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Refugees in Canada and Germany: From Research to Policies and Practice
In: 25 ; GESIS-Schriftenreihe ; 244 (2020)
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Telehealth Use in a Rural State: A Mixed-Methods Study Using Maine's All-Payer Claims Database.
In: Access / Insurance (2020)
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"Academic Languages Isn't Easy": English Learners' Perceptions of Learning in High School
In: All Theses & Dissertations (2020)
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Language economics: Overview, applications and recent methodological developments
In: ISBN: 978-963-9074-84-2 ; Language and Economy: Language industries in a Multilingual Europe pp. 73-87 (2020)
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Neoliberalism and language shift: the Great Recession and the sociolinguistic vitality of Ireland's Gaeltacht, 2008-18
Kelly, Benjamin Edward Joseph; Ó Ceallaigh, Ben. - : The University of Edinburgh, 2020
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Argumentative approach to "framing": framing, deliberation and action in an environmental conflict
Fairclough, Isabela; Madroane, Irina Diana. - : Colombia, EAFIT, 2020
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COVID-19 - Revealing Unaddressed Systemic Barriers in the 45th Anniversary of the Southeast Asian American Experience
In: Journal of Southeast Asian American Education and Advancement (2020)
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Communication and Culture: The Role of Language Policy on Regional Minority Languages in the Reduction of Political Conflict
In: Honors Program Theses (2020)
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Theories of nation as a methodological basis for the formation of state language policy ; Теорії нації як методологічна засада формування державної мовної політики
In: Efficiency of public administration; № 62 (2020) ; Ефективність державного управління; № 62 (2020) ; 2070-4011 (2020)
Abstract: Problem setting. Modern science of public administration forms a theoretical basis for the study of national development and state-building processes. The urgency of the search for theoretical and methodological foundations of state linguistic policy in Ukraine is caused by unstable state linguistic policy both during the whole period of independence and in the historical perspective, by the unacceptable part of Ukrainian society of Ukrainian as a single state, by the non-formation of Ukrainian national identity for the use of language. society, in the hybrid war against Ukraine, which is no longer a potential but a real threat to Ukraine’s existence as a state.In the normative legal acts of Ukraine, in particular in the Constitution of Ukraine, such a term as “Ukrainian nation” is not defined, although it is used together with the term “Ukrainian people”, within which “citizens of Ukraine of all nationalities” are united. The researcher notes that at the time the Basic Law was enacted, the term “nation” contained mostly ethnic content (at least such a stereotype prevailed and, apparently, prevails in the mass consciousness), the concept of “nation” did not relate to the concept of citizenship. In this sense, the “Ukrainian nation” is primarily an ethno-cultural, linguistic community.Recent research and publications analysis. In scientific discourse, the nation in various contexts has been the subject of attention of researchers in various fields of science, including public administration, namely: B. Anderson, H. Yevsyeieva, V. Karlova, G. Kasianov, M. Kozlovets, I. Kresina, Yu. Kuts, I. Lopushinsky, L. Nagornaya, S. Rymarenko, O. Ryabchenko, V. Sychova, V. Starosolsky, M. Stepykо and others.Highlighting previously unsettled parts of the general problem. Despite the available research on theories of the nation, as well as the role of the linguistic factor of national genesis, there has been no study of the science of public administration of theories of the nation as a methodological basis of state language policy in Ukraine. The purpose of the article is to hypothesize that the theoretical foundations of nation-building are the methodological basis of the state language policy of Ukraine at the present stage of state formation, since language is one of the defining features of Ukrainian national identity and factors of creation of the Ukrainian nation under conditions of multiethnic society and external threats to the nation.Paper main body. There is neither a universal definition of a nation nor a stable set of features.Having analyzed the various theories of the nation, we conclude that such a set may consist of linguistic, cultural, territorial, economic, social, psychological and political characteristics, and none of them can be dominant in this list.Three constituents of the nation, which stand out in the theories of the nation and are decisive for the Ukrainian nation, are considered in the context of the chosen direction of research: the national linguistic picture of the world, national identity, national identity.Noteworthy is the scientific approach whereby language is recognized as a feature of the nation based on the study of the linguistic picture of the world as a sociocultural phenomenon that reflects a conceptual picture of the world.Each language reflects a particular way of perceiving and conceptualizing the world. The values reflected in it create a coherent system of views, a kind of collective outlook that becomes mandatory for all native speakers.The next constituent of the nation, we define the national consciousness. national consciousness means the collective or individual perception of the national identity of a person or community, the specific traits of one’s own nation, national values, a shared historical past and a shared historical future.National consciousness is historically formed in the process of nationalization, through awareness of the ethnicity of its origin and organic connection with its cultural roots, recognition of the original character of the native