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A Spatial Modeling Approach for Linguistic Object Data: Analyzing Dialect Sound Variations Across Great Britain ...
Tavakoli, Shahin; Pigoli, Davide; Aston, John A. D.. - : Taylor & Francis, 2021
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A Spatial Modeling Approach for Linguistic Object Data: Analyzing Dialect Sound Variations Across Great Britain ...
Tavakoli, Shahin; Pigoli, Davide; Aston, John A. D.. - : Taylor & Francis, 2021
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A Spatial Modeling Approach for Linguistic Object Data: Analyzing Dialect Sound Variations Across Great Britain ...
Tavakoli, Shahin; Pigoli, Davide; Aston, John A. D.. - : Taylor & Francis, 2019
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A spatial modeling approach for linguistic object data : analysing dialect sound variations across Great Britain
Coleman, John S.; Pigoli, Davide; Tavakoli, Shahin. - : American Statistical Association, 2019
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Rejoinder for “A spatial modeling approach for linguistic object data : analysing dialect sound variations across Great Britain”
Aston, John A. D.; Coleman, John S.; Tavakoli, Shahin. - : American Statistical Association, 2019
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A Spatial Modeling Approach for Linguistic Object Data: Analysing dialect sound variations across Great Britain ...
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Data for The correlation space of Gaussian latent tree models and model selection without fitting
Coleman, John S.. - : Statistics, University of Warwick, 2016
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The statistical analysis of acoustic phonetic data: exploring differences between spoken Romance languages ...
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Gaussian Tree Constraints Applied to Acoustic Linguistic Functional Data ...
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Foreign accent syndrome: best practice, theoretical issues and outstanding questions
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Discrimination training of phonemic contrasts enhances phonological processing in mainstream school children
In: Brain & language. - Orlando, Fla. [u.a.] : Elsevier 94 (2005) 1, 72-85
OLC Linguistik
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Phonological representations : their names, forms and powers
Coleman, John S.. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1998
MPI für Psycholinguistik
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Key aspects of declarative phonology
Bird, Steven; Coleman, John S.; Scobbie, James M.. - : European Studies Research Institute, University of Salford., 1996
Abstract: Salford, UK ; Constraints are a major component in many phonological theories, past and present. They are exploited to their full in Declarative Phonology. It is worthwhile to briefly state some general considerations about the circumstances which have led to their ubiquitous use. ; casl ; Beckman, Mary E. (ed.) (1990). Phonetic representation. Theme issue of Journal of Phonetics 18. 297-480. Bird, Steven (ed.) (1991). Declarative perspectives on phonology. Edinburgh Working Papers in Cognitive Science, Vol. 7. Centre for Cognitive Science, University of Edinburgh. Bird, Steven (1995). Computational phonology: a constraint-based approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Bird, Steven, John S. Coleman, Janet B. Pierrehumbert & James M. Scobbie (1992). Declarative phonology. In A. Crochetire, J.-C. Boulanger & C. Ouellon (eds.) Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference of Linguists. Qubec: Presses de l'Universit Laval. Bird, Steven & T. Mark Ellison (1994). One level phonology: autosegmental representations and rules as finite-state automata. Computational Linguistics 20. 55- 90. Bird, Steven & Ewan E. Klein (1994). Phonological analysis in typed feature systems. Computational Linguistics 20. 455-491. Bird, Steven & Oliver Stegen (1993). Tone in the Bamileke Dschang associative construction: an electrolaryngraphic study and comparison with Hyman (1985). Research Paper EUCCS RP-57, University of Edinburgh, Centre for Cognitive Science. Bresnan, Joan (ed.) (1982). The mental representation of grammatical relations. Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press. Broe, Michael (1993). Specification theory: the treatment of redundancy in generative grammar. PhD dissertation, University of Edinburgh. Clayton, Mary L. (1976). The redundancy of underlying morpheme structure conditions. Language 52. 295-313. Coleman, John S. (1991a). Phonological representations. PhD dissertation, University of York. Coleman, John S. (1991b). Prosodic structure, parameter-setting and ID/LP grammar. In Steven Bird (1991). 65-78. Coleman, John S. (1992). The phonetic interpretation of headed phonological structures containing overlapping constituents. Phonology 9. 1-44. Coleman, John S. (1993). English word-stress in unification-based grammar. In T. Mark Ellison and James M. Scobbie (1993). 