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Förderung des Bildungsspracherwerbs bei heterogenen sprachlichen Voraussetzungen im Unterricht mit digitalen Medien ...
Pöschl, Sonja-Hella. - : Verlag Julius Klinkhardt, 2022
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Zum Ungleichgewicht digital vermittelten Sachunterrichts und sprachlich-kommunikativer Anforderungen ...
Kern, Friederike; Schwier, Volker; Stövesand, Björn. - : Verlag Julius Klinkhardt, 2022
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Sprachliche Individualisierung mittels digitaler Medien ...
Otte, Mayele. - : Verlag Julius Klinkhardt, 2022
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Sprachliche Individualisierung mittels digitaler Medien
In: Haider, Michael [Hrsg.]; Schmeinck, Daniela [Hrsg.]: Digitalisierung in der Grundschule. Grundlagen, Gelingensbedingungen und didaktische Konzeptionen am Beispiel des Fachs Sachunterricht. Bad Heilbrunn : Verlag Julius Klinkhardt 2022, S. 140-153 (2022)
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Förderung des Bildungsspracherwerbs bei heterogenen sprachlichen Voraussetzungen im Unterricht mit digitalen Medien
In: Haider, Michael [Hrsg.]; Schmeinck, Daniela [Hrsg.]: Digitalisierung in der Grundschule. Grundlagen, Gelingensbedingungen und didaktische Konzeptionen am Beispiel des Fachs Sachunterricht. Bad Heilbrunn : Verlag Julius Klinkhardt 2022, S. 124-139 (2022)
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Zum Ungleichgewicht digital vermittelten Sachunterrichts und sprachlich-kommunikativer Anforderungen
In: Sachunterricht in der Informationsgesellschaft. Bad Heilbrunn : Verlag Julius Klinkhardt 2022, S. 114-121. - (Probleme und Perspektiven des Sachunterrichts; 32) (2022)
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Community Mapping 2.0: Using Technology to Raise Community Awareness
In: Networks: An Online Journal for Teacher Research (2022)
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Gender Does Not Equal Genitalia: A Review of the Implications of Inclusivity in School-Based Sexual Health Education on the Identity Development of Non-Binary and Transgender Adolescents
In: University Honors Theses (2022)
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Exploring the links between student ethnicity, perceived SES and teachers' academic judgements ...
Doyle, Lewis. - : Open Science Framework, 2022
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Supporting English Language Learners: Preparing Content Area Teachers to Promote Academic Achievement among Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Learner Populations.
In: Culminating Experience Projects (2022)
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Engaging Disinterested Adolescent Readers in the Middle School Classroom
In: Culminating Experience Projects (2022)
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Relating Through Recognizing: The Content, Structure, and Contexts of School Staff Member Recognition Networks
Evans, Cortney. - 2022
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Teachers' Perceptions of Cultural Contents in English Language Textbooks Used in Multicultural Classrooms at a Thai Primary School
In: ASEAS - Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies ; 14 ; 2 ; 227-241 ; Multicultural Lingual and Multicultural Education (2022)
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Ethnic Content Integration and Local Curriculum in Myanmar
In: ASEAS - Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies ; 14 ; 2 ; 155-172 ; Multicultural Lingual and Multicultural Education (2022)
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"Mehrsprachigkeit als Handlungsfeld Interkultureller Schulentwicklung (MIKS)": Einblicke in Erfahrungen mit dem Einbezug von migrationsbedingter Mehrsprachigkeit in Grundschulen
In: Diskurs Kindheits- und Jugendforschung / Discourse. Journal of Childhood and Adolescence Research ; 15 ; 1 ; 103-108 (2022)
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Educação global: perspetivas de alunos e professores de uma escola europeia
Abstract: A presente investigação pretende contribuir para a produção de conhecimento sobre a educação global em contexto escolar junto de alunos e professores de uma Escola Europeia, em contexto internacional, procurando-se ressaltar alguns aspetos fulcrais deste fenómeno, a partir da seguinte questão de investigação: Quais são as perceções dos alunos e dos professores sobre a educação global e o desenvolvimento das competências globais numa Escola Europeia, em contexto internacional? Dada a relevância da comunicação nas sociedades atuais e os seus contributos para a globalização, destacamos os conceitos de globalização, cultura e comunicação, relevando o papel da comunicação e das tecnologias de informação como promotores de um diálogo entre culturas. Entendemos como fundamental o papel da competência intercultural e a sua influência ao nível das interações e da comunicação entre pessoas de diferentes culturas. Importa, ainda, destacar o papel da cidadania nos planos nacional e internacional, que surge de uma forma cada vez mais globalizada, remetendo para uma interdependência de comportamentos associados ao bem comum. Face aos desafios globais, a educação global exige novas abordagens ao nível dos sistemas, das políticas e das práticas educativas, que remetem para uma abordagem holística e interdisciplinar, sustentada por currículos escolares com um enfoque em temas globais, direcionados para o desenvolvimento sustentável e inclusivo. Partindo do objetivo geral “analisar e melhorar o conhecimento