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The relationships among acculturation, executive functioning and English language proficiency in bilingual adults ; Acculturation, EF, and ELP in bilinguals
Moss, Lauren E.. - 2016
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Multiple Language Use Influences Oculomotor Task Performance: Neurophysiological Evidence of a Shared Substrate between Language and Motor Control
In: ISSN: 1932-6203 ; EISSN: 1932-6203 ; PLoS ONE ; ; PLoS ONE, Public Library of Science, 2016, 11, ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0165029.t009⟩ (2016)
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Linguistic and Cognitive Profiles of 8- to 15-Year-Old Children With Specific Reading Comprehension Difficulties
In: ISSN: 0022-2194 ; Journal of Learning Disabilities ; ; Journal of Learning Disabilities, SAGE Publications, 2016, 50 (2), pp.128 - 142. ⟨10.1177/0022219415613080⟩ (2016)
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Executive functioning and risk-taking behavior in Parkinson’s disease patients with impulse control disorders
In: ISSN: 0300-9564 ; EISSN: 1435-1463 ; Journal of Neural Transmission ; ; Journal of Neural Transmission, Springer Verlag, 2016, 123 (6), pp.573-581. ⟨10.1007/s00702-016-1549-y⟩ (2016)
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Theory of Mind in Alzheimer Disease: Evidence of Authentic Impairment During Social Interaction
In: ISSN: 0894-4105 ; Neuropsychology ; ; Neuropsychology, American Psychological Association, 2016, 30 (3), pp.312-321. ⟨10.1037/neu0000220⟩ (2016)
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Tuning the mind: Exploring the connections between musical ability and executive functions ...
Slevc, L. Robert; Davey, Nicholas S.; Buschkuehl, Martin. - : Digital Repository at the University of Maryland, 2016
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Effects of dense code-switching on executive control
In: Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism ; 6 (2016), 5. - S. 648-668. - ISSN 1879-9264. - eISSN 1879-9272 (2016)
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Language and thought are not the same thing: evidence from neuroimaging and neurological patients
In: Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences , 1369 pp. 132-153. (2016) (2016)
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Teacher’s Discourse in the Classroom and the Development of Children’s Cognitive Skills ; El discurso del profesor en el aula y el desarrollo de las habilidades cognitivas en los niños
Salmon, Angela K.. - : Asociación Científica de Psicología y Educación (ACIPE), 2016
Abstract: Teaching and learning is a reciprocal process in which the teacher and students learn from each other. Research and child development theories suggest that a rich and engaging curriculum along with high quality adult-child interactions promote children’s cognitive and language development. When thinking is the foundation of students’ learning, and it is visible, children are better at developing habits of mind, learning how to learn, and self-regulating their emotions and behaviors. Consequently children develop executive functions that take control over their learning and life. Adult-child interactions are vital to the cognitive, linguistic, and social-emotional development of the child. A teacher’s discourse in the classroom responds to the adult’s image of the child: the adult’s expectations of children as thinkers and learners. Teachers who value children’s thinking are most likely to engage them in good thinking and provide them with crystallizing experiences. The use of thinking routines promotes good thinking and enhance the learning experience. This presentation draws from Harvard Project Zero Visible Thinking framework to explore how adults can support, or hinder, students’ thinking. The presenter will emphasize the teacher’s discourse in the classroom, particularly the type of questioning used and implications for children’s cognitive engagement. ; El enseñar y aprender es un proceso recíproco en el que el maestro y los niños aprenden el uno del otro. Las investigaciones y teorías de desarrollo infantil sugieren que un currículo rico y motivador con interacciones de calidad entre el adulto y el niño promueven el desarrollo cognitivo y del lenguaje. Cuando el pensamiento es la base del aprendizaje de los estudiantes y se lo hace visible, los niños tienen la habilidad de desarrollar hábitos de la mente, aprender a aprender y auto-regular sus emociones y conductas. Consecuentemente, ellos desarrollan funciones ejecutivas que tomarán control de su aprendizaje y su vida. Las interacciones entre el adulto y el niño son vitales para el desarrollo cognitivo, lingüístico, y social emocional del niño. El discurso del maestro en el aula responde a la imagen que él tiene del niño, incluyendo sus expectativas sobre el pensamiento. Cuando el maestro valora el pensamiento de los niños, él los envuelve en pensamiento de alto nivel y les provee experiencias cristalizadoras. Para Howard Gardner, una experiencia cristalizadora ocurre cuando el niño hace conexiones con algo que involucra su curiosidad y estimula su exploración. Esta presentación surge de investigaciones sobre marco de Pensamiento Visible de Proyecto Cero de la Universidad Harvard y los Hábitos de la Mente como base para explorar cómo los adultos pueden promover o inhibir el pensamiento de los estudiantes. La conferencista enfatiza en el discurso del maestro en el aula, particularmente, el tipo de preguntas que utiliza y las implicaciones en la actividad cognitiva de los niños.
Keyword: Brecha de palabra; Cognitive development; Desarrollo del pensamiento; Executive functions; Funciones ejecutivas; Hábitos de la mente; Pensamiento visible; Questioning; Visible thinking; Word-Gap
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Correlação entre fatores de experiência linguística bilíngue e controle inibitório
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The bilingual advantage in the language processing domain : evidence from the Verbal Fluency Task
Pino Escobar, Gloria (S32245); Kalashnikova, Marina (R17600); Escudero, Paola (R16636). - : Canberra, A.C.T., Australian Speech Science & Technology Association, 2016
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Partly segregated cortico-subcortical pathways support phonologic and semantic verbal fluency: A lesion study.
In: Neuroscience, vol. 329, pp. 275-283 (2016)
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Tuning the mind: Exploring the connections between musical ability and executive functions
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