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Phonetic accommodation of human interlocutors in the context of human-computer interaction
Gessinger, Iona. - : Saarländische Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, 2022
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The Use of Video Games in Teaching EFL Students to Write Arguments
Boland, Dalal. - : Digital Commons @ University of South Florida, 2021
In: Graduate Theses and Dissertations (2021)
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Selbstgesteuertes Sprachenlernen am Beispiel von Rosetta Stone
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Computer corpora and open source software for language learning : emerging research and opportunities
Posavec, Kristina. - Hershey, PA : IGI Global, 2020
UB Frankfurt Linguistik
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Teaching languages in blended synchronous learning classrooms : a practical guide
Girons, Alba; Swinehart, Nicholas. - Washington, DC : Georgetown University Press, 2020
UB Frankfurt Linguistik
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Form, use, consciousness : key topics in L2 grammar instruction
Liddicoat, Anthony (Herausgeber); Szende, Thomas. - Bruxelles : Peter Lang, 2020
UB Frankfurt Linguistik
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Recent developments in technology-enhanced and computer-assisted language learning
Zou, Bin (Herausgeber); Thomas, Michael (Herausgeber). - Hershey, PA : IGI Global, 2020
UB Frankfurt Linguistik
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Creating effective blended language learning courses : a research-based guide from planning to evaluation
Mizza, Daria; Rubio, Fernando. - Cambridge, United Kingdom : Cambridge University Press, 2020
UB Frankfurt Linguistik
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Enhancements and limitations to ICT-based informal language learning : emerging research and opportunities
Ahmed, Rashad (Herausgeber); Hagar, Trenton (Herausgeber); Al-kadi, Abdu (Herausgeber). - Hershey, PA : IGI Global, 2020
UB Frankfurt Linguistik
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Teaching language online : a guide for designing, developing, and delivering online, blended, and flipped language courses
Russell, Victoria; Murphy-Judy, Kathryn. - London : Routledge, 2020
UB Frankfurt Linguistik
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Examining content and language integrated learning (CLIL) theories and practices
Khalyapina, Liudmila (Herausgeber). - Hershey : IGI Global, 2020
UB Frankfurt Linguistik
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Language research in multilingual settings : doing research knowledge dissemination at the sites of practice
Grujicic-Alatriste, Lubie (Herausgeber). - Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan, 2020
UB Frankfurt Linguistik
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Prosodic training in foreign language: a study with Hiberno-English learners of Italian
Nicora, Francesca. - : NUI Galway, 2020
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Designing and using gamification elements to improve students’ user experience in a video-based mobile language learning app
Galle, Thor. - : KTH, Skolan för elektroteknik och datavetenskap (EECS), 2020
Abstract: With the rise of the smartphone industry, the domain of mobile-assisted language learning (MALL) has increasingly grown. A large number of language learning applications have been developed aiming to support individuals’ second language acquisition on various levels, e.g., by teaching vocabulary and grammar to improve reading and listening comprehension. The viability of these applications has been examined in literature and shows overall positive but mixed results. On one side, their success is partly attributed to gamified design elements. These are reported to improve the user experience (UX) and boost learners' motivation. On the other side, the primary reliance on decontextualized vocabulary and grammar exercises is criticized. In response, one such application, SVT Språkplay developed by the Swedish non-profit Språkkraft, incorporated television programs as a longer form of context. This introduced novel video-based learning functions. The first aim of this thesis was to start filling a gap in research by evaluating the usability and user experience of these functions. This was performed through user tests and interviews with seven second language students who used the app to learn Swedish over a period of at least two weeks. The second aim of the thesis was to improve the usability and user experience of the problematic learning functions through a user-centred design process with the ultimate goal to improve learner support and vocabulary acquisition outcomes. The study participants consisted of doctoral researchers and students recruited from a basic Swedish course at KTH. They represent a demographic that benefits from learning Swedish to improve their job opportunities. The initial evaluation results were analysed through the lens of the MUUX-E theoretical framework [10] , a framework for evaluating the “user experience and educational features of m-learning environments”. The evaluation showed that the core vocabulary learning aids directly integrated into the video watching experience were perceived as useful. Conversely, the gamified learning functions outside of the video watching