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Reliability of perceptual measurement of Apraxia of Speech characteristics
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Reliability of perceptual measurement of Apraxia of Speech characteristics ...
Nealon, Kate Craven. - : Columbia University, 2021
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Relação entre medidas fonológicas, de produção de fala e os potenciais evocados auditivos ; Relationship between phonological measures, speech production and auditory evoked Potentials
Barrozo, Tatiane Faria. - : Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP, 2018. : Universidade de São Paulo, 2018. : Faculdade de Medicina, 2018
Abstract: INTRODUÇÃO: O Transtorno Fonológico (TF) é uma alteração de fala, de causa indefinida e de manifestações heterogêneas. OBJETIVO: Caracterizar crianças com TF, quanto à: habilidade fonológica (porcentagem de consoantes corretas - PCC; porcentagem de consoantes corretas revisada - PCC-R; densidade de processos fonológicos- PDI; tipos de processos fonológicos; número de diferentes tipos de processos fonológicos; número de sons ausentes), estimulabilidade, inconsistência de fala, habilidades metafonológicas, habilidades de discriminação auditiva e potenciais evocados e auditivos de curta (PEATE) e longa latências (PEALL). MÉTODO: Participaram 29 crianças, com idades entre 5;0 anos e 7;11 anos com TF e submetidas a avaliação do PEATE e PEALL com diferentes estímulos. Dois diferentes estudos foram realizados. As crianças foram agrupadas de acordo com a gravidade do TF GL (9 crianças), GM (10 crianças) e GL (10 crianças) e faixa-etária GL1(3), GL2(3), GL3(3), GM1(3), GM2(6), GM3(1), GG1(4), GG2(3), GG3 (3). No estudo 1 foi realizada a descrição das características fonológicas das crianças. No estudo 2 foi realizada a descrição e a caracterização dos PEATE e PEALL das crianças com TF. RESULTADOS: O estudo 1 mostrou que o sexo masculino foi o que predominou na amostra, sendo que o valor médio do índice PCC-R foi maior que o do PCC. A média dos diferentes tipos de processos fonológicos empregados pelas crianças foi 4,1 e o processo fonológico de maior ocorrência foi o SEC. As crianças com TF não apresentaram dificuldade na prova de discriminação auditiva, independentemente da idade e da gravidade. A habilidade metafonológica de rima foi a que as crianças demonstraram maior dificuldade. Em média as crianças tiveram cinco sons ausentes sendo três estimuláveis. No estudo 2 os resultados indicaram que no PEATE-fala não houve interação entre a amplitude do complexo V-A e a gravidade do TF. Em contrapartida encontrou que as crianças mais velhas e com TF mais grave apresentaram maior latência da onda V. Não foi encontrada interferência da faixa-etária na latência das ondas A, C, D, E, F e O. No PEATE-click as crianças com TF apresentaram normalidade na latência das ondas I, III e V e interpicos I-III, III-V e I-V. No PEALL-fala as crianças mais velhas e com TF grave tiveram as menores médias de latência da onda P2 e para a onda N2 as crianças mais velhas do Grupo Leve e do Grupo Grave mostraram latências menores para este potencial. Todas as crianças deste estudo atingiram valores normais para a latência de P3. Na análise dos PEALL-click os resultados indicaram que este potencial foi o com mais respostas ausentes. As crianças mais velhas demonstraram as menores latências para a onda P1. CONCLUSÃO: Neste estudo as crianças com TF mostraram valores dentro da normalidade para os potenciais de curta latência com o estimulo click. Além disso, no geral as crianças com TF mais grave evidenciaram latências aumentadas em todos os potenciais. Conclui-se que o PEATE-fala demostrou ser o potencial que melhor identificou as dificuldades de percepção auditiva de crianças com TF ; INTRODUCTION: Speech Sound Disorder (SSD) is a speech disorder of unknown origin in which children are heterogeneous. AIM: To characterize children with SSD, according to phonological ability (Percentage of Consonants Correct (PCC), Percentage of Consonants Correct - Revised (PCC-R), density of phonological processes (PDI), type of phonological processes, number of different types of phonological processes; number of absent sounds), stimulability, speech inconsistency, metaphonological skills, auditory discrimination abilities, Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) and Long Latency Auditory Potentials (LLAP). METHODS: Participants were 29 male and female children with SSD between 5:0 and 7:11 years old, submitted to the ABR and LLAP assessment by different stimuli: speech and click. Two different studies were performed. The children were grouped according to severity of the SSD, Mild Group (9 children), Moderate Group (10 children) and Severe Group (10 children) and, according to age, Mild Group 1 (3), Mild Group 2 (3), Mild Group 3 (3), Moderate Group 1 (3), Moderate Group 2 (6), Moderate Group 3 (1), Severe Group 1 (4), Severe Group 2 (3), Severe Group 3 (3). In study 1 the aim was to describe the phonological characteristics of children with SSD. In study 2, the aim was to describe and to characterize the ABR and LLAP of the children with SSD. RESULTS: Study 1 showed that males predominated, and the mean value of PCC-R index was higher than PCC. The mean of the different types of phonological processes used by the children was 4.1 and the