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Limbaj Și Context = Speech And Context, No.2, 2015 ...
Cosciug Angela. - : Zenodo, 2017
Abstract: Speech and Context International Journal of Linguistics, Semiotics and Literary Science (SCIJLSLS) is an open access, peer reviewed (double blind reviewed) journal which is indexed in many prestigious international databases, directories, lists etc. (see Journal Indexing and Registration by databases types or Journal Indexing and Registration by countries). It appears there like Limbaj şi context or Speech and Context International Journal of Linguistics, Semiotics and Literary Science. The journal is founded in 2009 by Angela COŞCIUG, Associate Professor, Ph.D., at Alecu Russo State University of Bălţi, Republic of Moldova. From 2010, the journal is published in cooperation with the administration of Basel (Switzerland). From January 2009 till May 2013 the journal published materials in English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Romania, Russian and Ukrainian. From May 2013 it publishes materials only in English. ... : Limbaj și context = Speech and Context : Rev. de lingvistică, semiotică și șt. literară/Univ. de Stat "Alecu Russo".- Bălți, 2015.- Nr.2.-p. 123.- ISSN 1857-4149 ...
Keyword: Alecu Russo State University of Bălţi; FOS Languages and literature; Limbaj și context; Linguistics; Literary Science; Republic of Moldova
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