experience were found to be scarcely used as intended. The subsequent user-centered design process improved upon the design of problematic learning functions by adhering to the principles of the MUUX-E framework. Concretely, more varied contextualized vocabulary exercises were designed, more options for user customization were included and feedback and progress metrics such as “streaks” were highlighted. An evaluation of the design with the same participants as the initial evaluation suggests that these changes would improve the usability and user experience of the application. Further research should evaluate an implemented end-product based on the proposed designs in a real-life setting. In that case, its pedagogical merit should also be evaluated. In summary, this thesis found that mobile video-based MALL apps such as Språkplay can provide usable and enjoyable language learning functions. ; Med tillväxten av mobiltelefonbranschen har domänen för mobilassisterad språkinlärning (MALL) ökat alltmer. Ett stort antal språkinlärningsapplikationer har utvecklats för att stödja individers förvärv av andraspråk på olika nivåer, t.ex. genom att lära ut ordförråd och grammatik samt för att förbättra läs- och hörförståelsen. Dessa applikationer har undersökts i litteraturen och visar positiva men blandade resultat. Å ena sidan tillskrivit deras framgång delvis spelelementen. Dessa rapporteras förbättra användarupplevelsen (UX) och öka elevernas motivation. Å andra sidan kritiseras det primära förlitandet på dekontekstualiserade ordförråd och grammatikövningar. Som ett svar skapades en sådan applikation, SVT Språkplay, utvecklad av den svenska ideella föreningen Språkkraft, vilken använder TV-program som en längre form av språkligt sammanhang. Detta introducerade nya videobaserade inlärningsfunktioner. Det första syftet med denna uppsats var att börja fylla ett hål i forskningen genom att utvärdera användbarheten och användarupplevelsen av dessa funktioner. Det gjordes genom att genomföra användartester och intervjuer med sju andraspråkstudenter som använde appen för att lära sig svenska under en period av två veckor. Det andra syftet med arbetet var att förbättra användbarheten och användarupplevelsen för dessa inlärningsfunktioner genom en användarcentrerad designprocess med det slutliga målet att förbättra studentens stöd. Studiedeltagarna bestod av doktorander och studenter rekryterade från en nybörjarkurs i svenska på KTH. De representerar en demografisk nytta av att lära sig svenska för att öka deras tillgång till den svenska arbetsmarknaden. De första utvärderingsresultaten analyserades genom tillämpning av MUUX-E-ramverket, ett ramverk för att utvärdera “ u ser experience and e ducational features of m -learning e nvironments” [10] . Det visade att de grundläggande ordförrådets inlärningshjälpmedel som direkt integrerades i video upplevdes som användbara. Omvänt användes knappt alls de spelifierade inlärningsfunktionerna utanför videon. Den efterföljande användarcentrerade designprocessen förbättrades vid design av problematiska inlärningsfunktioner genom att följa principerna i MUUX-E-ramverket. Konkret utformades mer varierade kontextualiserade vokabulärövningar, fler alternativ för användaranpassning inkluderades och feedback- och framstegsmetriker som “streaks” lyftes fram. En utvärdering av designen med samma deltagare som den första utvärderingen tyder på att dessa förändringar skulle förbättra användbarheten och användarupplevelsen. Ytterligare forskning bör utvärdera en implementerad slutprodukt baserad på de föreslagna designförbättringarna i en verklig miljö. I så fall bör dess pedagogiska meriter också utvärderas. Sammanfattningsvis fann vi att videobaserade MALL-appar som Språkplay kan ge användbara och roliga språkinlärningsfunktioner.
Keyword: gamification; Human Computer Interaction; Människa-datorinteraktion (interaktionsdesign); mobile-assisted language learning; usability; user experience and educational features of m-learning environments (MUUX-E); UX; video-based language learning
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Assistive Technologies for Dyslexia: Punctuation and its Interfaces with Speech
Triantafyllidou, Charikleia. - : Trinity College Dublin. School of Linguistic Speech & Comm Sci. C.L.C.S., 2020
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The implementation of digital learning technology in the teaching of EFL vocabulary
Jordan, Daniel. - 2020
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Design, Development, and Evaluation of Research Tools for Evidence-Based Learning: A Digital Game-Based Spelling Training for German Primary School Children
Holz, Heiko. - : Universität Tübingen, 2020
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A study on attitude and achievement: the digital-game-based language learning by Thai EFL students
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Technology-supported learning in and out of the Japanese language classroom : advances in pedagogy, teaching and research
Zimmerman, Erica (Herausgeber); McMeekin, Abigail (Herausgeber). - Blue Ridge Summit : Multilingual Matters, 2019
UB Frankfurt Linguistik
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Teacher education in computer-assisted language learning : a sociocultural and linguistic perspective
Schmid, Euline Cutrim. - Sydney : Bloomsbury Academic, 2019
UB Frankfurt Linguistik
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