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Extractive summarization using siamese hierarchical transformer encoders
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Desarrollo de algoritmos para el aprendizaje automático de palabras en idiomas desconocidos a partir de audio.
Gómez Requena, David. - : Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019
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Summarization of Spanish Talk Shows with Siamese Hierarchical Attention Networks
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Siamese hierarchical attention networks for extractive summarization
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ALBAYZIN Query-by-example Spoken Term Detection 2016 evaluation
Abstract: [EN] Query-by-example Spoken Term Detection (QbE STD) aims to retrieve data from a speech repository given an acoustic (spoken) query containing the term of interest as the input. This paper presents the systems submitted to the ALBAYZIN QbE STD 2016 Evaluation held as a part of the ALBAYZIN 2016 Evaluation Campaign at the IberSPEECH 2016 conference. Special attention was given to the evaluation design so that a thorough post-analysis of the main results could be carried out. Two different Spanish speech databases, which cover different acoustic and language domains, were used in the evaluation: the MAVIR database, which consists of a set of talks from workshops, and the EPIC database, which consists of a set of European Parliament sessions in Spanish. We present the evaluation design, both databases, the evaluation metric, the systems submitted to the evaluation, the results, and a thorough analysis and discussion. Four different research groups participated in the evaluation, and a total of eight template matching-based systems were submitted. We compare the systems submitted to the evaluation and make an in-depth analysis based on some properties of the spoken queries, such as query length, single-word/multi-word queries, and in-language/out-of-language queries. ; This work was partially supported by Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (FCT) under the projects UID/EEA/50008/2013 (pluriannual funding in the scope of the LETSREAD project) and UID/CEC/50021/2013, and Grant SFRH/BD/97187/2013. Jorge Proenca is supported by the SFRH/BD/97204/2013 FCT Grant. This work was also supported by the Galician Government ('Centro singular de investigacion de Galicia' accreditation 2016-2019 ED431G/01 and the research contract GRC2014/024 (Modalidade: Grupos de Referencia Competitiva 2014)), the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the projects "DSSL: Redes Profundas y Modelos de Subespacios para Deteccion y Seguimiento de Locutor, Idioma y Enfermedades Degenerativas a partir de la Voz" (TEC2015-68172-C2-1-P) and the TIN2015-64282-R funded by Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad in Spain, the Spanish Government through the project "TraceThem" (TEC2015-65345-P), and AtlantTIC ED431G/04. ; Tejedor, J.; Toledano, DT.; Lopez-Otero, P.; Docio-Fernandez, L.; Proença, J.; Perdigão, F.; García-Granada, F. (2018). ALBAYZIN Query-by-example Spoken Term Detection 2016 evaluation. EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech and Music Processing. 1-25. ; S ; 1 ; 25 ; Jarina, R, Kuba, M, Gubka, R, Chmulik, M, Paralic, M (2013). UNIZA system for the spoken web search task at MediaEval 2013. In Proc. of MediaEval. Ruzica Piskac, New Haven, (pp. 791–792). ; Ali, A, & Clements, MA (2013). Spoken web search using and ergodic hidden Markov model of speech. In Proc. of MediaEval. Ruzica Piskac, New Haven, (pp. 861–862). ; Buzo, A, Cucu, H, Burileanu, C (2014). SpeeD@MediaEval 2014: Spoken term detection with robust multilingual phone recognition. In Proc. of MediaEval. Ruzica Piskac, New Haven, (pp. 721–722). ; Caranica, A, Buzo, A, Cucu, H, Burileanu, C (2015). SpeeD@MediaEval 2015: Multilingual phone recognition approach to Query By Example STD. In Proc. of MediaEval. Ruzica Piskac, New Haven, (pp. 781–783). ; Kesiraju, S, Mantena, G, Prahallad, K (2014). IIIT-H system for MediaEval 2014 QUESST. In Proc. of MediaEval. Ruzica Piskac, New Haven, (pp. 761–762). ; Ma, M, & Rosenberg, A (2015). CUNY systems for the Query-by-Example search on speech task at MediaEval 2015. In Proc. of MediaEval. Ruzica Piskac, New Haven, (pp. 831–833). ; Takahashi, J, Hashimoto, T, Konno, R, Sugawara, S, Ouchi, K, Oshima, S, Akyu, T, Itoh, Y (2014). An IWAPU STD system for OOV query terms and spoken queries. In Proc. of NTCIR-11. National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, (pp. 384–389). ; Makino, M, & Kai, A (2014). Combining subword and state-level dissimilarity measures for improved spoken term detection in NTCIR-11 SpokenQuery & Doc task. In Proc. of NTCIR-11. National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, (pp. 413–418). ; Konno, R, Ouchi, K, Obara, M, Shimizu, Y, Chiba, T, Hirota, T, Itoh, Y (2016). An STD system using multiple STD results and multiple rescoring method for NTCIR-12 SpokenQuery & Doc task. In Proc. of NTCIR-12. National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, (pp. 200–204). ; Sakamoto, N, Yamamoto, K, Nakagawa, S (2015). Combination of syllable based N-gram search and word search for spoken term detection through spoken queries and IV/OOV classification. In Proc. of ASRU. IEEE, New York, (pp. 200–206). ; Hou, J, Pham, VT, Leung, C-C, Wang, L, 2, HX, Lv, H, Xie, L, Fu, Z, Ni, C, Xiao, X, Chen, H, Zhang, S, Sun, S, Yuan, Y, Li, P, Nwe, TL, Sivadas, S, Ma, B, Chng, ES, Li, H (2015). The NNI Query-by-Example system for MediaEval 2015. In Proc. of MediaEval. Ruzica Piskac, New Haven, (pp. 141–143). ; Vavrek, J, Viszlay, P, Lojka, M, Pleva, M, Juhar, J, Rusko, M (2015). TUKE at MediaEval 2015 QUESST. In Proc. of MediaEval. Ruzica Piskac, New Haven, (pp. 451–453). ; Mantena, G, Achanta, S, Prahallad, K (2014). Query-by-example spoken term detection using frequency domain linear prediction and non-segmental dynamic time warping. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 22(5), 946–955. ; Anguera, X, & Ferrarons, M (2013). Memory efficient subsequence DTW for query-by-example spoken term detection. In Proc. of ICME. IEEE, New York, (pp. 1–6). ; Tulsiani, H, & Rao, P (2015). The IIT-B Query-by-Example system for MediaEval 2015. 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Keyword: International evaluation; LENGUAJES Y SISTEMAS INFORMATICOS; Query-by-example; Spanish,Search on spontaneous speech; Spoken Term Detectio
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Detección automática de segmentos acústicos e inferencia de unidades lingüísticas.
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ELIRF at MEDIAEVAL 2013: Similar Segments of Social Speech Task
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Language modelization and categorization for voice-activated QA
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