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Preparing Future School Leaders to Ensure Racial, Ethnic, Linguistic, and Socio-Economic Equity in Education: The "Third Way"
In: Education Faculty Publications and Presentations (2013)
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Reforming Curriculum in A Centralized System: An Examination of the Relationships between Teacher Implementation of Student-Centered Pedagogy and High Stakes Teacher Evaluation Policies in China
Luo, Mei. - 2012
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Shortage-field Incentives: Impacts in Teacher Retention and Recruitment
Rosen, Rachel. - 2012
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Shortage-field Incentives: Impacts in Teacher Retention and Recruitment ...
Rosen, Rachel. - : Columbia University, 2012
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Community-based early intervention for language delay: a preliminary investigation
In: Research outputs 2012 (2012)
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Leadership Practice in Elementary School Dual Language Programs: A Collective Case Study
In: UNLV Theses, Dissertations, Professional Papers, and Capstones (2012)
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Atitude dos professores face à organização da escola para a inclusão dos alunos ciganos
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Secondary school teacher and principal perceptions of Mayoral control in New York City 2002-2009
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A organização do trabalho pedagógico da Educação Física na escola capitalista
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A organização do trabalho pedagógico da Educação Física na escola capitalista
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Enrollment in Texas Public Schools, 2010-2011 ; Enrollment in Texas Public Schools, 2010-11 ; Enrollment in Texas Public Schools
Texas Education Agency. Division of Accountability Research.. - : Texas Education Agency. Division of Accountability Research., 2011
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Graduate Committee Minutes
In: Graduate Committee Minutes (2010)
Keyword: A Vision For Graduate Education; AAST 5330G – Afro-Hispanic Culture; ACCT 7130 – Seminar in Financial Accounting; ACCT 7330 – Taxation of Corporations and Partnership; ACCT 7331 – Taxation of Estates; ACCT 7430 – Seminar in Auditing; ACCT 7530 – Seminar in Accounting Information Systems; ACCT 7634 – Fraudulent Financial Reporting; ACCT 7635 – Fraud and Society; ACCT 7636 – Expert Witnessing; ACCT 7680 – Professional Problems BUSA 9031 – Seminar of Scientific Method; ACCT 7730 – Internship in Accounting; Advisement for MAT or non-degree certification in Family and Consumer Sciences Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT); Africana Studies; and Family and Consumer Sciences; and Philosophy of Science CISM 7335 – Business Intelligence and Performance Management Systems CISM 7336 – Enterprise Information Systems CISM 7431 – Project Management CISM 9631 – Seminar in Supply Chain Information Systems DSCI 7333 – Advanced Multivariate Methods for Business LOGT 9030 – Special Topics in Logistics MGNT 7431 – Project Management; and Trusts; ART 7151 – Design Activism; ART 7152 – Design and Semiotics; ART 7153 – Design Explorations; ART 7154 – Design for the User; ART 7190 – Drawing; ART 7191 – Ceramics; ART 7192 – Painting; ART 7193 – Sculpture; ART 7194 – Graphic Design; ART 7195 – Photography; ART 7196 – Printmaking; ART 7197 – Jewelry; ART 7251 – Design Communication; ART 7252 – Design Systems; ART 7253 – Design Forms; ART 7254 – Design of Information; ART 7339 – Methods in Middle and Secondary School Art; ART 7351 – Design Methods; ART 7352 – Design and Typographic Form; ART 7353 – Design Ethics; ART 7354 – Design Issues; ART 7377 – Graphic Design Art History; ART 7430 – Foundations of Art Education; ART 7431 – Cultural Diversity through Art; ART 7432 – Curriculum and Methods in P-5 Art Education; ART 7433 – Methods in Middle and Secondary School Art; ART 7434 – History and Philosophy of Art Education; ART 7436 – Art Therapy/Special Population; ART 7438 – Curriculum Development in Art Education; ART 7890 – Problems in Art; ART 7899 – Art History Travel Research; ART 7999 – M.Ed. Thesis Project in Art Education; ART 8830 – Problems in Art Education; ART 8832 – Research in Art Education; ART 8834 – Readings in Art Education; ART 9610 – MFA Seminar; BIOL 5132G – Eukaryotic Molecular Genetics; BIOL 5144G – Advanced Cell Biology; BIOL 5239G – Neurobiology; BIOL 5333G – Emerging Diseases; CHHS; CISM 7331 – Business Systems Analysis; CLASS; Clinical Psychology; COE; College of Business Administration; College of Education; College of Health and Human Sciences; College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences; College of Science and Technology; Department of Art; Department of Biology; Department of Foreign Languages; Department of Hospitality; Department of Mathematical Sciences; Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering; Department of Music; Department of Political Science; Department of Psychology; Department of Sociology and Anthropology; Department of Writing and Linguistics; DSCI 7439 – Business Research Methods; DSCI 7539 – Applied Multivariate Methods for Business Research; DSCI 7639 – Qualitative Research Methods in Business; Ed.D. in Curriculum Studies; Ed.D. in Educational Administration; Ed.S. in Educational Leadership; Ed.S. in Teaching and Learning; EDUC 9230; EDUC 9633 - Research Seminar in Curriculum Studies; EDUF 8231; FRIT 7330 - The Internet in