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Lexical recognition in deaf children learning ASL: activation of semantic and phonological features of signs
Borovsky, Arielle; Lieberman, Amy. - : Wiley, 2020
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American sign language interpreters in public schools: an illusion of inclusion that perpetuates language deprivation
Caselli, Naomi; Wyatte, Hall; Jonathan, Henner. - : Springer (part of Springer Nature), 2020
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An Examination of the Writing Strategies Used by Deaf and Hearing Adults: Similarities and Differences in Cognitive, Linguistic and Conventional Components
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Factors Influencing Language and Reading Development in Young Children with Hearing Loss who use Listening and Spoken Language
Smolen, Elaine. - 2020
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Addressing Communication Barriers Among Deaf Populations Who Use American Sign Language in Hearing-Centric Social Work Settings
Bruno, David. - 2020
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Charles V. Williams interview, 08 February 2020
In: All interviews (2020)
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An Event-Related Potential Investigation of Orthographic Precision
Meade, Gabriela. - : eScholarship, University of California, 2020
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Prostate-Specimen Antigen (PSA) Screening and Shared Decision Making Among Deaf and Hearing Male Patients.
In: Journal of cancer education : the official journal of the American Association for Cancer Education, vol 35, iss 1 (2020)
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Understanding E-Cigarette Knowledge and Use Among d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students and the Need for Tailored Prevention Programming: A Qualitative Study
In: AMERICAN ANNALS OF THE DEAF, vol 165, iss 3 (2020)
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The issue of 'impairment' ... : An analysis of diverging discourses used to represent d/Deaf people in the United States of America ...
Nickels, Lindsay. - : Lancaster University, 2020
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A Conversation about Songs My Mother Never Sung Me
Howarth, Caroline; Ouchi, Mieko; Acton, Kelsie. - : University of Toronto Press, 2020. : Érudit, 2020
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Negotiating privileged networks and exclusive mobilities: the case for a Deaf festival in Scotland’s festival city
Jamieson, Kirstie; Todd, Louise. - : Routledge, 2020
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Forced Transitions: Learning ASL In A Virtual Environment
In: Northwest Journal of Teacher Education (2020)
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Making Sense of Mattering ... : A Phenomenological Study of Black Deaf College Students and Academic Success ...
Powers, Jennifer S.. - : Drexel University, 2020
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Real Time Identification of American Sign Language for Deaf and Dumb Community ...
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Addressing Communication Barriers Among Deaf Populations Who Use American Sign Language in Hearing-Centric Social Work Settings ...
Bruno, David. - : Columbia University, 2020
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Discerning Consistent Evidence-Based Communication Strategies for Supporting Deaf Writers in the First Year Composition Classroom: A Study ...
Meranda, Stephanie Kay. - : IUPUI University Library, 2020
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Real Time Identification of American Sign Language for Deaf and Dumb Community ...
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Tradução vídeo de língua gestual portuguesa: reconhecimento dinâmico de configurações de mão
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Conhecimento metalinguístico e compreensão da leitura em alunos surdos do 2º e 3º ciclos
Abstract: Tese apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em Ciências da Educação na área de especialização em Literacias e Educação ; O presente estudo inscreve-se na área das literacias e educação e teve como objetivo central avaliar a consciência morfossintática de alunos do 2.º e 3.º ciclos do ensino básico com surdez severa ou profunda e avaliar a sua relação com a compreensão leitora. A investigação tem revelado que os alunos surdos apresentam um baixo desempenho em leitura, refletindo-se em resultados abaixo do expectável para a faixa etária em que se encontram. Existem também diversos estudos internacionais que referem a existência de dificuldades destes alunos no processamento morfossintático. Neste contexto, procurámos responder às seguintes questões: i) Será que estes alunos adquiriram o vocabulário indicado no programa de PL2 para o 1.º ciclo? ii) Quais as suas principais dificuldades ao nível do processamento morfossintático? Haverá diferenças a este nível entre os dois ciclos de ensino? iii) Qual o seu desempenho ao nível da compreensão leitora? iv) Haverá uma relação entre a consciência morfossintática e a compreensão leitora nos dois ciclos de ensino? Participaram nesta investigação 35 alunos com surdez severa a profunda dos 2.