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Translation Techniques in and Accuracy of the Indonesian Subtitles of the Movie Philomena
In: ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol 7, Iss 1, Pp 1-14 (2018) (2018)
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Analysis of Google Translate’s Quality in Employing Translation Techniques
In: ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol 7, Iss 1, Pp 40-49 (2018) (2018)
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The Application of Translation Variation Techniques in Martial Arts Fiction: Taking The Book & The Sword as an Example
In: Studies in Literature and Language; Vol 17, No 1 (2018): Studies in Literature and Language; 109-113 ; 1923-1563 ; 1923-1555 (2018)
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Corpus methodologies explained : an empirical approach to translation studies
Oakes, Michael P.; Ji, Meng; Hareide, Lidun. - New York : Routledge, 2017
UB Frankfurt Linguistik
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Version Variation Visualization (VVV): Case Studies on the Hebrew Haggadah in English
In: ; 2017 (2017)
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In: Across languages and cultures. - Budapest : Akad. Kiadó 18 (2017) 1, 169
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Psycholinguistic Aspects Of Manipulative Translation In Media ...
Krylova-Grek, Yu.. - : Zenodo, 2017
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Psycholinguistic Aspects Of Manipulative Translation In Media ...
Krylova-Grek, Yu.. - : Zenodo, 2017
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Translation in the European Parliament: The Study of the Ideational Function in Technical Texts (EN/FR/ES)
Veroz, María Azahara. - : Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2017. : Érudit, 2017
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Estudio descriptivo sobre la aceptabilidad de las técnicas de traducción entre los lectores chinos: una investigación empírica de la obra Platero y yo
Sun, Yiqun. - : Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2017
In: TDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa) (2017)
Abstract: El objetivo principal de este trabajo es definir técnicas populares entre los receptores chinos para la traducción literaria del español al chino. La hipótesis es que, a receptores diferentes les gustan distintas técnicas; las técnicas apreciadas por cierto grupo de lectores comparten unas características comunes. Basándose en el objetivo y la hipótesis del estudio, se establecieron cuatro modelos metodológicos: el modelo de clasificación de técnicas de traducción, el modelo de análisis de texto, el modelo de análisis de lectores y el modelo de hacer investigación mediante cuestionario. En este marco se llevó a cabo una investigación empírico-experimental con lectores de diferente nivel de estudio, género y edad de traducción literaria español-chino. El corpus del estudio trata de la obra literaria Platero y yo y sus ocho versiones chinas. Ante todo, basándose en el modelo de análisis de texto, se llevó a cabo un análisis textual sobre Platero y yo desde tres factores principales y los doce del segundo grado: el género literario (lenguaje, estructura, argumentos), las figuras literarias (apariencia de los protagonista, carácter de los protagonistas, apariencia de las figuras secundarias, carácter de las figuras secundarias) y los sentidos implícitos (estilo estético, sentimientos, actitud del autor ante la vida, pensamientos y intención creativa), para determinar los elementos clave que deben ser transferidos en las traducciones. Al terminar el estudio sobre la obra original, se llevó a cabo un análisis contrastivo de las técnicas utilizadas en los ocho textos traducidos: se realizó una selección aleatoria de Platero y yo para extraer una oración (la elección se efectuó siguiendo los doce factores arriba mencionados). Se analizaron esta frase original seleccionada y sus tres versiones chinas (traducidas por diferentes técnicas), las últimas se elegían entre las ocho traducciones. Este análisis tomó los doce procedimientos del modelo de clasificación de técnicas de traducción como referencia. Se analizaron en total 62 frases originales con sus tres traducciones respectivas, las cuales construían la parte fundamental del cuestionario del experimento. Después de determinar la parte fundamental del cuestionario, se efectuó una agrupación sobre los encuestados. Acudí a los tres factores (el nivel de estudios, el género y la edad) como parámetros para agrupar los receptores de las traducciones, es decir, en total existían tres grupos de lectores, cada grupo contaba con dos grupos secundarios que contenían 20-30 personas respectivamente. Al determinar el cuestionario y los encuestados, se llevó a cabo la encuesta entre los individuales. Basándome en el resultado, realicé un análisis sobre las doce técnicas entre diferentes lectores a través de los tres factores que influían en las expectativas de ellos. A través de este análisis, se ha confirmado la existencia de una relación entre el nivel de estudios y la edad de los receptores chinos y el gusto por las técnicas. La relación es: a mayor grado de educación y a mayor edad se esperan procedimientos de traducción más cercanos al texto original. Asimismo, se nota que, hasta ahora, en la recepción china las técnicas que rechazan las características lingüísticas y culturales de la lengua de partida, cambian la forma, el contenido y la situación del texto original y tienen un mayor grado de intervención del traductor ocupan un lugar popular en el ámbito de la traducción literaria. ; The main aim of this article is to define popular techniques among the Chinese receptors for the literary translation from Spanish to Chinese. The following