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Conocimiento lingüístico de los escolares de la franja oriental de Aragón e implicaciones curriculares del tratamiento de las lenguas
Huguet, Àngel. - : Universitat de Lleida, 2018
In: TDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa) (2018)
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Reclaiming Brewery Wastewater for Soilless Agriculture
Abstract: University of Minnesota M.S. thesis.December 2018. Major: Applied Plant Sciences. Advisors: Neil Anderson, Mary Rogers. 1 computer file (PDF); iii, 66 pages. ; Urban agriculture refers to all agricultural activities that happen within the city limits. Traditionally, urban agriculture has been mostly a subsistence form of agriculture that allowed for vegetable self-assortment and occasional trade (Mougeot, 2005). In recent years, urban agriculture has gained in popularity to promote greener cities, ensure food security and healthy diets, and create new economic opportunities (Golden, 2013). Most of the world’s food production is consumed and transformed in the cities generating large amounts of organic waste. Urban agriculture has been proposed as a key activity to help recycle those nutrients present in that waste (Metson & Bennett, 2015; Smit & Nasr, 1992). Soilless systems allow urban growers to move agriculture into areas traditionally not used for production, such as rooftops, inside buildings, and parking lots. In some cases, building integration can improve overall efficiency, via increased insulation, CO2 enrichment, and water reuse (Buehler & Junge, 2016; Despommier, 2011; Sanyé-Mengual, Cerón-Palma, Oliver-Solà, Montero, & Rieradevall, 2015; Wortman, 2015). Wastewater in the US is mostly treated in a centralized manner with large amounts of energy used to aerate and remove carbon and nutrients present in the water. Irrigation with wastewater helps recycle nutrients and reduce water consumption. However, challenges to wastewater recycling include the presence of heavy metals and pathogens, especially if the treatment was improper. Decentralized treatment allows for water treated onsite. From and agricultural perspective, this allows a source of wastewater with higher nutrient load but devoid of pathogens and heavy metals presence (Libralato, Ghirardini, & Avezzù, 2012; Mohareb et al., 2017). Brewery industry produces large amounts of wastewater with a high carbon load and moderate presence of nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus. In this project, an integrated pretreatment system is being developed where an encapsulated anaerobic digester reduces the carbon load of the brewery wastewater while producing hydrogen and methane, used to produce energy. The effluent from the digester is used for soilless urban agriculture to produce vegetables while reducing nutrient load. The final effluent may then be sent to the municipal treatment plant, with a much lower nutrient and carbon load that will require less energy for its treatment. The effluent was first used in hydroponic production growing Basil (Ocimum basilicum), and mustard greens (Brassica juncea), grown in a non-circulating individual hydroponic system. In both experiments, yield of the plants was compared to plants grown using inorganic fertilizer. Our results showed that plants grown with digested wastewater had lower yields as well as higher mortality. We attributed this to a low nutrient availability, nitrogen insufficiency, high electrical conductivity, and an unstable pH. In the following experiments ammonia was used in the digester to correct for pH instead of CaCO3 with the objective of increasing N content while maintaining low electrical conductivity. Two different substrate experiments were performed, in the first one Mustard greens were grown in four different substrates: peat-based, peat based mixed 50% (v/v) with fine sand, compost based, and compost based mixed 50% (v/v) with sand. In the second mustard greens, basil and lettuce (lactuca sativa) were grown in peat. In both experiment, four different fertility treatments were used: only water, water mixed with synthetic fertilizer, raw brewery wastewater and digested wastewater from the same brewery. In the first experiment results showed similar mustard greens yields with plants grown using inorganic fertilizer compared to plants grown with inorganic fertilizer, and no big differences among substrates. In the second , lettuce and mustard greens digested wastewater grown plants had similar than inorganic fertilizer while basil had lower yields. In conclusion, it is possible to create a decentralized system that combines anaerobic digestion with soilless urban agriculture reusing brewery effluent. Work cited: Buehler, D., & Junge, R. (2016). Global trends and current status of commercial urban rooftop farming. Sustainability (Switzerland), 8(11), 1–16. Despommier, D. (2011). The vertical farm: Controlled environment agriculture carried out in tall buildings would create greater food safety and security for large urban populations. Journal Fur Verbraucherschutz Und Lebensmittelsicherheit, 6(2), 233–236. Golden, S. (2013). Urban Agriculture Impacts : Social , Health , and Economic : A Literature Review Urban Agriculture Impacts : Social , Health , and Economic A Literature Review. University of California. Agriculture and Natural Resources, 1–22. Retrieved from Libralato, G., Ghirardini, A. V., & Avezzù, F. (2012). To centralise or to decentralise : An overview of the most recent trends in wastewater treatment management. Journal of Environmental Management, 94(1), 61–68. Metson, G. S., & Bennett, E. M. (2015). Phosphorus cycling in Montreal’s food and urban agriculture systems. PLoS ONE, 10(3), 1–18. Mohareb, E., Heller, M., Novak, P., Goldstein, B., Fonoll, X., & Raskin, L. (2017). Considerations for reducing food system energy demand while scaling up urban agriculture. Environmental Research Letters, 12(12). Mougeot, L. J. A. (2005). Agropolis: The Social, Political and Environmental Dimensions of Urban Agriculture. Agriculture. Sanyé-Mengual, E., Cerón-Palma, I., Oliver-Solà, J., Montero, J. I., & Rieradevall, J. (2015). Integrating Horticulture into Cities: A Guide for Assessing the Implementation Potential of Rooftop Greenhouses (RTGs) in Industrial and Logistics Parks. Journal of Urban Technology, 22(1), 87–111. Smit, J., & Nasr, J. (1992). Urban agriculture for sustainable cities: using wastes and idle land and water bodies as resources. Environment and Urbanization, 4(2), 141–152. Wortman, S. E. (2015). Crop physiological response to nutrient solution electrical conductivity and pH in an ebb-and-flow hydroponic system. Scientia Horticulturae, 194, 34–42.
