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Open Source Toolkit for Speech to Text Translation
In: The Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 111 (1), 125–135 ; ISSN: 0032-6585, 1804-0462 (2022)
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Scales for assessing therapeutic adherence and competence in dialectical behaviour therapy for PTSD: development and analysis of psychometric properties
In: Eur J Psychotraumatol (2022)
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A língua portuguesa na Nigéria: implantação, situação atual, valor económico e perspetivas
Abstract: Esta dissertação investigou a implantação do ensino da língua portuguesa na Nigéria, o seu estatuto atual, o seu valor económico e as suas perspetivas na Nigéria. Este trabalho tornou-se necessário porque as questões aqui investigadas foram há muito relegadas ou ignoradas pelos investigadores/académicos nigerianos na área dos estudos da língua portuguesa. Sendo este trabalho pioneiro, utilizou uma metodologia mista composta por entrevistas, trabalhos publicados, questionário e relatos de estudantes e profissionais de língua portuguesa na Nigéria. O primeiro capítulo foi uma tentativa de traçar e documentar a implantação/desenvolvimento histórico da língua portuguesa na Nigéria. O segundo capítulo explorou o estatuto atual da língua portuguesa na Nigéria com atenção específica à função e alcance da língua portuguesa na Nigéria, currículo, corpo docente, estudantes e desenvolvimento de capacidades. O terceiro capítulo investigou o valor económico da língua portuguesa na Nigéria, com base na teoria do capital humano que estuda a relação entre a língua e os rendimentos. Este capítulo foi modelado pelos vários trabalhos sobre língua e economia e pela teoria do capital humano. O capítulo final abordou as perspetivas da língua portuguesa na Nigéria com base nos resultados da nossa análise do capítulo 3 e nas respostas da nossa amostra, composta pelas pessoas que estudaram a língua portuguesa na Nigéria. Embora muitas questões tenham sido levantadas neste trabalho, as nossas conclusões mais importantes são as seguintes: a língua portuguesa tem uma história única e interessante no espaço nigeriano; é também economicamente benéfica na Nigéria; a maioria dos empregadores considera a competência e preocupa-se menos com a variedade falada pelos seus funcionários. Por último, tem perspetivas e um futuro promissor na Nigéria, apesar dos vários desafios que tinha enfrentado e ainda enfrenta. ; This current thesis investigated the implantation of Portuguese language teaching in Nigeria, the current status of Portuguese language, its economic value and prospects in Nigeria. This work became necessary because the issues investigated herein have long been relegated or ignored by Nigerian researchers/Academics in the field of Portuguese language studies. Since this work is pioneer, it used a mixed methodology comprising of Interviews, published works, questionnaire and accounts from students and professionals of Portuguese language in Nigeria. The first chapter was an attempt to trace and document the historical implantation/development of Portuguese language in Nigeria. The second chapter explored the current status of Portuguese language in Nigeria with specific attention to the function and reach of Portuguese language in Nigeria, curriculum, staff and students and capacity building. The third chapter investigated the economic value of Portuguese language in Nigeria based on the human capital theory which studies the relationship between language and earnings. This chapter was modelled after various works on language and economics and human capital theory. The final chapter discussed the prospects of Portuguese language in Nigeria based on the results of our analysis from chapter three and the responses of our sample which were those who studied Portuguese language in Nigeria. Although many issues were raised in this work, our most important findings are the following: Portuguese language has a unique history in the Nigerian space. It is also economically beneficial in Nigeria and most employers consider competence and worry less about the variety spoken. Lastly, it has prospects and a promising future in Nigeria despite the various challenges it faces/has faced.
