, Dever R, Jones P, Konecny P, Lawrence R, Rees D, Ryan S, Feneley MP, Harkness J, Jones P, Ryan S, Jones P, Ryan S, Jones P, Post J, Reinbott P, Ryan S, Gattringer R, Wiesbauer F, Andrade AR, de Brito AC, Guimarães AC, Grinberg M, Mansur AJ, Siciliano RF, Strabelli TM, Vieira ML, Tranchesi RA, Paiva MG, Fortes CQ, Ramos Ade O, Ferraiuoli G, Golebiovski W, Lamas C, Santos M, Weksler C, Karlowsky JA, Keynan Y, Morris AM, Rubinstein E, Braun Jones S, Garcia P, Cereceda M, Fica A, Montagna Mella R, Barsic B, Bukovski S, Krajinovic V, Pangercic A, Rudez I, Vincelj J, Freiberger T, Pol J, Zaloudikova B, Ashour Z, El Kholy A, Mishaal M, Rizk H, Aissa N, Alauzet C, Alla F, Campagnac C, Doco-Lecompte T, Selton-Suty C, Casalta JP, Fournier PE, Habib G, Raoult D, Thuny F, Delahaye F, Delahaye A, Vandenesch F, Donal E, Donnio PY, Michelet C, Revest M, Tattevin P, Violette J, Chevalier F, Jeu A, Rusinaru D, Sorel C, Tribouilloy C, Bernard Y, Chirouze C, Hoen B, Leroy J, Plesiat P, Mazaheri B, Naber C, Neuerburg C, Athanasia S, Giannitsioti E, Mylona E, Paniara O, Papanicolaou K, Pyros J, Skoutelis A, Sharma G, Francis J, Nair L, Thomas V, Venugopal K, Hannan M, Hurley J, Gilon D, Israel S, Korem M, Rubinstein E, Strahilevitz J, Casillo R, Cuccurullo S, Dialetto G, Durante-Mangoni E, Irene M, Ragone E, Tripodi MF, Utili R, Cecchi E, De Rosa F, Forno D, Imazio M, Trinchero R, Tebini A, Grossi P, Lattanzio M, Toniolo A, Goglio A, Raglio A, Ravasio V, Rizzi M, Suter F, Carosi G, Magri S, Signorini L, Baban T, Kanafani Z, Kanj SS, Yasmine M, Abidin I, Tamin SS, Rivera Martínez E, Soto Nieto GI, van der Meer JT, Chambers S, Holland D, Morris A, Raymond N, Read K, Murdoch DR, Dragulescu S, Ionac A, Mornos C, Butkevich O, Chipigina N, Kirill O, Vadim K, Vinogradova T, Edathodu J, Halim M, Lum LN, Tan RS, Lejko-Zupanc T, Logar M, Mueller-Premru M, Commerford P, Commerford A, Deetlefs E, Hansa C, Ntsekhe M, Almela M, Armero Y, Azqueta M, Castañeda X, Cervera C, del Río A, Falces C, Garcia-de-la-Maria C, Fita G, Gatell JM, Marco F, Mestres CA, Miró JM, Moreno A, Ninot S, Paré C, Pericas J, Ramírez J, Rovira I, Sitges M, Anguera I, Font B, Raimon Guma J, Bermejo J, Bouza E, García Fernández MA, González-Ramallo V, Marín M, Muñoz P, Pedromingo M, Roda J, Rodríguez-Créixems M, Solís J, Almirante B, Fernández-Hidalgo N, Tornos P, de Alarcón A, Parra R, Alestig E, Johansson M, Olaison L, Snygg-Martin U, Pachirat O, Pachirat P, Pussadhamma B, Senthong V, Casey A, Elliott T, Lambert P, Watkin R, Eyton C, Klein JL, Bradley S, Kauffman C, Bedimo R, Chu VH, Corey G, Crowley AL, Douglas P, Drew L, Fowler VG, Holland T, Lalani T, Mudrick D, Samad Z, Sexton D, Stryjewski M, Wang A, Woods CW, Lerakis S, Cantey R, Steed L, Wray D, Dickerman SA, Bonilla H, DiPersio J, Salstrom SJ, Baddley J, Patel M, Peterson G, Stancoven A, Afonso L, Kulman T, Levine D, Rybak M, Cabell CH, Baloch K, Chu VH, Corey G, Dixon CC, Fowler VG Jr, Harding T, Jones-Richmond M, Pappas P, Park LP, Redick T, Stafford J, Anstrom K, Athan E, Bayer AS, Cabell CH, Chu VH, Corey G, Fowler VG Jr, Hoen B, Karchmer A, Miró JM, Murdoch DR, Sexton DJ, Wang A, Bayer AS, Cabell CH, Chu V, Corey G, Durack DT, Eykyn S, Fowler VG Jr, Hoen B, Miró JM, Moreillon P, Olaison L, Raoult D, Rubinstein E, Sexton DJ.. - 2012
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Basal insulin and cardiovascular and other outcomes in dysglycemia.
In: New England Journal of Medicine, vol. 367, no. 4, pp. 319-328 (2012)
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Clinical characteristics and outcome of infective endocarditis involving implantable cardiac devices.
In: Journal of the American Medical Association, vol. 307, no. 16, pp. 1727-1735 (2012)
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Growth and development of premature infants fed predominantly human milk, predominantly premature infant formula, or a combination of human milk and premature formula.
In: J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr , 37 (4) 437 - 446. (2003) (2003)
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