Schools; Gifts; Higher Education Administration Concentration; ITEC 7330 - The Internet in Schools; ITEC 8231; LAST 5232G – Literature of Hispanic Minorities; LOGT 9737 – Logistics and Transportation Teaching Practicum; LSTD 7230 – Law and Ethics for Accountants; M.Ed. in Higher Education Administration; M.Ed. in Reading Education; M.F.A. Fine Arts; M.S; M.S. in Sport Management; MACC – Master of Accounting; Master of Music; Master of Public Administration; Master of Science in Applied Engineering; MATH 6030 – Special Topics for Mathematics Educations; MATH 6131 – Applications in Arithmetic and Algebra for K-5 Teachers; MATH 6132 – Applications in Statistics for K-5 Teachers; MATH 6133 – Applications in Geometry for K-5 Teachers; MATH 6232 – Fundamental Ideas of Set Theory and Topology; MATH 6330 – Fundamental Ideas of Probability; MBA – Master of Business Administration; MGNT 9030 – Special Topics in Management; MGNT 9661 – Readings in Total Quality Management; MGNT 9662 – Production Planning; MGNT 9663 - Inventory Control Systems; MKTG 9671 – Promotion Seminar; MKTG 9672 – Product & Pricing Seminar; MKTG 9673 – Market Analysis; MUSC 7232 – Research Methodologies in Music Education; MUSC 7630 – Seminar in Advanced Conducting; PBAD 7020 – Selected Skills in Public Management; PBAD 7120 – Written Communication for Public Managers; PBAD 7121 – Presentations for Public Managers; PBAD 7122 – Grant Writing for Public Managers; PBAD 7134 – Public Management; PBAD 7220 – Computer Applications for Public Managers; PBAD 7221 – Geographical Information Systems for Public Management; PBAD 7235 – Leadership of Public Organizations; PBAD 7320 – Community Organization and Development; PBAD 7321 – Diversity Issues in Public Management; PBAD 7430 - Public Personnel Administration; PBAD 7432 – Non-Profit Administration; PBAD 7530 - Research Methods for Government; PBAD 7620 – Capstone Seminar in Public Management; PBAD 7730 – Internship in Public Management; Ph.D. - Logistics/Supply Chain Management (LSCM); POLS 7530 – Research Methods for Government; Psy.D; PSYC 5230G – Health Psychology; PSYC 5330G – Psychology of Aging; PSYC 7030 – Child Psychotherapy; PSYC 7111 – Supervision; PSYC 7134 – Physiological Psychology; PSYC 7135 – Health Psychology; PSYC 7136 – Geropsychology; PSYC 7231 – Assessment I; PSYC 7234 – Assessment II; PSYC 7235 – Group Psychotherapy; PSYC 7236 – Physiological and Neuropsychology; PSYC 7238 – Child and Family Psychotherapy; PSYC 7334 – Couples and Family Psychotherapy; PSYC 7335 – Assessment III; PSYC 7336 – Child Psychopathology and Assessment; PSYC 7337 – Clinical Health Psychology; PSYC 7633 – Psychotherapy Skills III; PSYC 7733 – Combined Group Practicum; Psychology; SOCI 5094G – Deviance and Youth Subculture; SPAN 5230G – Medieval Spanish Literature; SPAN 5232G – Literature of Hispanic Minorities; SPAN 5234G – Peninsular Women Writers; SPAN 5235G – Spanish American Women Writers; SPAN 5330G – Afro-Hispanic Culture; SPAN 5332G – Hispanic Culture through Cinema; SPAN 6230 – Survey of Colonial Spanish American Literature; SPAN 6231 – Survey of 18th-19th Century Spanish American Literature; SPAN 6232 – 16th-17th Century Drama in Spain; SPAN 6233 – 16th-17th Century Poetry and Prose in Spain; SPAN 6234 – Spanish American Poetry: 1910 to the Present; SPAN 6235 – 18th-19th Century Culture and Literature in Spain; SPAN 6236 – Modern Spanish American Theatre; SPAN 6237 – 20th-21st-Century Culture and Literature in Spain; SPAN 6331 – Contemporary Spanish American Culture and Civilization; SPAN 7090 – Medieval Spanish Culture and Literature; SPAN 7130 – Second Language Acquisition in Spanish; SPAN 7131 – Stylistics in Spanish; SPAN 7230 – Epics and Ballads; SPAN 7231 – Picaresque Literature; SPAN 7232 – Cervantes; SPAN 7233 – Romanticism; SPAN 7234 – Don Quijote; SPAN 7236 – Contemporary Spanish American Literature; SPAN 7237 – Modernism; Theory; TMAE 5139 G – Renewable Energy; Tourism; WGST 5235G – Spanish American Women Writers; Women’s and Gender Studies; WRIT 5030G – Teaching English Abroad; WRIT 5631G – Writing Crime Fiction
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Reflections on culturally responsive teaching: Embedding theory into practices of instructional and behavioral support
In: Journal of Praxis in Multicultural Education (2010)
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From the ground up : understanding how teachers and administrators make sense of tension
Fenton, Nancy E.. - : Brock University, 2009
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Diaz, Rebel
In: Oral Histories (2007)
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School organization at successful alternative high schools serving Latino students in Chicago.
Figueroa-Peralta, Wanda I.. - : Northern Illinois University., 2004
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Scottish education : post-devolution
Bryce, Tom G. K.; Humes, Walter M.. - Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, 2003
MPI für Psycholinguistik
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Psychological theory and educational reform : how school remakes mind and society
Olson, David R.. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2003
MPI für Psycholinguistik
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Moral dimensions of academic administration (Book Review)
Hanna, Patricia Lee. - : University of Chicago Press, 2002
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La micropolítica escolar ; Micro-policy in schools
González González, María Teresa. - : Universidad de Granada, 1997
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