most frequent phonological process was the cluster reduction. Children with SSD had no difficulty in hearing discrimination, regardless age and severity. Rhyme was the metaphonological ability that children demonstrated greater difficulty. Children had an average of five absent sounds and three of them were stimulable. In study 2 results indicated that in ABR-speech there was no interaction between the amplitude of V-A complex and severity of the SSD. In contrast, older children with severe SSD had higher latency of wave V. No age interference was found in latency of wave A, C, D, E, F, and O. In ABR-click the children with SSD presented normality in the latency of waves I, III and V and interpeaks I-III, III-V and I-V. In LLAP- speech, older children with severe SSD had the lowest mean of P2 wave latency and for N2 wave the older children of LG and SG showed lower latencies for the wave N2. All children in this study reached normal values for P3 latency. In the analysis of the LLAP-click the results indicated that this potential was the one with the most absent answers. Older children showed lower latencies for P1 wave. CONCLUSION: In this study children with SSD showed values within normality for the potentials of short latency with the stimulus click. In addition, in general, children with severe SSD showed increased latencies at all potentials. Final conclusion was that ABR-speech was the potential that best identified the difficulties of auditory perception in children with SSD
Keyword: Articulation disorders; Child; Criança; Diagnosis; Diagnóstico; Fala; Fonoaudiologia; Hearing disorders; Speech; Speech language and hearing sciences; Transtornos da articulação; Transtornos da audição
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Communication and communication disorders : a clinical introduction
Plante, Elena; Beeson, Pelagie M.. - Boston, Mass. : Pearson, 2013
UB Frankfurt Linguistik
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Role of cerebellum in fine speech control in childhood: Persistent dysarthria after surgical treatment for posterior fossa tumour
In: BRAIN LANG , 117 (2) 69 - 76. (2011) (2011)
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Childhood speech, language, and listening problems : what every parent should know
Hamaguchi, Patricia McAleer. - Hoboken, NJ [u.a.] : Wiley, 2010
UB Frankfurt Linguistik
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Introduction to communicative disorders
Hegde, Mahabalagiri N.. - Austin, Tex : Pro-Ed, 2010
UB Frankfurt Linguistik
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Clinical methods and practicum in speech-language pathology
Davis, Deborah; Hegde, Mahabalagiri N.. - Clifton Park, NY [u.a.] : Delmar Learning, 2010
UB Frankfurt Linguistik
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A Comparison of Single Word Identification, Connected Speech Samples, and Imitated Sentence Tasks for Assessment of Children with a SSD
In: Dissertations and Theses (2010)
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Investigation of Speech Samples from Typically Developing Preschool Age Children: A Comparison of Single Words and Imitated Sentences Elicited with the PABA-E
In: Dissertations and Theses (2010)
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Disartria e doença de Machado-Joseph : relato de caso ; Dysarthria in Machado-Joseph disease: case report
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Disartria e doença de Machado-Joseph : relato de caso ; Dysarthria in Machado-Joseph disease: case report
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Are phonological processing deficits part of the broad autism phenotype?
In: Symplectic Elements at Oxford ; Europe PubMed Central ; PubMed ( ; Web of Science (Lite) ( ; Scopus ( ; CrossRef (2004)
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Chronic auditory agnosia following Landau-Kleffner syndrome : a 23 year outcome study
In: Brain & language. - Orlando, Fla. [u.a.] : Elsevier 63 (1998) 3, 381-425
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Comparison of Intelligibility Estimation and Orthographic Transcription Methods by Preprofessional Speech-Language Pathologists
In: Dissertations and Theses (1997)
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A Comparison of Speech Intelligibility Measures Between Unsophisticated Listener Judgements and Orthographic Transcription
In: Dissertations and Theses (1996)
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A Comparison Between Trained Ear Estimation and Orthographic Transcription When Measuring Speech Intelligibility of Young Children
In: Dissertations and Theses (1994)
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Cultural Bias in the Assessment of Phonological Processes in Conjunction with the APP-R
In: Dissertations and Theses (1993)
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An investigation of the impact of interexaminer reliability on the outcome of phonological assessment
Dillihay, L. Christine Eary. - : Northern Illinois University, 1992
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The structured photographic articulation test as a valid instrument for use in the assessment of phonological disorders by the school clinician
Tattersall, Patricia J.. - : Northern Illinois University, 1991
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