Keyword: Brewery; Soilless production; Urban agriculture; Wastewater reuse
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Discursive strategies and learning of the school language: an ethnographic study in a classroom with high ethnic and linguistic diversity
In: Cultura y educación. - Madrid : Fundación Infancia y Aprendizaje 26 (2014) 2, 349-376
OLC Linguistik
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Una anàlisi comparativa del coneixement de català de l'alumnat castellanoparlant autòcton i l'alumnat hispà en finalitzar l'educació infantil a Catalunya
In: Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia; Núm. 45 (2008); 203-228 (2014)
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Exploring change in teachers' beliefs about immigrant families after participating in the educational project entitled funds of knowledge
In: Cultura y educación. - Madrid : Fundación Infancia y Aprendizaje 25 (2013) 2, 241-254
OLC Linguistik
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Conocimiento de la lengua de la escuela y práctica educativa: un estudio de caso en una aula de acogida lingüística de Catalunya
Rodríguez Hernández, Neus. - : Universitat de Girona, 2013
In: TDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa) (2013)
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Conocimiento de la lengua de la escuela y práctica educativa: un estudio de caso en una aula de acogida lingüística de Catalunya
Rodríguez Hernández, Neus. - : Universitat de Girona, 2013
In: TDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa) (2013)
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Les llengües de l’alumnat dins del sistema educatiu català als inicis del segle XXI
Vila, Ignasi; Siqués, Carina. - : Graó, 2013
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Les llengües de l’alumnat dins del sistema educatiu català als inicis del segle XXI
Vila, Ignasi; Siqués, Carina. - : Graó, 2013
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Conocimiento de la lengua de la escuela y práctica educativa: un estudio de caso en una aula de acogida lingüística de Catalunya
Rodríguez Hernández, Neus. - : Universitat de Girona, 2013
In: TDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa) (2013)
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Algunhas reflexións sobre a educación bilingüe
Vila, Ignasi. - : Coordinadora Galega de Equipos de Normalización e Dinamización Lingüística, 2012
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Variables implicadas en la adquisición del catalán en las aulas de acogida de educación primaria de Cataluña: un estudio empírico
Siqués, Carina; Perera, Santiago; Vila, Ignasi. - : Universidad de Murcia. Servicio de Publicaciones, 2012
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Variables implicadas en la adquisición del catalán en las aulas de acogida de educación primaria de Cataluña: un estudio empírico
Siqués, Carina; Perera, Santiago; Vila, Ignasi. - : Universidad de Murcia. Servicio de Publicaciones, 2012
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Algunhas reflexións sobre a educación bilingüe
Vila, Ignasi. - : Coordinadora Galega de Equipos de Normalización e Dinamización Lingüística, 2012
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Educación lingüística, práctica educativa y organización escolar en Cataluña
In: Escenarios bilingües. - Bern [u.a.] : Lang (2010), 43-77
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Effects of sociolinguistic environment and the length of residence on the linguistic performance in Catalan and Spanish of sixth grade immigrant pupils in Catalonia
In: Sociolinguistic studies. - London : Equinox Publ. 4 (2010) 1, 63-84
OLC Linguistik
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Identidad nacional, lengua y escuela = National identity, language and school
Esteban Guitart, Moisès; Vila, Ignasi; Oller, Judith. - : Espanya. Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, 2010
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Qué puede aportar la educación bilingüe a la educación lingüística del Siglo XXI
Vila, Ignasi. - : Federación de Asociaciones de Inspectores de Educación (ADIDE), 2010
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El carácter fronterizo de las identidades contemporáneas: el caso de Chiapas
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Qué puede aportar la educación bilingüe a la educación lingüística del Siglo XXI
Vila, Ignasi. - : Federación de Asociaciones de Inspectores de Educación (ADIDE), 2010
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