Keyword: Domínio/Área Científica::Humanidades::Línguas e Literaturas
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Der Admonter Abrogans : Edition und Untersuchungen des Glossarfragments der Stiftsbibliothek Admont (Fragm. D1)
Haubrichs, Wolfgang [Verfasser]; Müller, Stephan [Verfasser]. - Berlin : De Gruyter, 2021
DNB Subject Category Language
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On Explaining Sound Change
Müller, Robin [Verfasser]. - Berlin : Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2021
DNB Subject Category Language
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The emergence and organization of communicative signals through interaction
Müller, Thomas F. [Verfasser]; Morin, Olivier [Gutachter]; Schweinberger, Stefan R. [Gutachter]. - Jena : Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, 2021
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Supporting Learners with Dyslexia in the EFL Classroom. Proposals for Adapting Classroom Materials
Müller, Madeleine [Verfasser]. - Bielefeld : Universitätsbibliothek Bielefeld, 2021
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Das Motiv der feindlichen Brüder in Klingers "Die Zwillinge". Inwiefern kann das Erstgeburtsrecht als Grund für den Untergang Guelfos angesehen werden?
Müller, Justin [Verfasser]. - München : GRIN Verlag, 2021
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Das Motiv der feindlichen Brüder in Klingers "Die Zwillinge". Inwiefern kann das Erstgeburtsrecht als Grund für den Untergang Guelfos angesehen werden?
Müller, Justin [Verfasser]. - München : GRIN Verlag, 2021
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Der Admonter Abrogans : Edition und Untersuchungen des Glossarfragments der Stiftsbibliothek Admont (Fragm. D1)
Müller, Stephan [Verfasser]; Haubrichs, Wolfgang [Verfasser]. - Berlin/Boston : De Gruyter, 2021
DNB Subject Category Language
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Am Anfang war das Erzählen : Karen Blixen und die Bibel
Müller, Christiane. - Heidelberg, Neckar : Universitätsverlag Winter GmbH Heidelberg, 2021
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Miteinander : Selbstlernkurs Deutsch für Anfänger ; Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Zweitsprache ; führt zu A1 ; Buch mit 4 Audio-CDs
Aufderstrasse, Hartmut [Mitwirkender]; Müller, Jutta [Mitwirkender]; Storz, Thomas [Mitwirkender]. - 2021
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Miteinander : Selbstlernkurs Deutsch für Anfänger ; Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Zweitsprache ; führt zu A1 ; Buch mit 4 Audio-CDs
Aufderstrasse, Hartmut [Mitwirkender]; Müller, Jutta [Mitwirkender]; Storz, Thomas [Mitwirkender]. - 2021
DNB Subject Category Language
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Die Vater-Tochter-Beziehung in Gotthold Ephraim Lessings "Emilia Galotti"
Müller, Michelle [Verfasser]. - München : GRIN Verlag, 2021
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Iwan kauncn joa° : über das ganze Jahr ; ein werischwarer Dialektbuch
Andrusch-Fóti, Mária [Mitwirkender]; Müller, Márta [Mitwirkender]. - 2021
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Die Vater-Tochter-Beziehung in Gotthold Ephraim Lessings "Emilia Galotti"
Müller, Michelle [Verfasser]. - München : GRIN Verlag, 2021
DNB Subject Category Language
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Regionale und soziolinguistische Variation im alemannischen Dreiländereck. Quantitative Studien zum Dialektwandel
Hansen, Sandra [Verfasser]; Klosa-Kückelhaus, Annette [Herausgeber]; Kupietz, Marc [Herausgeber]. - Mannheim : Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache (IDS), Bibliothek, 2021
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Miteinander : Selbstlernkurs Deutsch für Anfänger ; Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Zweitsprache ; führt zu A1 ; Buch mit 4 Audio-CDs
Aufderstrasse, Hartmut [Mitwirkender]; Müller, Jutta [Mitwirkender]; Storz, Thomas [Mitwirkender]. - 2021
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Schriftpoesie : Eigenbedeutung lyrischer Schriftlichkeit am Beispiel Thomas Klings
Müller, Lisa [Verfasser]. - Paderborn : Brill, Wilhelm Fink, 2021
DNB Subject Category Language
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Miteinander : Selbstlernkurs Deutsch für Anfänger ; Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Zweitsprache ; führt zu A1 ; Buch mit 4 Audio-CDs
Aufderstrasse, Hartmut [Mitwirkender]; Müller, Jutta [Mitwirkender]; Storz, Thomas [Mitwirkender]. - 2021
DNB Subject Category Language
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