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Dialectical Analysis of Sustainability Assessment Framework in India for Agenda 2030 ...
Neeharika Kushwaha, Charu Nangia. - : TuEngr Group, 2022
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Drei Beiträge zur Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung ...
Danisch, Christian. - : Bergische Universität Wuppertal, 2022
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On Semiotics Perspectives of Computational Thinking: Unravelling the “Pamphlet” Approach, a Case Study
In: Sustainability; Volume 14; Issue 4; Pages: 1956 (2022)
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Exploring Structural Relationships in Attracting and Retaining International Students in STEM for Sustainable Development of Higher Education
In: Sustainability; Volume 14; Issue 3; Pages: 1267 (2022)
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A Multi-Criteria Framework to Evaluate the Sustainability of Renewable Energy: A 2-Tuple Linguistic Grey Relation Model from the Perspective of the Prospect Theory
In: Sustainability; Volume 14; Issue 8; Pages: 4419 (2022)
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An Abductive Analysis of Debates on the Impact of the Sharing Economy: A Systematic Review in a Sustainable Framework
In: Sustainability; Volume 14; Issue 7; Pages: 3996 (2022)
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Assessment of Multiple Intelligences in First-Year Engineering Students in Northeast Mexico
In: Sustainability; Volume 14; Issue 8; Pages: 4631 (2022)
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The Relevance of Intangible Cultural Heritage and Traditional Languages for the Tourism Experience: The Case of Ladin in South Tyrol
In: Sustainability; Volume 14; Issue 5; Pages: 2729 (2022)
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The Value of Art in Persuasive Marketing Communication and Its Sustainable Effect on the Country of Origin
In: Sustainability; Volume 14; Issue 3; Pages: 1228 (2022)
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Seleção de projetos de mobilidade urbana: uma abordagem multicritério ; Selection of urban mobility projects: a multi-criteria approach
Silva, Rodrigo Rodrigues da. - : Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, 2022. : Pato Branco, 2022. : Brasil, 2022. : Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção e Sistemas, 2022. : UTFPR, 2022
Abstract: As a result of urbanization processes, there is an increase in the demand for transport in cities, reflecting an increase in problems with pollution, congestion, noise and safety. In response to these problems, technological advances were the main factors that led to the emergence of smart and sustainable cities, implying challenges for the development of transport infrastructure in cities. The literature on urban mobility, in general, focuses on developed contexts and large cities, with a lack of studies in cities with smaller population sizes. In this context, the objective of this research is to propose a model for the selection of urban mobility projects in medium- sized cities, from the perspective of intelligence and sustainability, and based on multicriteria decision methods. The model consists of 43 evaluation criteria, from the literature, classified into four dimensions: social, environmental, technical and economic. To assign weights to the criteria, the multicriteria method AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) is used through interviews with seven specialists in urban mobility. The collection of information about the relevant criteria and the evaluation of alternatives is done through online forms, and its processing with the 2-tuple linguistic computational model. The final processing and generation of the ranking of alternatives is operated by the multicriteria method TOPSIS 2-tuple (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution). The application of the model consisted of the evaluation of four mobility projects in line with the Master Plan of the city of Pato Branco –PR, pointing out the alternative “A1 – Removal of parking lots” with the best performance in the final ranking. The main contributions of the research are: (i) the study of urban mobility in the context of medium-sized cities; (ii) use of the 2-tuple linguistic model for information processing; (iii) existence of a predefined set of criteria, allowing decision makers to define a smaller set of criteria relevant to the alternatives. From the results, it is understood that the model can be implemented in practice by municipal managers, with the advantage of using criteria validated in the literature, maintaining the decision-makers' autonomy to select those that best satisfy the problem. Also noteworthy as contributions are the set of criteria carefully selected in the literature, the model proposed as a decision support tool, and the possibility using other methods to complement the model in future works. ; Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) ; Como consequência dos processos de urbanização, há o crescimento da demanda por transporte nas cidades, refletindo no aumento de problemas com poluição, congestionamentos, ruídos e segurança. Em resposta a esses problemas, os avanços tecnológicos foram os principais fatores que levaram ao surgimento das cidades inteligentes e