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Strubel-Burgdorf, S.: Compliments and Positive Assessments: Sequential Organization in Multi-party Conversations : Pragmatics and Beyond Series, John Benjamins, Amsterdam [<Journal>]
Golato, Andrea [Verfasser]
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A conversation analytic study of practices of affiliation and disaffiliation in Arabic in Aljazeera’s “The Opposite Direction”
Shalash, Dana. - 2019
Abstract: This dissertation studies the discursive strategies used by the interviewer (IR) to further or block the interviewees’ (IEs’) agenda and stance in “The Opposite Direction,” a weekly news interview program that broadcasts live in Arabic on Aljazeera. The show has been on the air since Aljazeera’s inception, in the late 1990s. The show hosts two guests with opposing political views, who are pitted against each other in a heated discussion as they represent and defend their own political and institutional affiliation. I argue that the IR uses different questioning practices with the two interviewees (IEs) allowing one to further his agenda while blocking the other’s agenda. Guests whose political views are in sync with those of the IR are seated to the right of the screen. I call them interviewees in the favorable position (IEFs). The other guests, representing the ‘other’ view, are seated to the left of the screen and are in the disfavorable position (IEDs). This dissertation shows that these actions of agenda- furthering or blocking are implemented by the IR and shows how they are achieved. For the analysis presented in this dissertation, I have studied twenty, fifty-minute episodes from “The Opposite Direction” using Conversation Analysis as my analytic method. The dissertation shows that the IR regularly employs four practices that allow him to further his own and his IEFs’ agenda. Those include 1) repeats of IEFs’ prior talk with rising intonation, 2) pseudo candidate understandings, 3) candidate responses, and 4) anticipatory completions. The first practice is treated by the IEF as an opportunity to confirm and highlight a previous point. As a result, the IEFs normally respond by producing an identical repeat. For the second strategy, the IR uses the format of a candidate understanding, resaying of previous turns in new words as if to check his understanding. I referred to this practice as a “pseudo” candidate understanding because there is little to no connection between the IEFs’ previous points and the IR’s reformulation. Using pseudo candidate understandings allows the IR to divert the conversation in a specific direction that allows the IR to further his own agenda. The IEFs respond by confirming those pseudo candidate understandings, and at times incorporating them in their next turns. The third practice, using candidate responses, allows the IR to insert, model, and cue to the IEF a satisfactory response even before the IEFs have had a chance to respond to the IR’s question. And finally, the IR displays affiliation with his IEFs by completing his IEF’s turn in progress. All four practices allow the IEF to have more opportunities to talk and to further either the IR’s or the IEFs’ own agenda. My dissertation also shows that the IR uses disaffiliative strategies with his IEDs. Those include 1) repeats of IEDs’ prior turns, 2) disagreement through disrespectful language, and 3) using ‘did you know’ questions. Repeats of IEDs’ prior turns, or DOIRs as I refer to them, allow the IR to block the IED’s turn in favor of issuing a direct disagreement in the next turn. The repeat in a DOIR sequence is done to set up a contrast between what the IED has just said and what the IR subsequently claims to be true. The dissertation distinguishes between the affiliative and disaffiliative repeats. It shows that Disaffiliative other initiated repeats (DOIRs) are distinct from their Affiliative repeats (the AOIRs). Whereas AOIRs are said with rising intonation and are oriented to as an opportunity to confirm and highlight a previous point, DOIRs are said with falling intonation and are treated as a pre-disagreement. The dissertation fills a gap in the Arabic literature by studying and analyzing examples of repair formats in Arabic talk including repeats. The dissertation also builds on existing literature on broadcast news interviews and it presents examples of other undescribed strategies through which IRs express adversarialness with their IEs. The dissertation has implications that are multidisciplinary for Conversation Analysis, Arabic linguistics, cross cultural studies, Middle Eastern studies and Arabic media studies.
Keyword: Affiliation; Aljazeera; Arabic; Broadcast News Interviews; Callhome; Conversation Analysis; Disaffiliation; Discourse Analysis; Institutional Talk; Linguistics; Non-repair; Question-answer design; Questioning; Repair; Repeats; The Opposite Direction
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Teacher-student interaction in one-on-one ESL writing conferences
Yoon, Jihye. - 2019
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The real-time processing of pragmatics. An experimental psychological-conversation analytic study of obwohl clauses in spoken German
In: Journal of Pragmatics 132 (2018), 21-32
IDS Bibliografie zur Gesprächsforschung
Turn-initial naja in German
In: Between turn and sequence (Amsterdam, 2018), p. 413-444
MPI für Psycholinguistik
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Ethnomethodology and conversation analysis
In: Methods in pragmatics (2018), S. 367-394
Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft
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Turn-initial naja in German
In: Between Turn and Sequence. Turn-Initial Particles Across Languages (2018), 413-444
IDS Bibliografie zur Gesprächsforschung
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Naturally occurring data
In: The Routledge handbook of pragmatics (Abingdon, 2017), p. 21-26
MPI für Psycholinguistik
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Naturally occuring data
In: Routledge handbook of pragmatics (2017), S. 21-26
Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft
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Jaja in spoken German. Managing Knowledge Expectations
In: Die Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German 49 (2016) 1, 80-96
IDS Bibliografie zur Gesprächsforschung
Nu(n) in Standard German: Its functions as a temporal adverbial, as an adverbial structuring discourse, and as a modal particle and discourse marker
In: NU/NÅ. A family of discourse markers across the languages of Europe and beyond (2016), 320-355
IDS Bibliografie zur Gesprächsforschung
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Reference repair in German and French
In: Journal of Pragmatics (JoP) 87 (2015), 218-237
IDS Bibliografie zur Gesprächsforschung
Pedagogical artifacts in teacher-initiated response pursuits: a conversation analytic study of interaction in the French foreign language classroom
Chazal, Kirby C. - 2015
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Voilà, an orientation shift marker in modern French discourse: a conversation analytic perspective
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Reference repair in German and French
In: Journal of pragmatics (2014)
IDS Bibliografie zur deutschen Grammatik
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Checking recognition: do you remember and do you know in talk-in-interaction
You, Hie-Jung. - 2014
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Reparaturen von Personenreferenzen
In: Deutsche Sprache (2013)
IDS Mannheim
Reparaturen von Personenreferenzen
In: Deutsche Sprache. - Berlin : E. Schmidt 41 (2013) 1, 31-51
OLC Linguistik
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Third - Position repeats in German: The case of repair - and request - for - information sequences
In: Gesprächsforschung. Online-Zeitschrift zur verbalen Interaktion 14 (2013), 133-166
IDS Bibliografie zur Gesprächsforschung
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Reparaturen von Personenreferenzen
In: Deutsche Sprache (ds) 1 (2013), 31-51
IDS Bibliografie zur Gesprächsforschung
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