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Sociodemographic and Pre-Linguistic Factors in Early Vocabulary Acquisition
In: Children, 2021, vol. 8, núm. 3, p. 206 ; Articles publicats (D-PS) (2021)
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Sociodemographic and Pre-Linguistic Factors in Early Vocabulary Acquisition
In: Children, 2021, vol. 8, núm. 3, p. 206 ; Articles publicats (D-PS) (2021)
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Consistency of a Nonword Repetition Task to Discriminate Children with and without Developmental Language Disorder in Catalan-Spanish and European Portuguese Speaking Children
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Statistical word learning in Catalan-Spanish and English-speaking children with and without developmental language disorder
Ahufinger Sanclemente, Nadia; Ferinu Sanz, Laura; Sanz Torrent, Mònica. - : International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 2021
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Consistency of a nonword repetition task to discriminate children with and without developmental language disorder in catalan-spanish and european portuguese speaking children
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Statistical Word-Learning in Catalan-Spanish Children with Specific Language Impairment
Ahufinger Sanclemente, Nadia. - : Universitat de Barcelona, 2019
In: TDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa) (2019)
Abstract: This dissertation was written to answer some questions about the different roles played by memory in school-age Catalan-Spanish children with specific language impairment (SLI). Currently, a small but growing body of work suggests that individuals with SLI have difficulty performing tasks that require non-declarative learning. That is, they present with difficulties in the process of extracting abstract knowledge from statistical patterns, probabilistic computations (statistical learning) and procedural skills (procedural learning) embedded in the input. The Procedural Deficit Hypothesis—PDH—(Ullman & Pierpont, 2005) suggests that grammatical impairments observed in SLI may be explained by abnormalities in brain areas associated with procedural memory—a gradual, sequential implicit learning, necessary for acquiring cognitive and motor skills, such as typing and bike riding. The PDH also purports that children with SLI have relative strengths in word learning since their lexical declarative memory systems have remained largely spared. However, the literature shows that children with SLI show difficulties in vocabulary learning in addition to grammatical deficits. First, in this dissertation we wanted to study whether children with SLI have a more general impairment in their non-declarative memory mechanism that is not limited to procedural learning. Second, we wanted to investigate whether statistical learning is also a required mechanism for the word-learning process rather than just declarative memory alone. Third, we examined the role of working and declarative memory in children with and without SLI with regard to lexical knowledge. To carry out our study, a total of 76 children (24 girls, 52 boys), 38 children with SLI (Mean age=8.7 years-old; SD=1.10 years) ranging in age from 5.6 to 12.11 years, and 38 typically developing children (Mean age=8.9 years; SD=1.10 years) ranging in age from 5.7 to 12.9 years were tested with three types of statistical word-learning tasks involved in a word-learning process (i.e., auditory sequential statistical learning, cross-situational statistical learning, and visual statistical learning tasks) and were given different working and declarative memory tests. The results showed that Catalan-Spanish children with SLI were less accurate at solving the three statistical learning tasks than the group of TD children. Moreover, statistical learning and declarative memory were significant predictors of the vocabulary knowledge in children with and without SLI. Thus, non-declarative learning was shown to be a required mechanism for acquiring vocabulary as well as grammar. Furthermore, children with SLI showed poorer results in the auditory and visual working memory tasks compared to the group of TD children. Equivalent results for declarative memory tests for both groups were found only after controlling for the working memory. The results of this dissertation encourage current theoretical models of non-declarative learning in children with SLI to be extended beyond the assumption that only procedural sequential learning is impaired in this population, suggesting that a more general non-declarative learning, including non-sequential statistical learning, is affected in children with SLI and that this deficit is related to grammar learning as well as vocabulary acquisition. Finally, the implications of these results on language learning in children with SLI are discussed. ; Los niños y niñas con trastorno específico del lenguaje (TEL) presentan dificultades en el proceso de extracción de información abstracta que se encuentra en nuestro entorno a partir de patrones estadísticos, cálculos probabilísticos o habilidades procedimentales. La hipótesis del déficit procedimental (PDH) (Ullman y Pierpont, 2005) propone que las dificultades que presentan estos niños/as en el área de la morfología y la gramática se pueden explicar por anomalías en áreas cerebrales asociadas a la memoria procedimental. La PDH también propone que los niños con TEL tienen menos dificultades relacionadas con