97-106. Coleman, John S. (1995). Declarative lexical phonology. In Jacques Durand & Francis Katamba (1995). 333-383. Coleman, John S. (this vol.). Declarative syllabification in Tashlhit Berber. Coleman, John S. (forthcoming). Phonological representations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Connell, Bruce & Amalia Arvaniti (eds.) (1995). Phonology and phonetic evidence. Papers in Laboratory Phonology IV. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Dinnsen, Daniel A. (1985). A re-examination of phonological neutralisation. Journal of Linguistics 21. 265-279. Durand, Jacques & Francis Katamba (eds.) (1995). Frontiers of phonology: atoms, structures, derivations. London: Longman. Ellison, T. Mark (forthcoming). The machine learning of phonological structure. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Ellison, T. Mark & James M. Scobbie (eds.) (1993). Computational phonology. Edinburgh Working Papers in Cognitive Science, Vol. 8. Centre for Cognitive Science, University of Edinburgh. Gazdar, Gerald, Ewan Klein, Geoff Pullum & Ivan Sag (1985). Generalised Phrase Structure Grammar. Oxford: Blackwell. Hooper, Joan (1976). An introduction to natural generative phonology. New York: Academic Press. Hulst, Harry G. van der & Norval S.H. Smith (eds.) (1982). The structure of phonological representations. 2 parts. Dordrecht: Foris. Johnson, Mark (1988). Attribute-value logic and the theory of grammar. Stanford: CSLI, Stanford University. Kaplan, R.M. & Joan Bresnan (1982). Lexical-Functional Grammar. In Joan Bresnan (1982). 173-281. Kiparsky, Paul (1982a) From cyclic phonology to lexical phonology. In Harry G. van der Hulst & Norval S.H. Smith (1982: part 1.). 131-175. Kiparsky, Paul (1982b) Some consequences of Lexical Phonology. In I.-S. Yang (ed.) Linguistics in the morning calm. Seoul: Hanshin. 3-91. Koutsoudas, A., G. Sanders & C. Noll (1974). The application of phonological rules. Language 50. 1-28. McCarthy, John J. & Alan S. Prince (1993). Prosodic morphology I. Constraint interaction and satisfaction. Ms, University of Massachusetts at Amherst and Rutgers University. Oehrle, Richard T., Eamon Bach & Deirdre W. Wheeler (eds.) (1988). Categorial grammars and natural language structures. Dordrecht: Reidel. Paradis, Carole (1988) On constraints and repair strategies. The Linguistic Review 6. 71-97. Paradis, Carole (this vol.). The inadequacy of filters and faithfulness in loanword adaption. Paradis, Carole & Darlene LaCharit (eds.) (1993). Constraint-based theories in multilinear phonology. Special issue of Revue canadienne de linguistique/Canadian Journal of Linguistics 38. 127-303. Paradis, Carole & Jean Franois Prunet (1993). On the validity of morpheme structure constraints. In Carole Paradis & Darlene LaCharit (1993). 235-256. Pierrehumbert, Janet (1990). Phonological and phonetic representation. In Mary E. Beckman (1990). 375-394. Prince, Alan S. & Paul Smolensky (1993). Optimality Theory: constraint interaction in Generative Grammar. Technical Report RuCCS TR-2 Rutgers Center for Cognitive Science, Rutgers University. Russell, Kevin (1993). A constraint-based approach to phonology and morphology. Revised version of PhD dissertation, University of Southern California. Scobbie, James M. (1991a). Attribute Value Phonology. PhD dissertation, University of Edinburgh. Distributed by the Centre for Cognitive Science, University of Edinburgh. Scobbie, James M. (1991b). Towards Declarative Phonology. In Steven Bird (1991). 1- 26. Scobbie, James M. (1993). Constraint violation and conflict from the perspective of Declarative Phonology. In Carole Paradis & Darlene LaCharit (1993). 154-168. Scobbie, James M., William J. Hardcastle, Paul Fletcher & Fiona Gibbon (1995). Consonant clusters in disordered L1 acquisition: a longitudinal acoustic study. Proceedings of the X11th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Stockholm, Sweden. Vol. 2, 706-709. Scobbie, James M. (1995). What do we do when phonology is powerful enough to imitate phonetics? Comments on Zsiga. In Bruce Connell & Amalia Arvaniti (1995). 303-315. Shibatani, Masayoshi (1973). The role of surface phonetic constraints in Generative Phonology. Language 49. 87-106. Walther, Markus (1992). Deklarative silbifizierung in einem constraintbasierten grammatikformalismus. Master's dissertation, University of Stuttgart. Walther, Markus (1993). Declarative syllabification with applications to German. In T. Mark Ellison and James M. Scobbie (1993). 55-79. Wheeler, Deirdre W. (1981). 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Acoustics of American English speech : a dynamic approach
Olive, Joseph P.; Greenwood, Alice; Coleman, John S.. - New York [etc.] : Springer, 1993
MPI für Psycholinguistik
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Declarative Phonology
Bird, Steven; Coleman, John S.; Pierrehumbert, Janet. - : Université Laval, Québec, 1992
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A phonologically calibrated acoustic dissimilarity measure
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Gaussian tree constraints applied to acoustic linguistic functional data
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