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The instrumental use of verbless sentences in writing and rewriting: a longitudinal and genre-contrasted point of view
In: Writing(s) at the crossroads: the process/product interface ; ; Georgeta Cislaru. Writing(s) at the crossroads: the process/product interface, John Benjamins, pp.57-80, 2015 (2015)
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B4 Ludolf ...
Petrova, Svetlana. - : Universität Hamburg, 2015
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B4 Ludolf ...
Petrova, Svetlana. - : Universität Hamburg, 2015
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We Had the Experience but Missed the Meaning: Capacity Building Using Student Diary Pro to Enhance the Mobility Experience
In: Stream 1: Enterprise and Engagement (2015)
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An ethnographic approach to studying the student experience : The student perspective through free form video diaries
Cashmore, Annette; Green, Paul; Scott, Jon. - : Queensland University of Technology, 2015
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Capturing experiences as they happen : diary data collection for social marketing
Burton, Suzan; Nesbit, Paul. - : Emerald Group Publishing, 2015
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Using video self-modelling to improve the reading attitudes of students with dyslexia
Maguire, James Vincent. - : University of Canterbury. Psychology, 2015
Abstract: Individuals with dyslexia have an unexpected difficulty learning to read. This difficulty produces other effects, such as poor reading attitudes, meaning many choose not to read. Reading is a valuable source of information and entertainment, therefore individuals with dyslexia require better reading support. This study attempted to develop an intervention to improve reading attitudes using video self-modelling (VSM). VSM involves individuals watching carefully created videos of themselves correctly performing target behaviours. During this 1 month intervention, 14 participants (13 male and 1 female) aged 9-14 who had dyslexia were asked to watch a weekly video of themselves silently reading one of four types of material: academic digital, academic print, recreational digital or recreational print. The participants’ reading attitudes and ability were measured before and after the intervention using the Survey of Adolescent Reading Attitudes and the Wide Range Achievement Test–Fourth Edition, respectively. Their reading habits and affect while reading (as a proxy measure of reading attitudes) were monitored during the intervention using a daily reading diary. This study did not detect any systematic or reliable changes in reading habits, affect while reading, reading attitudes and reading skills. This may have been due to limitations in the procedure, or it is possible that VSM cannot affect attitudes and that reading attitudes alone do not have a strong influence on ability. Consequently, future research should use VSM to help individuals with dyslexia by focusing on specific reading skills, such as phonological awareness.
Keyword: Brinley plots; Dyslexia; Reading attitudes; Reading diary; Reliable change index; Video self-modelling; VSM
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Capturing experiences as they happen : diary data collection for social marketing
Burton, Suzan (R16012); Nesbit, Paul L.. - : U.K., Emerald, 2015
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Un blog com a pretext per escriure ; A blog as a pretext for writing ; Un blog como pretexto para escribir
In: Llengua i ús: revista tècnica de política lingüística; Núm. 55 (2014); p. 51-59 (2015)
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Teacher Self-Evaluation Models As Authentic Portfolio To Monitor Language Teachers' Performance
In: TEFLIN Journal, Vol 15, Iss 1, Pp 91-116 (2015) (2015)
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