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Defamation as a Language Crime: A Sociopragmatic Approach to Defamation Cases in the High Courts of Justice of Spain
Guillén Nieto, Victoria. - : JLL, 2020
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Effects of Modularized Workshop Trainings on Youth Clinical Progress in a Public Mental Health System
McLennan, Priya. - : University of Hawai'i at Manoa, 2020
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Systematic survey of the causal language use in systematic reviews of observational studies: a study protocol
In: BMJ Open (2020)
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Language and Reading Outcomes in Fourth-Grade Children With Mild Hearing Loss Compared to Age-Matched Hearing Peers
In: Lang Speech Hear Serv Sch (2020)
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Performance of Children With Hearing Loss on an Audiovisual Version of a Nonword Repetition Task
In: Lang Speech Hear Serv Sch (2020)
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Audibility-Based Hearing Aid Fitting Criteria for Children With Mild Bilateral Hearing Loss
In: Lang Speech Hear Serv Sch (2020)
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Controle na obtenção de elementos de prova e sua admissibilidade no Processo Penal brasileiro ; Control in obtaining evidence and its admissibility in Brazilian Criminal Procedure
Vieira, Renato Stanziola. - : Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP, 2020. : Universidade de São Paulo, 2020. : Faculdade de Direito, 2020
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Evidências de validade de uma tarefa de compreensão de provérbios
Abstract: Neste trabalho, apontam-se evidências de validade de uma tarefa de compreensão de provérbios, que faz parte de um teste maior de linguagem figurada. Sob a perspectiva da Linguística Cognitiva, provérbios são um fenômeno da linguagem figurada baseado em três prismas: linguístico, cognitivo e cultural. Trata-se de um fenômeno linguístico, visto que é uma figura da linguagem; cognitivo, visto que reflete nossos processos cognitivos; e cultural, já que nessa junção de linguagem e cognição, ocorre o processamento e a assimilação de uma moral. Em sua estrutura interna, os provérbios podem ser motivados por mapeamentos metafóricos e metonímicos subjacentes, que auxiliam a construir suas relações de significação. Consequentemente, os provérbios são um fenômeno de alta complexidade, compostos por sentenças fixas que fazem parte do conhecimento cultural de uma comunidade linguística. Considerando os aspectos teóricos do fenômeno e levando em conta pressupostos psicométricos, este trabalho tem como objetivo sugerir evidências de validade de uma tarefa de compreensão de provérbios. Para tanto, dois estudos foram realizados. No primeiro, analisamos a compreensão e as dimensões dos provérbios da tarefa, que é composta por seis itens. A amostra do primeiro estudo foi composta por 112 adultos, de duas regiões do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. As seguintes dimensões do fenômeno foram analisadas: compreensão, familiaridade e convencionalidade (dos provérbios e dos seus mapeamentos subjacentes), de acordo com as regiões. Também foi avaliada a assimilação dos mapeamentos subjacentes aos significados dos provérbios. No segundo estudo, analisamos a compreensão de provérbios em diferentes grupos etários (crianças, adolescentes e adultos). A tarefa em processo de validação foi aplicada a outros 412 participantes da região da Serra do Rio Grande do Sul. Além da idade, a escolaridade, o tipo de pergunta, e os próprios itens foram variáveis consideradas no estudo. Os resultados do primeiro estudo indicam que todos os itens foram considerados altamente familiares, convencionais e bem compreendidos pela amostra. Os mapeamentos metafóricos e metonímicos subjacentes também foram bem reconhecidos e associados pelos participantes. Além disso, os dados apontam que a compreensão dos provérbios analisados não difere em função da região dos participantes. No segundo estudo, verificou-se que a habilidade de compreensão de provérbios se desenvolve gradualmente, com efeito significativo da idade e da escolaridade dos participantes. Também foram verificadas diferenças significativas entre os tipos de pergunta realizados e entre os próprios provérbios. Através desses resultados, evidências de validade baseadas em conteúdo, em estrutura interna, em processos de resposta, e na relação com outras variáveis foram sugeridas. Por fim, os resultados indicam um instrumento confiável e capaz de medir com sensibilidade a compreensão de provérbios. ; This dissertation identifies validity evidence regarding a proverb comprehension task, which belongs to a broader figurative language comprehension test. Under the Cognitive Linguistics approach, proverbs are a figurative language phenomenon based on three pillars: linguistic, cognitive, and cultural. Proverbs are a linguistic phenomenon as it is a figure of speech; cognitive as it reflects our cognitive processes; and cultural since in this junction of language and