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Reply to Sverre Stausland Johnsen, Janne Bondi Johannessen and Bert Vaux
In: Journal of phonetics. - Amsterdam : Elsevier 41 (2013) 1, 59-62
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Reply to Sverre Stausland Johnsen, Janne Bondi Johannessen and Bert Vaux
Cowen, Steve; Moen, Inger; Simonsen, Hanne Gram. - : Elsevier Ltd, 2013
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Assessing prosodic skills in five European languages: Cross-linguistic differences in typical and atypical populations
In: International journal of speech language pathology. - Abingdon : Informa Healthcare 12 (2010) 1, 1-7
OLC Linguistik
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Analysis of a case of the foreign accent syndrome in terms of the framework of gestural phonology
In: Clinical linguistics ; 4. Applications of clinical linguistics and phonetics. - London [u.a.] : Routledge (2010), 333-349
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Assessing prosodic skills in five European languages: Cross-linguistic differences in typical and atypical populations
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Deviant prosody in patients with cortical damage
In: International journal of speech language pathology. - Abingdon : Informa Healthcare 11 (2009) 4, 272-276
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Brain dynamics of word familiarization in 20-month-olds: effects of productive vocabulary size
In: Brain & language. - Orlando, Fla. [u.a.] : Elsevier 108 (2009) 2, 73-88
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Semi-spontaneous oral text production: measurements in clinical practice
In: Clinical linguistics & phonetics. - London : Informa Healthcare 23 (2009) 12, 872-886
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Norwegian retroflex stops in a cross linguistic perspective
In: Journal of phonetics. - Amsterdam : Elsevier 36 (2008) 2, 385-405
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Productive vocabulary size predicts event-related potential correlates of fast mapping in 20-month-olds
In: Journal of cognitive neuroscience. - Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press Journals 20 (2008) 7, 1266-1282
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Norwegian retroflex stops in a cross linguistic perspective
Abstract: In this paper, Norwegian retroflex stops are investigated through the combined use of electropalatography (EPG) and electromagnetic articulography (EMA), with extensive and detailed data from four informants. Cross linguistic investigations have shown considerable articulatory variation in retroflex consonants regarding both place of articulation and tongue configuration, making it difficult to establish common articulatory characteristics for these consonants. Through our detailed articulatory investigation, we were able to identify one characteristic only that was always present in retroflex stops in Norwegian, namely an apical articulation. Other characteristics often found in retroflexes, like a posterior place of articulation, a bending up (retroflexion) of the tongue tip, a flat tongue middle, and a forward movement of the tongue tip after the release of the stop ('flapping out'), were found only in some contexts or in some individuals. Overall, the extensive articulatory variation in retroflexes often found in languages with relatively small inventories of coronal consonants was confirmed in our data. 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. ; casl ; Beck (1997) J.M. Beck, Organic variation of the vocal apparatus. In: W.J. Hardcastle and J. Laver, Editors, The handbook of phonetic sciences, Blackwell Publishers, Oxford (1997), pp. 256-297. Bradley (2002) T.G. Bradley, Gestural timing and derived environment effects in Norwegian clusters. In: L. Mikkelsen and C. Potts, Editors, WCCFL (The West Coast conference on formal linguistics) 21 proceedings, Cascadilla Press, Somerville, MA (2002), pp. 43-56. Catford (1977) J.C. Catford, Fundamental problems in phonetics, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh (1977). Catford (1988) J.C. Catford, A practical introduction to phonetics, Clarendon Press, Oxford (1988). Cho (2001) T. 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Electrophysiological correlates of auditory semantic priming in 24-month-olds
In: Journal of neurolinguistics. - Orlando, Fla. : Elsevier 20 (2007) 4, 332-351
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Brain responses to lexical-semantic priming in children at-risk for dyslexia
In: Brain & language. - Orlando, Fla. [u.a.] : Elsevier 102 (2007) 3, 243-261
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The combined use of EPG and EMA in articulatory descriptions
In: Advances in speech language pathology. - London [u.a.] : Taylor & Francis 9 (2007) 1, 120-127
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Verb and sentence processing in Norwegian aphasic speakers compared to Dutch and English aphasic speakers: experimental evidence
In: Clinical linguistics & phonetics. - London : Informa Healthcare 21 (2007) 11-12, 991-1000
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Production and perception of word tones in patients with brain damage
In: Clinical aphasiology. - Hove [u.a.] : Psychology Press (2007), 125-135
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Verbbøyning: hva skjer når hjernen får en skade? : Eksperimentell evidens fra afasirammede og Alzheimer-pasienter
In: Norsk lingvistisk tidsskrift. - Oslo : Novus Forl. 25 (2007) 1, 3-28
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Analysis of a case of the foreign accent syndrome in terms of the framework of gestural phonology
In: Journal of neurolinguistics. - Orlando, Fla. : Elsevier 19 (2006) 5, 410-423
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Semantic organization of basic-level words in 20-month-olds : an ERP study
In: Journal of neurolinguistics. - Orlando, Fla. : Elsevier 19 (2006) 6, 431-454
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Semantic organization of basic-level words in 20-month-olds: An ERP study
In: Journal of neurolinguistics. - Orlando, Fla. : Elsevier 19 (2006) 6, 431
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