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The quantitative prevalence of creaky voice (vocal fry) in varieties of English: A systematic review of the literature
Dallaston, Katherine; Docherty, Gerard. - : Public Library of Science, 2020
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Voice onset time and beyond: Exploring laryngeal contrast in 19 languages
Cho, Taehong; Whalen, D; Docherty, Gerard. - : ACADEMIC PRESS LTD- ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 2019
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Resilience of English vowel perception across regional accent variation
In: Laboratory Phonology: Journal of the Association for Laboratory Phonology; Vol 9, No 1 (2018); 11 ; 1868-6354 (2018)
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Voice Onset Time and beyond: Exploring laryngeal contrast in 19 languages
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Resilience of English vowel perception across regional accent variation
Shaw, Jason (R16227); Best, Catherine T. (R11322); Docherty, Gerard. - : U.K., Ubiquity Press, 2018
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Social and phonological dimensions of /l/-­‐‑ vocalization in West Australian English (Abstract) ...
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From Newcastle MOUTH to Aussie ears : Australians' perceptual assimilation and adaptation for Newcastle UK vowels
Best, Catherine T. (R11322); Shaw, Jason (R16227); Docherty, Gerard. - : France, International Speech and Communication Association, 2015
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Perceiving and adapting to regional accent differences among vowel subsystems
Best, Catherine T. (R11322); Shaw, Jason (R16227); Mulak, Karen E. (R18007). - : U.K., University of Glasgow, 2015
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An evaluation of usage-based approaches to the modelling of sociophonetic variability
In: Lingua <Amsterdam>. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier 142 (2014), 42-56
OLC Linguistik
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An evaluation of usage-based approaches to the modelling of sociophonetic variability
Docherty, Gerard; Foulkes, Paul. - : Elsevier, 2014
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Improvements to vowel categorization in non-native regional accents resulting from multiple- versus single-talker training : a computational approach
Wright, Sarah (S31204); Shaw, Jason (R16227); Best, Catherine T. (R11322). - : Canberra, A.C.T., Australasian Speech Science and Technology Association, 2014
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Effects of short-term exposure to unfamiliar regional accents : Australians’ categorization of London and Yorkshire English consonants
Shaw, Jason (R16227); Best, Catherine T. (R11322); Mulak, Karen E. (R18007). - : Canberra, A.C.T., Australasian Speech Science and Technology Association, 2014
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Listener evaluation of sociophonetic variability: Probing constraints and capabilities
In: Linguistics. - Berlin [u.a.] : Mouton de Gruyter 51 (2013) 2, 355-380
OLC Linguistik
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Listener evaluation of sociophonetic variability : probing constraints and capabilities
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Listener evaluation of sociophonetic variability: Probing constraints and capabilities
Langstrof, Christian; Foulkes, Paul; J. Docherty, Gerard. - : De Gruyter Mouton, 2013
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Cross-language differences in fundamental frequency range: a comparison of English and German
Mennen, Ineke; Schaeffler, Felix; Docherty, Gerard. - : Acoustical Society of America, 2012
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Speaker-related variation - sociophonetic factors
Docherty, Gerard; Mendoza-Denton, Norma. - : Oxford University Press, 2012
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Cross-language differences in fundamental frequency range: a comparison of English and German
Docherty, Gerard; Schaeffler, Felix; Mennen, Ineke. - : Acoustical Society of America, 2012
Abstract: This paper presents a systematic comparison of various measures of f0 range in female speakers of English and German. F0 range was analysed along two dimensions, level (i.e. overall f0 height) and span (extent of f0 modulation within a given speech sample). These were examined using two types of measures, one based on 'long-term distributional' (LTD) methods, and the other based on specific landmarks in speech that are linguistic in nature ('linguistic' measures). The various methods were used to identify whether and on what basis or bases speakers of these two languages differ in f0 range. Findings yielded significant cross-language differences in both dimensions of f0 range, but effect sizes were found to be larger for span than for level, and for linguistic than for LTD measures. The linguistic measures also uncovered some differences between the two languages in how f0 range varies through an intonation contour. This helps shed light on the relation between intonational structure and f0 range. ; casl ; Altenberg, E. P., and Ferrand, C. T. (2006). Fundamental frequency in monolingual English, bilingual English=Russian, and bilingual English- Cantonese young adult women,- J. Voice 20(1), 89-96. Awan, S. N., and Mueller, P. B. (1996). Speaking fundamental frequency characteristics of white, African American, and Hispanic kindergartners,- J. Speech. Hear. Res. 39(3), 573-577. Baken, R. J., and Orlikoff, R. F. (2000). Clinical Measurement of Speech and Voice, 2nd ed. (Singular Publishing Group, San Diego, CA). Banse, R., and Scherer, K. R. (1996). Acoustic profiles in vocal emotion expression,- J. Pers. Soc. Psychol. 70(3), 614-636. Beckman, M., and Ayers Elam, G. (1997). Guidelines for ToBI Labeling, version 3 (Ohio State University, Ohio). Benjamini, Y., and Hochberg, Y. (1995). Controlling the false discovery rate-a practical and powerful approach to multiple testing,- J. R. Statist. Soc. 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URL: http://10.1121/1.3681950
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Sound judgements: perception of indexical features in children’s speech
Foulkes, Paul; Docherty, Gerard; Khattab, Ghada. - : De Gruyter Mouton, 2010
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Phonological innovation in contemporary spoken British English
J. Docherty, Gerard. - : Routledge, 2010
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