sustentáveis, implicando em desafios para o desenvolvimento da infraestrutura de transporte das cidades. A literatura sobre mobilidade urbana, em geral, possui enfoque em contextos desenvolvidos e cidades de grande porte, havendo uma lacuna de estudos em cidades de menor porte populacional. Nesse contexto, o objetivo desta pesquisa é propor um modelo para a seleção de projetos de mobilidade urbana em cidades de médio porte, sob a perspectiva da inteligência e da sustentabilidade, e baseado nos métodos de decisão multicritério. O modelo é composto por 43 critérios de avaliação, provenientes da literatura, classificados em quatro dimensões: social, ambiental, técnica e econômica. Para a atribuição de pesos aos critérios utiliza-se o método multicritério AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) por meio de entrevistas com sete especialistas em mobilidade urbana. A coleta das informações sobre os critérios pertinentes e avaliação das alternativas é feita por meio de formulários online, e seu processamento com o modelo computacional linguístico 2-tuple. O processamento final e geração do ranking das alternativas é operacionalizado pelo método multicritério TOPSIS 2-tuple (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution), que foi adaptado devido ao uso do modelo linguístico 2-tuple. A aplicação do modelo consistiu na avaliação de quatro projetos de mobilidade alinhados ao Plano Diretor da cidade de Pato Branco – PR, apontando a alternativa “A1 – Retirada de estacionamentos” com o melhor desempenho no ranking final. As principais contribuições da pesquisa são: (i) o estudo da mobilidade urbana no contexto das cidades médias; (ii) uso do modelo linguístico 2-tuple para o processamento das informações; (iii) existência de um conjunto predefinido de critérios, permitindo que os decisores definam um conjunto menor de critérios pertinentes às alternativas. A partir dos resultados, entende-se que o modelo pode ser implementado na prática pelos gestores municipais, com a vantagem de utilizar critérios validados na literatura, mantendo a autonomia dos decisores para selecionar aqueles que melhor satisfazem o problema. Destaca-se ainda enquanto contribuições o conjunto de critérios selecionado criteriosamente na literatura, o modelo proposto como ferramenta de apoio à decisão, e a possibilidade de uso de outros métodos para complementar o modelo em trabalhos futuros.
Keyword: Cidades e vilas; Cidades e vilas - Efeito das inovações tecnológicas; Cities and towns; Cities and towns - Effect of technological innovations on; CNPQ::ENGENHARIAS::ENGENHARIA DE PRODUCAO; Decision making; Desenvolvimento sustentável; Desenvolvimento urbano sustentável; Engenharia/Tecnologia/Gestão; Mobilidade social; Multiple criteria decision making; Processo decisório; Processo decisório por critério múltiplo; Social mobility; Sustainability; Sustainable development; Sustainable urban development; Sustentabilidade
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Drei Beiträge zur Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung
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Evaluation and selection of sustainable hydrogen production technology with hybrid uncertain sustainability indicators based on rough-fuzzy BWM-DEA
In: ISSN: 0960-1481 ; EISSN: 1879-0682 ; Renewable Energy ; ; Renewable Energy, Elsevier, 2021, 165, pp.716-730. ⟨10.1016/j.renene.2020.11.051⟩ (2021)
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Toward consumer-centric sustainability development model: A reverse logistics multi-criteria decision-making analysis datasets ...
Shahidzadeh, Mohammad Hossein. - : Zenodo, 2021
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Toward consumer-centric sustainability development model: A reverse logistics multi-criteria decision-making analysis datasets ...
Shahidzadeh, Mohammad Hossein. - : Zenodo, 2021
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The Territorial Agenda 2030: Towards a common language? A review of a conceptual framework
Henriques, C.; Dragović, S.; Auer, C.. - : Warszawa Instytut Geografii, 2021
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The Construction of Cosmopolitan Glocalities in Secondary Classrooms through Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in the Social Sciences
In: Global Education Review; Vol. 8 No. 2-3 (2021): Teaching, Learning, Leading, and Living in a Glocal World: Policy, Practice, and Praxis (Part 2); 92-115 ; 2325-663X (2021)
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Sustainability and Conflict Management in the University Environment. Analysis of Students of the Degrees in Labour Relations and Human Resources, and Social Work at the University of Granada (Spain)
In: Sustainability; Volume 13; Issue 23; Pages: 13431 (2021)
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Sustainable Education through E-Learning: The Case Study of iLearn2.0
In: Sustainability ; Volume 13 ; Issue 18 (2021)
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The Sustainable Socially Responsible Society: Well-Being Society 6.0
In: Sustainability ; Volume 13 ; Issue 16 (2021)
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Outsourcing Reverse Logistics for E-Commerce Retailers: A Two-Stage Fuzzy Optimization Approach
In: Axioms; Volume 10; Issue 1; Pages: 34 (2021)
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