hypothesis was formulated: different receivers like different techniques. The techniques appreciated by a certain group of readers share common characteristics. Based on the objective and the hypothesis of the study, four methodological models were established: the classification model of translation techniques, the text analysis model, the reader analysis model and the research questionnaire model. With this hypothesis in mind and to fulfill the main aim, an empirical-experimental research was carried out with readers of different levels of education, genre and age of Spanish-Chinese literary translation. The corpus of the study deals with the literary work Platero and I and its eight Chinese versions. First of all, based on the text analysis model, a textual analysis on Platero and I was carried out from three main factors and the twelve of the second degree: the literary genre (language, structure, arguments), the literary figures (appearance of the protagonists, character of the protagonists, appearance of the secondary figures, character of the secondary figures) and the implicit meanings (aesthetic style, sentiments, attitude of the author to life, thoughts and creative intention), to determine the key elements that should be transferred in translations. When finishing the study on the original work, a contrastive analysis of the techniques used in the eight translated texts was carried out: a random selection of Platero and I was made to extract a sentence (the choice was made following the twelve factors mentioned above). The original selected sentence and its three Chinese versions (translated by different techniques) were analyzed, the last ones were chosen among the eight translations. This analysis took the twelve procedures of the classification model of translation techniques as a reference. A total of 62 original sentences were analyzed with their three respective translations, which constructed the fundamental part of the questionnaire of the experiment. After determining the fundamental part of the questionnaire, a grouping was carried out on the respondents. I turned to the three factors (level of education, gender and age) as parameters for grouping the recipients of the translations, that is, in total there were three groups of readers, each group had two secondary groups containing 20-30 people respectively. After determining the questionnaire and the respondents, the survey was carried out among the individuals. Based on the result, I performed an analysis of the twelve techniques among different readers through the three factors that influenced their expectations. Through this analysis, it has been confirmed the existence of a relationship between the level of education and the age of Chinese recipients and the taste for the techniques. The relationship is: to a higher degree of education and to a greater age are expected procedures of translation closer to the original text. It is also noted that until now, in the Chinese reception techniques that reject the linguistic and cultural characteristics of the source language, change the form, content and situation of the original text and have a greater degree of intervention of the translator occupy a popular place in the field of literary translation.
Keyword: 09; Acceptabilitat; Acceptability; Aceptabilidad; Ciències Humanes; Lectores; Lectors; Readers; Técnicas de traducción; Tècniques de traducció; Translation techniques
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Mehrsprachigkeit als methodische Herausforderung in transnationalen Forschungskontexten
In: Zeitschrift für Qualitative Forschung ; 18 ; 1 ; 101-115 (2017)
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Questionnaires in translation
In: Cross-cultural survey equivalence ; 3 ; ZUMA-Nachrichten Spezial ; 87-126 (2017)
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Respondents' ratings of expressions from response scales: a two-country, two-language investigation on equivalence and translation
In: Cross-cultural survey equivalence ; 3 ; ZUMA-Nachrichten Spezial ; 159-184 (2017)
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Neologisms in wonderland: a comparison of two spanish translations of Alice's adventures in wonderland and Through the looking glass
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К вопросу о переводе реалий (на материале поэмы А. Т. Твардовского «Василий Теркин») ; The Problem of Culture-Specific Elements’ translation (as exemplified in A.T. Tvardovsky’s “Vasiliy Tyorkin”)
Вяткин, Д. С.. - : Издательство УМЦ-УПИ, 2017
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Techniques in Culture-Specific Expressions Translation: A Case Study of Red Sorghum from the Perspective of Nida's Equivalence Theory
Zhang, Zihe. - : The University of Queensland, School of Languages and Cultures, 2017
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Untranslatability and Translatability of Puns in the Great Gatsby - A Comparative Study of strategies for compensation
Pan, Xuejiao. - : The University of Queensland, School of Languages and Cultures, 2017
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Translating Film Titles in Forms of Proper Names - A Case Study of United States' Box Offices in 2016
Zhou, Sijia. - : The University of Queensland, School of Languages and Cultures, 2017
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In: Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, Vol 7, Iss 1, Pp 105-116 (2017) (2017)
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Translating technical terms into Arabic: Microsoft Terminology Collection (English-Arabic) as an example
In: Translation and Interpreting : the International Journal of Translation and Interpreting Research, Vol 9, Iss 2 (2017) (2017)
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