º e 3.º ciclos, que frequentam o modelo de educação bilingue nas escolas de referência para a educação bilingue do Ministério da Educação, o que corresponde a cerca de 15% da população total com as mesmas características, a nível nacional. Construímos testes de conhecimento lexical, de consciência morfossintática e de compreensão leitora, que foram aplicados individualmente e cuja resolução apenas dependia da leitura, controlando a variável da capacidade auditiva. Os dados recolhidos foram analisados quantitativa e qualitativamente. Os principais resultados revelam que os alunos que participaram neste estudo apresentam um domínio razoável do vocabulário selecionado a partir do programa de PL2 para o 1.º ciclo, mas que existe uma grande variabilidade ao nível do processamento morfossintático. Mesmo em frases construídas com vocabulário que mostrou estar adquirido, os alunos continuam a manifestar dificuldade no processamento morfossintático, nomeadamente, em aspetos relacionados com flexão verbal, flexão de género e/ou número, preposição e conjunção, voz passiva, e predicativo do sujeito e modificador. Os resultados sugerem o recurso frequente à estratégia de selecionar uma palavra, considerada palavra-chave, fazendo a interpretação da frase a partir dessa palavra e do contexto criado. Verificou-se, ainda, a existência de uma correlação positiva e significativa entre a consciência morfossintática e a compreensão leitora, particularmente relevante no 3.º ciclo. Os resultados obtidos poderão contribuir para que os profissionais que trabalham com estes alunos tenham um melhor entendimento das dificuldades manifestadas e definam estratégias de trabalho adequadas e que potenciem o desenvolvimento do processamento dos aspetos morfossintáticos dos alunos. Os testes de conhecimento lexical e consciência morfossintática ficarão disponíveis online e poderão ser utilizados com diferentes populações e em diferentes momentos, sofrendo as alterações que se considerarem necessárias de acordo com os diferentes contextos. ; The present study fits in the areas of literacy and education and its main goal is to assess the morphosyntactic awareness of deaf students between 5th to 9th graders and to evaluate their relationship with reading comprehension. Research has shown that deaf children have a low achievement in reading, with results below age-level expectations. Several international studies reported delays in morphosyntactic processing. In this context, we tried to answer the following questions: i) Did these students acquire the vocabulary in the Portuguese Second Language (PL2) curriculum for the primary school? ii) What are the problems showed in morphosyntactic processing? Will there be differences between the two teaching cycles? iii) What is their reading comprehension performance? iv) Will there be a relationship between morphosyntactic awareness and reading comprehension in the two teaching cycles? Participants were 35 deaf 5th to 9th graders, who attend the bilingual education model in the reference schools for bilingual education of the Portuguese Ministry of Education, which means about 15% of the population with the same characteristics, in Portugal. We created tests to assess vocabulary, morphosyntactic awareness and reading comprehension. Participants were assessed individually and the resolution was only dependent with reading, so we can control the variable of hearing ability. The collected data were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The main results showed that participants in this research have an average domain of the vocabulary selected from the PL2 curriculum for the primary school, but there were different results in morphosyntactic processing. The students showed problems in morphosyntactic processing, namely, in aspects concerning to verbal inflection, gender and number inflection, preposition and conjunction, passive voice, and “predicativo do sujeito” or “modificador”, even when sentences were constructed with vocabulary that was showed to be acquired. The results suggest that usually participants used a keyword strategy, what means that they select a word, considered a keyword, and make the interpretation of the sentence from the context they created. There was also a positive and significative correlation between morphosyntactic awareness and reading comprehension, which is particularly relevant in the 7th, 8th and 9th graders. The results may contribute so that the professionals who work with deaf students have a better understanding of their student’s difficulties and can define appropriate work strategies that enhance the development of the processing of the students' morphosyntactic aspects. The tests of vocabulary and morphosyntactic awareness will be available online and can be used with different populations with the necessary adaptations.
Keyword: Compreensão da leitura; Consciência metalinguística; Deaf education; Domínio/Área Científica::Ciências Sociais::Psicologia; Educação de surdos; Literacia; Literacy; Metalinguistic awareness; Reading comprehension
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