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Contextual information helps understand messages written with textisms - Data Repository ...
Jacquet, Baptiste. - : Open Science Framework, 2021
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The Multimodal Turing Test for Realistic Humanoid Robots with Embodied Artificial Intelligence
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Deceitful media: Artificial intelligence and social life after the Turing Test
Simone Natale. - : Oxford University Press, 2021. : country:USA, 2021. : place:New York, 2021
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Manual Re-evaluation of Translation Quality of WMT 2018 English-Czech systems
Popel, Martin; Tomková, Markéta; Tomek, Jakub. - : Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics (UFAL), 2020
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Questioning Turing test
Damassino, Nicola Michele. - : The University of Edinburgh, 2020
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Twenty Years Beyond the Turing Test: Moving Beyond the Human Judges Too
Hernández-Orallo, José. - : Springer-Verlag, 2020
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Improbotics: Exploring the Imitation Game Using Machine Intelligence in Improvised Theatre
In: Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment; Vol. 14 No. 1 (2018): Fourteenth Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment Conference ; 2334-0924 ; 2326-909X (2018)
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From Big Data to Deep Learning: A Leap Towards Strong AI or ‘Intelligentia Obscura’?
In: Big Data and Cognitive Computing ; Volume 2 ; Issue 3 (2018)
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AI to Bypass Creativity. Will Robots Replace Journalists? (The Answer Is “Yes”)
In: Information ; Volume 9 ; Issue 7 (2018)
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Schémas Winograd en français: une étude statistique et comportementale
In: Actes de TALN 2017 ; TALN 2017 ; ; TALN 2017, Jun 2017, Orléans, France (2017)
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Spatial IQ Test for AI
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Evaluation in artificial intelligence: From task-oriented to ability-oriented measurement
José Hernández-Orallo. - : Springer Verlag (Germany), 2016
Abstract: The final publication is available at Springer via 10.1007/s10462-016-9505-7. ; The evaluation of artificial intelligence systems and components is crucial for the progress of the discipline. In this paper we describe and critically assess the different ways AI systems are evaluated, and the role of components and techniques in these systems. We first focus on the traditional task-oriented evaluation approach. We identify three kinds of evaluation: human discrimination, problem benchmarks and peer confrontation. We describe some of the limitations of the many evaluation schemes and competitions in these three categories, and follow the progression of some of these tests. We then focus on a less customary (and challenging) ability-oriented evaluation approach, where a system is characterised by its (cognitive) abilities, rather than by the tasks it is designed to solve. We discuss several possibilities: the adaptation of cognitive tests used for humans and animals, the development of tests derived from algorithmic information theory or more integrated approaches under the perspective of universal psychometrics. We analyse some evaluation tests from AI that are better positioned for an ability-oriented evaluation and discuss how their problems and limitations can possibly be addressed with some of the tools and ideas that appear within the paper. Finally, we enumerate a series of lessons learnt and generic guidelines to be used when an AI evaluation scheme is under consideration. ; I thank the organisers of the AEPIA Summer School On Artificial Intelligence, held in September 2014, for giving me the opportunity to give a lecture on 'AI Evaluation'. This paper was born out of and evolved through that lecture. The information about many benchmarks and competitions discussed in this paper have been contrasted with information from and discussions with many people: M. Bedia, A. Cangelosi, C. Dimitrakakis, I. GarcIa-Varea, Katja Hofmann, W. Langdon, E. Messina, S. Mueller, M. Siebers and C. Soares. Figure 4 is courtesy of F. Martinez-Plumed. Finally, I thank the anonymous reviewers, whose comments have helped to significantly improve the balance and coverage of the paper. This work has been partially supported by the EU (FEDER) and the Spanish MINECO under Grants TIN 2013-45732-C4-1-P, TIN 2015-69175-C4-1-R and by Generalitat Valenciana PROMETEOII2015/013. ; José Hernández-Orallo (2016). Evaluation in artificial intelligence: From task-oriented to ability-oriented measurement. 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Keyword: AI competitions; AI evaluation; Cognitive abilities; LENGUAJES Y SISTEMAS INFORMATICOS; Machine intelligence; Turing test; Universal psychometrics
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Tests of machine intelligence
Legg, Shane; Hutter, Marcus. - : Springer Verlag, 2015
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Universal intelligence: A definition of machine intelligence
In: Minds and Machines: journal for artificial intelligence, philosophy and cognitive sciences (2015)
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Universal intelligence: a definition of machine intelligence
In: Minds and Machines (2015)
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Universal intelligence: a definition of machine intelligence
In: Minds and Machines (2015)
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Universal intelligence: A definition of machine intelligence
In: Minds and Machines: journal for artificial intelligence, philosophy and cognitive sciences (2015)
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Tests of machine intelligence
Legg, Shane; Hutter, Marcus. - : Springer Verlag, 2015
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El Test de Turing para la evaluación de resumen automático de texto
In: Linguamática, Vol 7, Iss 2 (2015) (2015)
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Using Cognitive Tunnels in a New Approach to Building Social Elevators in the Information Society
Kane, Thomas B. - : IOS Press, 2014
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