cognition happens the processing and assimilation of a moral. Considering the internal structure of the phenomenon, proverbs can be motivated by underlying metaphorical and metonymic mappings, which are partially responsible for establishing the meaning of the proverbs. Therefore, proverbs are a highly complex phenomenon, consisting of fixed sentences that are part of the cultural knowledge of a linguistic community. Considering the theoretical aspects of the phenomenon, and considering psychometric guidelines, this dissertation aims at suggesting validity evidence of a proverb comprehension task. For this purpose, two studies were conducted. On the first one, we analyzed the proverbs of the task, which is composed of six items, in terms of proverbs’ dimensions and comprehension. The sample of the first study consisted of 112 adults, from two regions of Rio Grande do Sul. The following dimensions of the phenomenon were analyzed: comprehension, familiarity, and conventionality (both of the proverbs and their underlying metaphorical mappings), according to the regions. The assimilation of metaphorical mappings to the proverbs was also studied. In the second study, we analyzed the comprehension of proverbs in different age groups (children, adolescents, and adults). The task under validation was administered to 412 participants from the same region of Rio Grande do Sul (Serra). Besides age, education level, question form, and the items themselves were considered variables in the study. The results of the first study suggest that all items were considered highly familiar, conventional, and well-identified by the sample. Underlying metaphorical and metonymic mappings were also well recognized and well associated with the meaning of the proverbs. Besides that, data points out that the comprehension of the analyzed proverbs does not differ according to participants' region. In the second study, it is noticed that proverb comprehension ability develops gradually, with significant effects of age and education level. Significant differences were also found between question forms and between the items. Through these results, validity evidence based on content, internal structure, response processes, and on relations to other variables were suggested. All in all, results indicate a reliable instrument, able to measure proverb comprehension with sensitivity.
Keyword: Compreensão da linguagem; Proverb comprehension; Proverb comprehension task; Provérbios; Proverbs; Tarefas de estudo; Validity evidence
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Educational Challenges of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Learners in Canada and in the United States of America: A Systematic Literature Review
In: Major Papers (2020)
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Evidence in Argumentation-Based Litigation (ALG): Comments on Xiong's and Du's Paper
In: OSSA Conference Archive (2020)
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The forensic intelligence continuum in the military context
Wilson, Lauren E.; Gahan, Michelle E.; Lennard, Chris (R17952). - : U.K., Taylor & Francis, 2020
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Developing and validating tests of reading and listening comprehension for fifth and sixth grade students in Portugal
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Brain Scans in the Courtroom: Analyzing the General Perception of fMRI Memory Reconstruction Evidence
Carlson, Emily Thérèse. - : University of Oregon, 2020
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Evidence-based guidelines on the therapeutic use of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS): An update (2014-2018).
In: Clinical neurophysiology, vol. 131, no. 2, pp. 474-528 (2020)
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Exploring Determinants of Early Childhood Special Educators' Practice Selections for Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Hugh, Maria. - 2020
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Development and diagnostic validation of the Brisbane evidence-based language test
Rohde, Alexia; Doi, Suhail A.; Worrall, Linda. - : Taylor & Francis, 2020
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Double responding: a new constraint for models of speeded decision making
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Modeling of random static loads on a structural cover with limited statistical data
In: Structural Mechanics of Engineering Constructions and Buildings, Vol 16, Iss 4, Pp 243-249 (2020) (2020)
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Can Mobile Devices Be Used as an Active Learning Strategy?: Student Perceptions of Mobile Device Use in a Nursing Course
In: Nursing Faculty Publications and Presentations (2019)
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Individual and organizational factors that affect implementation of evidence-based practices for children with autism in public schools: a cross-sectional observational study.
In: Implementation science : IS, vol 14, iss 1 (2019)
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