culture, language, national peculiarities, mentality and sense of national solidarity.The next constituent of the nation that underlies its formation is national identity. We can give the following definition of national identity: it is the identification of oneself with a certain nation by the set of certain characteristics of a nation, the realization of oneself as part of the national community.Conclusions of the research and prospects for further studies. In spite of the methodological pluralism of the theories of the nation, the ambiguous interpretation of the concept of the nation and the instability of its features in many theories, language is regarded as a marker of national identity, a “symbol of social solidarity” (E. Sapir), a means of “transforming disparate individuals into a coherent, organized” Sorokin), “an external criterion by which one can know the existence of a nation” (V. Starosolsky), and others.Although language itself does not play a decisive role in the formation of a nation and national identity, it becomes meaningful when it is transformed into symbolic value and fulfills an integrative role.As constituents of the nation, the article deals with the national-linguistic picture of the world, national consciousness, national identity.The conducted research proves that belonging to a certain nation (national identity) is manifested in the national consciousness, which is formed, including through thinking and language, and is reflected in the national-linguistic picture of the world. In turn, the national-linguistic picture of the world reflects the peculiarities of the conceptual picture of the world of a social community united by certain factors (eg, territory, economy, history and/or modernity, language or metam, etc.).We believe that the process of forming the Ukrainian nation in the modern era was interrupted by a policy of “Sovietization”, the creation of a new community, the “Soviet people”, linguistic assimilation, and the simultaneous destruction in the 1930s of the Ukrainian intelligentsia and the Ukrainian peasantry as carriers of Ukrainian identity. The consequences of these political actions are still felt by Ukraine today, and it is too early to speak about the established national identity in Ukraine.Researchers agree that the core of the Ukrainian political nation is the ethnic core, whose constituent is language, and Ukraine bears the name of its titular nation and the largest of its indigenous ethnic groups – Ukrainian. This fact should be the starting point of nation-building and state-building and, accordingly, of state language policy, which is based on the model of “state Ukrainian language – languages of national minorities and indigenous peoples”, which is in accordance with the Constitution of Ukraine. ; Досліджено теорії нації та виділено ті теорії, які можуть бути визначені як методологічна засада формування державної мовної політики в Україні. Для розгляду обрано такі конституєнти нації, як національномовна картина світу, національна свідомість, національна ідентичність. З’ясовано, що основою української політичної нації є етнічне ядро, складовою якого є мова, а Україна носить ім’я своєї титульної нації й найчисленнішого зі своїх корінних етносів – українського. Зазначено, що цей факт повинен бути основою державної мовної політики в Україні.
Keyword: national consciousness; national identity; national-linguistic picture of the world; Public administration; state language policy; theory of the nation; державна мовна політика; Державне управління; національна свідомість; національна ідентичність; національно-мовна картина світу; теорії нації
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Informação para políticas públicas de desenvolvimento em Rondônia ; Information for public development policies in Rondônia
Andrade, Adilson Siqueira de. - : Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP, 2020. : Universidade de São Paulo, 2020. : Escola de Comunicações e Artes, 2020
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Confidence in Arguments in Dialogues for Practical Reasoning
In: OSSA Conference Archive (2020)
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Should New Zealand Do More to Uphold Animal Welfare?
In: Animal Studies Journal (2020)
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O cenário contemporâneo das migrações forçadas: a crise dos refugiados
Braz, Mariana Freire de Souza. - : Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, 2020. : Brasil, 2020. : UFRN, 2020. : Serviço Social, 2020
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Googly eyes and yard signs: Deconstructing one professor’s successful rebuffing of a right-wing attack on an academic institution
In: Faculty Publications: Department of Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education (2020)
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Latinos in Massachusetts: Puerto Ricans
In: Gastón Institute Publications (2020)
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How do Emerging Bilinguals Learn Math?: The Role of Translanguaging in an English-Only Middle School Mathematics Classroom Setting
In: Graduate Doctoral Dissertations (2020)
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Towards a Workforce Development Action Plan in the City of Chelsea: Community Voices
In: Gastón Institute Publications (2020)
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Identifying inequities in an urban Latin American population: a cross-sectional study in Australian primary health care
Sanchez, Luis; Johnson, Tracey; Williams, Suzanne. - : C S I R O Publishing, 2020
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Strategies to Support Adult Learners and Some College, No Degree Students “To and Through” a Postsecondary Credential
In: GSE Graduate Student Research (2020)
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Exploring the linguistic landscape of Cameroon: Reflections on language policy and ideology
In: Russian Journal of Linguistics, Vol 24, Iss 2, Pp 294-324 (2020) (2020)
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