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Technology-mediated task-based language teaching : a qualitative research synthesis
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Student Centered Language Teaching: A Focus on Student Identity
In: All Graduate Plan B and other Reports (2022)
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Educating for Global Competence: Co-Constructing Outcomes in the Field: An Action Research Project
In: All Antioch University Dissertations & Theses (2021)
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Raising Awareness about Task Assessment Rubrics in Task Based Language Teaching ...
Kunnel, Johnson. - : Werklund School of Education, 2021
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The impact of positive feedback on student outcomes and perceptions
In: John Griffith (2021)
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Leading schooling in Aotearoa New Zealand: Understanding and supporting the weight of culture for Māori teachers
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Non-Māori-speaking New Zealanders have a Māori proto-lexicon
Oh Y; Needle J; Todd, Simon. - : Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2021
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A Review of Indigenous Second Language Acquisition: Factors leading to proficiency in te reo Māori (the Māori language)
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A dissertação argumentativa do ENEM : qualidades discursivas, imitação e improvisação
Cecato, Cleuza. - 2021
Abstract: Com base em uma possibilidade de leitura e interpretação das qualidades discursivas de Guedes (2009), esta tese apresenta a pesquisa de doutorado que tem por objetivo discutir as implicações do entendimento e da utilização dessas qualidades (questionamento, unidade temática, concretude e objetividade) em textos escritos por estudantes concluintes de Ensino Médio, em preparação para o Enem. Essa proposição tem origem na observação periódica, de mais de uma década, das características, certezas, dúvidas e dificuldades manifestadas pelos estudantes dessa fase da Educação Básica, em escolas públicas e particulares, na produção de textos escritos. A recorrência dessas experiências levou à concepção desta pesquisa e possibilitou, em 2016 e 2017, a participação de uma turma de 3.ª série de Ensino Médio, com o uso de estratégias metodológicas de pesquisa-ação, em práticas de ensino-aprendizagem, na elaboração de textos dissertativo-argumentativos para o Enem. Como corpus da pesquisa, foram escolhidas as produções realizadas por esses estudantes, em suas diversas etapas, revelando-se, por meio desses textos, a importância dos movimentos de supressão e complementação feitos coletiva e individualmente, por exemplo, e os motivos de sua realização – com anotações, comentários e discussões sobre o entendimento da prática de sala de aula, inscrita, aqui, na esfera das práticas sociais. Como objetivos específicos, a análise e interpretação dos dados buscou responder às questões sobre a relação entre Guedes e outros autores que trabalham com diferentes abordagens a respeito das práticas de escrita na sala de aula, como o processo de imitação pode utilizar produtivamente as qualidades discursivas promovendo, ao mesmo tempo, a singularização das experiências com o texto escrito para uma finalidade específica e os efeitos que os hábitos de escrita desenvolvidos nesse processo podem gerar. Ao final da pesquisa, algumas considerações podem ser enunciadas: a) o processo de ampliação de vocabulário, reorganização sintática e busca de uma proposição própria de texto aconteceu pela colaboração coletiva; b) entender o leitor/interlocutor do texto a ser produzido como alguém real gerou um movimento de empatia; c) a orientação de escrever com base em propostas específicas, considerando-se a finalidade de produção de textos dissertativo-argumentativos para o Enem, permitiu o trânsito de ideias entre realidade interior, realidade social mais próxima e também mais ampla das problematizações; d) a percepção das relações entre sequências textuais, gêneros de texto e diferentes expectativas de leitura pôde ser melhor elaborada graças ao entendimento de como as qualidades discursivas podem contribuir para a escrita do tipo de texto empregado na pesquisa; e) a prática compartilhada e dialogada possibilitou à professora-pesquisadora a formulação de estratégias para orientar e avaliar o processo de reescrita, e aos estudantes, a compreensão e a apropriação de suas habilidades de escrita como realização individual e não reprodução. Tudo isso permeado por muita amorografia. ; Based upon a possibility of reading and interpreting the discursive qualities of Guedes (2009), this thesis presents the doctoral research that aims to discuss the implications of understanding and the usage of these qualities (questioning, thematic unit, concreteness and objectivity) in texts written by high school graduates, in preparation for Enem. This proposition has its origins in more than a decade of periodic observation of the characteristics, certainties, doubts and difficulties manifested by the students of this phase of basic education, in public and private schools, in the production of written texts. The recurrence of these experiences led to the conception of this research and made possible, in 2016 and 2017, the participation of a 3rd grade High School class, using methodological strategies of action research, in