efetivo sobre a educação global”, optamos por uma metodologia de investigação mista e, como técnicas de recolha de dados, optamos por um questionário e pela entrevista semiestruturada. Numa primeira etapa, foi construído e validado um questionário que, posteriormente, foi aplicado a cento e cinquenta e quatro alunos do quarto e quinto anos de escolaridade do ciclo primário e a alunos do primeiro ao sétimo ano do ciclo secundário que frequentam uma Escola Europeia em contexto internacional. Numa segunda etapa, procedeu-se à realização de quatro entrevistas a dois professores do ciclo primário e dois do ciclo secundário na mesma escola. Os resultados obtidos em ambas as etapas, permitiram reunir um conjunto de evidências que apontam para o desenvolvimento das competências globais na Escola Europeia Alfa XX, destacam-se alguns projetos que envolvem componentes da cidadania global, particularmente a diversidade linguística e a apreciação de diferentes culturas. Concluímos que a educação global pode promover o desenvolvimento de competências globais proporcionando, aos alunos, o aprofundamento de competências necessárias para agirem a nível local e global. Por fim, apresentam-se algumas propostas suscetíveis de constituírem um suporte para futuras investigações em Educação Global. ; This research aims to contribute to the production of knowledge about global education in a school context, among students and teachers of an European School, in an international context, seeking to highlight some key aspects of this phenomenon, based on the following research question: What are the perceptions of students and teachers about global education and the development of global competences in a European School, in an international context? Given the relevance of communication in current societies and its contributions to globalization, we highlight the concepts of globalization, culture and communication, highlighting the role of communication and information technologies as promoters of a dialogue between cultures. We understand as fundamental the role of intercultural competence and its influence at the level of interactions and communication between people of different cultures. It is also important to highlight the role of citizenship at national and international levels, which appears in an increasingly globalized way, referring to an interdependence of behaviors associated with the common good. Faced with global challenges, global education requires new approaches at the level of educational systems, policies and practices, which lead to a holistic and interdisciplinary approach, supported by school curricula with a focus on global themes, aimed at sustainable and inclusive development. Starting from the general objective “to analyze and improve the effective knowledge about global education”, we opted for a mixed research methodology and, as data collection techniques, we opted for a questionnaire and a semi-structured interview. In a first step, a questionnaire was constructed and validated, which was subsequently applied to one hundred and fifty-four students in the fourth and fifth years of schooling in the primary cycle and to students in the first to seventh years of the secondary cycle who attend a European School in international context. In a second stage, four interviews were carried out with two primary school teachers and two secondary school teachers in the same school. The results obtained in both stages allowed us to gather a set of evidence that point to the development of global competences in the Alfa XX European School, highlighting some projects that involve components of global citizenship, particularly linguistic diversity and the appreciation of different cultures. We conclude that global education can promote the development of global skills by providing students with the deepening of skills needed to act locally and globally. Finally, we present some proposals that may constitute a support for future research in Global Education. ; A investigação realizada no âmbito deste Projeto está integrada nas linhas de investigação da Unidade de Investigação e Desenvolvimento – Laboratório de Educação a Distância e eLearning (UID 4372/FCT), da Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia do Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior
Keyword: Cidadania; Citizenship; Competências globais; Comunicação intercultural; Educação global; Escola europeia; European school; Global education; Global skills; Intercultural communication; ODS::04:Educação de Qualidade
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Teacher Without Teaching: school and teacher project for special education (1996-2016) ; Professor Sem Ensino: projeto de escola e professor para educação especial (1996-2016)
In: Educação & Realidade [Education & Reality]; Vol. 46 No. 3 (2021) ; Educação & Realidade; v. 46 n. 3 (2021) ; 2175-6236 ; 0100-3143 (2022)
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Relatório de estágio para obtenção do grau de mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico
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Teacher-made tests on Bahasa Indonesia subject for school examinations in public vocational high school of Bengkulu province
In: Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literature, Vol 7, Iss 1, Pp 136-148 (2022) (2022)
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Breaking Down Barriers: A Culturally Responsive Career Development Intervention with Racially Minoritized Girls of Color
In: Journal of College Access (2022)
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