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Els fragments hebreus amb aljamies catalanes de l'Arxiu Històric de Girona: estudi textual, edició paleogràfica i anàlisi lingüística
Valls i Pujol, Esperança. - : Universitat de Girona, 2016
In: TDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa) (2016)
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混合还是复苏:以色列语的起源——多来源,形式和模式 ; Hybridity versus revivability: the genesis of the Israeli language - Multiple causation, forms and patterns
In: (2016)
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The Semantic Field of 'Remembering' in the Psalms
Daffern, M. - 2016
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Arabic Codes in Hebrew Texts: On the Typology of Literary Code-switching
Ahmed, Mohamed. - : Brill, 2016. : Journal of Jewish Languages, 2016
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''But you said: 'I will not serve!''' The interpretation of Prophetic speech quotations: a case study of Jeremiah 2.1-3.5.
Hildebrandt, Samuel. - : The University of Edinburgh, 2016
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Computational Decipherment of Unknown Scripts
Hauer, Bradley. - : University of Alberta. Department of Computing Science., 2016
Abstract: Degree: Master of Science ; Abstract: Algorithmic decipherment is a prime example of a truly unsupervised problem. This thesis presents several algorithms developed for the purpose of decrypting unknown alphabetic scripts representing unknown languages. We assume that symbols in scripts which contain no more than a few dozen unique characters roughly correspond to the phonemes of a language, and model such scripts as monoalphabetic substitution ciphers. We further allow that an unknown transposition scheme could have been applied to the enciphered text, resulting in arbitrary scrambling of letters within words (anagramming). We also consider the possibility that the underlying script is an abjad, in which only consonants are explicitly represented. Our decryption system is composed of three steps. The first step in the decipherment process is the identification of the encrypted language. We propose three methods for determining the source language of a document enciphered with a monoalphabetic substitution cipher. The best method achieves 97% accuracy on 380 languages. The second step is to map each symbol of the ciphertext to the corresponding letter in the identified language. We propose a novel approach to deciphering short monoalphabetic substitution ciphers which combines both character-level and word-level language models. Our method achieves a significant improvement over the state of the art on a benchmark suite of short ciphers. The third step is to decode the resulting anagrams into readable text, which may involve the recovery of unwritten vowels. Our approach obtains an average decryption word accuracy of 93% on a set of 50 ciphertexts in 5 languages. Finally, we apply our new techniques to the Voynich manuscript, a centuries-old document written in an unknown script, which has resisted decipherment despite decades of study.
Keyword: Alphagrams; Anagrams; Artificial Intelligence; Beam Search; Decipherment; Decoding; Decryption; Encryption; Hebrew; Language; Monte Carlo Tree Search; Natural Language Processing; Transliteration; Voynich; Voynich Manuscript
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Interfaces between linguistic systems: Evidence from child language
In: Faculty Publications (2016)
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Word Order and Information Structure in Finite Verb Clauses in Hellenistic Period Hebrew
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Translation in Diaspora: Sephardic Spanish-Hebrew translations in the sixteenth century
Wacks, David A.. - : Benjamins, 2016
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A functional profile of Left Dislocation in Biblical Hebrew
In: Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics Plus, Vol 50, Iss 0, Pp 65-90 (2016) (2016)
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On subject use in English as a second language
In: Bucharest Working Papers in Linguistics, Vol XVIII, Iss 1, Pp 103-122 (2016) (2016)
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Specific Exceptions Driving Variation: The Role of Orthography in Modern Hebrew Spirantization
In: Proceedings of the Annual Meetings on Phonology; Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Meeting on Phonology ; 2377-3324 (2016)
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