el vocabulario porque tienen la memoria declarativa relativamente preservada. Contrariamente, diferentes estudios demuestran que la población con TEL tiene dificultades léxicas. Los objetivos de esta tesis doctoral son demostrar si los niños/as con TEL presentan dificultades en realizar tareas que requieren del aprendizaje estadístico. En segundo lugar, investigamos si el aprendizaje estadístico también tiene un rol explicativo en el conocimiento de vocabulario. En tercer lugar, examinamos el papel que tiene la memoria de trabajo y la memoria declarativa en relación al conocimiento del léxico. Un total de 76 niños/as (24 niñas, 52 niños) participaron en este estudio. El grupo TEL estaba formado por 38 niños y niñas (M edad = 8,7 años). El grupo control estaba formado por 38 niños/as con desarrollo típico (DT) (M edad = 8,9 años). Todos los participantes realizaron 3 experimentos de aprendizaje estadístico: (1) auditivo y secuencial, (1) visual y secuencial y (3) audiovisual y no secuencial. Además, a todos los participantes se les evaluó con diferentes baterías de memoria de trabajo y memoria declarativa. Los resultados mostraron que el grupo TEL obtuvo un rendimiento significativamente inferior al grupo control en los tres experimentos de aprendizaje estadístico. Además, tanto el aprendizaje estadístico como la memoria declarativa fueron dos predictores significativos del conocimiento del vocabulario de los participantes. Estos resultados demuestran que el aprendizaje estadístico también es un mecanismo necesario para adquirir vocabulario y no sólo para aprender morfología y gramática. Además, el grupo TEL mostró resultados más bajos en las tareas de memoria de trabajo auditiva y visual en comparación con el grupo con DT. También se encontraron resultados equivalentes para ambos grupos en las pruebas que evaluaban la memoria declarativa (después de controlar la memoria de trabajo). Los resultados de esta investigación sugieren (1) que los niños/as con TEL muestran dificultades en aprendizaje estadístico en tres modalidades diferentes (visual, auditiva, audio-visual) (2) que los modelos teóricos actuales que se basan en la afectación de la memoria procedimental en esta población deben ir más allá de la hipótesis que sólo hay un aprendizaje procedimental secuencial afectado en esta población y (3) que el aprendizaje estadístico de regularidades no secuenciales también podría estar afectado en esta población.
Keyword: 159.9; Aprendizaje automático; Aprenentatge automàtic; Ciències de la Salut; Language disorders in children; Machine learning; Memoria; Memòria; Memory; Trastornos del lenguaje en niños; Trastorns del llenguatge en els infants
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Statistical Word-Learning in Catalan-Spanish Children with Specific Language Impairment
Ahufinger Sanclemente, Nadia. - : Universitat de Barcelona, 2019
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Language comprehension in children with Specific Language Impairment: an Eye-Tracking study
Christou, Spyros. - : Universitat de Barcelona, 2018
In: TDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa) (2018)
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Language comprehension in children with Specific Language Impairment: an Eye-Tracking study
Christou, Spyros. - : Universitat de Barcelona, 2018
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Auditory word recognition of verbs: Effects of verb argument structure on referent identification
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Children with SLI can exhibit reduced attention to a talker's mouth
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Do children with SLI use verbs to predict arguments and adjuncts: evidence from eye movements during listening
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Children's processing of morphosyntactic and prosodic cues in overriding context-based hypotheses: an eye tracking study
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Do children with SLI use verbs to predict arguments and adjuncts: evidence from eye movements during listening
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Argument structure and the representation of abstract semantics
Rodríguez-Ferreiro, Javier; Sanz-Torrent, Mònica; Andreu Barrachina, Llorenç. - : Public Library of Science (PLoS), 2014
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Argument structure and the representation of abstract semantics
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The formulation of argument structure in SLI: an eye-movement study
MacWhinney, Brian; Guàrdia Olmos, Joan; Andreu Barrachina, Llorenç. - : Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 2013
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Adquisició i avaluació del llenguatge, setembre 2012
Aparici Aznar, Melina; Noguera Llopart, Eulàlia. - : Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, 2012
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L'afectació del llenguatge en la malaltia d'Alzheimer
Rodríguez-Ferreiro, Javier; Coll-Florit, Marta; Andreu Barrachina, Llorenç. - : Centre Universitari de Sociolingüística i Comunicació (CUSC). Universitat de Barcelona, 2012
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Perception of audio-visual speech synchrony in Spanish-speaking children with and without specific language impairment
Sanz Torrent, Mònica; Pons Gimeno, Ferran; Lewkowicz, David J.. - : Journal of Child Language, 2012
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