teaching-learning practices, in the elaboration of argumentative texts for Enem. It was chosen as a corpus of the research, the productions made by these students, in their different stages, revealing, through these texts, the importance of the suppression and complementation movements made collectively and individually, for example, and the reasons for their realization - with notes, comments and discussions on the understanding of classroom practice, inscribed here, in the sphere of social practices. As specific objectives, the analysis and interpretation of the data sought to answer questions about the relationship between Guedes and other authors who work with different approaches regarding the writing practices in the classroom, as the imitation process can productively use the discursive qualities promoting , at the same time, the singularization of the experiences with the written text for a specific purpose and the effects that the writing habits developed in this process can generate. At the end of the research, some considerations can be formulated: a) the process of expanding vocabulary, syntactic reorganization and the search for a specific text proposition happened through collective collaboration; b) understanding the reader / interlocutor of the text to be produced as someone real generated a movement of empathy; c) the orientation of writing based on specific proposals, considering the purpose of producing dissertative-argumentative texts for Enem, allowed the transit of ideas between inner reality, a closer and also wider social reality of the problematizations; d) the perception of the relationships between textual sequences, discursive genres and different reading expectations could be better elaborated thanks to the understanding of how discursive qualities can contribute to the writing of the type of text used in the research; e) the shared and dialogued practice enabled the teacher-researcher to formulate strategies to guide and evaluate the rewriting process, and to students, the understanding and appropriation of their writing skills as individual achievement and not reproduction. All this permeated by a lot of amorography. ; Fondée sur une possibilité de lecture et d’interprétation des qualités discursives de Guedes (2009), cette thèse présente la recherche de doctorat qui vise à discuter des implications de la compréhension et de l’utilisation de ces qualités (le questionnement, l’unité thématique, la concretude et l’objectivité) dans les productions textuelles des étudiants concluants du Lycée, en préparation à l’Enem*. Cette proposition trouve son origine dans l’observation périodique, depuis plus de dix ans, des caractéristiques, des certitudes, des doutes et des difficultés manifestés par ces apprenants, dans les écoles publiques et privées, dans leurs productions de textes écrits. La récurrence de ces expériences a conduit à la conception de cette recherche et a permis, en 2016 et 2017, la participation d’une classe terminale, avec l’utilisation de stratégies méthodologiques de recherche-action, dans les pratiques d’enseignement-apprentissage, dans l’élaboration de textes argumentatifs pour l’Enem. En tant que corpus de la recherche, la production textuelle réalisée par ces étudiants ont été choisie, dans des différentes étapes, en révélant, à travers ces textes; importance des mouvements de suppression et de complémentation réalisés collectivement et individuellement, par exemple, et les raisons de sa réalisation - avec des notes, des commentaires et des discussions sur la compréhension de la pratique de la salle de classe, inscrite ici dans le domaine des pratiques sociales. En tant qu objectifs spécifiques, analyse et interprétation des données ont cherché à répondre aux questions sur la relation entre Guedes et autres auteurs qui travaillent avec des différentes approches concernant les pratiques écriture en classe, car le processus d’imitation peut utiliser de manière productive les qualités discursives tout en promouvant la singularisation des expériences avec le texte écrit dans un but spécifique et les effets que peuvent générer les habitudes écriture développées dans ce processus. À la fin de la recherche, quelques considérations peuvent être énoncées : a) le processus d’élargissement du vocabulaire, la réorganisation syntaxique et la recherche d’une proposition propre de texte spécifique se sont déroulés dans le cadre une collaboration collective; b) comprendre le lecteur/interlocuteur du texte à produire comme quelque un de réel a généré un mouvement d’empathie; c) l’orientation d’écrire sur la base de propositions spécifiques, étant donné la finalité de production de textes dissertatifs-argumentatifs pour l’Enem; a permis le transit d’idées entre la réalité intérieure, une réalité sociale plus proche et aussi plus large des problématiques; d) la perception des rapports entre les séquences textuelles, genres discursifs et différentes attentes de lecture a pu être mieux élaborée grâce à la compréhension de la façon dont les qualités discursives peuvent contribuer à l’écriture du type de texte employé dans la recherche; e) la pratique partagée et dialoguée a permis à l’enseignant-chercheur de formuler des stratégies pour guider et évaluer le processus de réécriture, et pour les étudiants, la compréhension et l’appropriation de leurs compétences d’écriture comme réalisation individuelle et non de reproduction. Tout cela imprégné de beaucoup d’amorographie.
Keyword: Action-research; Amorographie; Amorography; Discursive qualities; Dissertative-argumentative texts; Enseignement-apprentissage; Ensino-aprendizagem; Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (ENEM); Linguística; Pesquisa-ação; Qualidades discursivas; Qualités discursives; Recherche-action; Teaching-learning; Textes dissertatifs-argumentatifs; Texto argumentativo; Texto dissertativo
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Research development in doctoral education: role of languages and cultures
Pinto, Susana. - : Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021
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Flipped learning y buenas prácticas docentes en educación secundaria
In: Comunicar: Revista científica iberoamericana de comunicación y educación, ISSN 1134-3478, Nº 68, 2021, pags. 107-117 (2021)
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Reflections on emerging language in adult learners of Nuwä Abigip an Indigenous language of California
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Creating effective blended language learning courses : a research-based guide from planning to evaluation
Mizza, Daria; Rubio, Fernando. - Cambridge, United Kingdom : Cambridge University Press, 2020
UB Frankfurt Linguistik
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Enhancements and limitations to ICT-based informal language learning : emerging research and opportunities
Ahmed, Rashad (Herausgeber); Hagar, Trenton (Herausgeber); Al-kadi, Abdu (Herausgeber). - Hershey, PA : IGI Global, 2020
UB Frankfurt Linguistik
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Teaching language online : a guide for designing, developing, and delivering online, blended, and flipped language courses
Russell, Victoria; Murphy-Judy, Kathryn. - London : Routledge, 2020
UB Frankfurt Linguistik
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Understanding Teacher Experience with Instructional Coaching to Inform Program Improvement Reflecting the Principles of Adult Learning Theory: A Mixed Method Case Study
In: Graduate Theses & Dissertations (2020)
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Die notwendige Zumutung der Komplexität und welche Früchte sie trägt. Prinzipien, Gegenstände und ausgewählte Befunde Rekonstruktiver Fremdsprachenforschung ...
Bonnet, Andreas. - : Philipps-Universität, 2020
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Autorenrunden. Kinder entwickeln literale Kompetenzen. Eine interdisziplinäre theoriebildende Studie zu Gesprächen über eigene Texte in der Grundschule ...
Leßmann, Beate. - : Waxmann, 2020
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Cuban Immigrants’ Experience with Acculturation and How They Cope in the United States
In: Dissertations (2020)
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Inklusionsorientierte Lehr-Lern-Bausteine für die Hochschullehre. Ein Konzept zur Professionalisierung zukünftiger Lehrkräfte
Brodesser, Ellen Hrsg.; Frohn, Julia Hrsg.; Welskop, Nena Hrsg.. - : Verlag Julius Klinkhardt, 2020. : Bad Heilbrunn, 2020. : pedocs-Dokumentenserver/DIPF, 2020
In: Bad Heilbrunn : Verlag Julius Klinkhardt 2020, 203 S. - (Interdisziplinäre Beiträge zur Inklusionsforschung) (2020)
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