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ELT corpus: The French Polynesian elementary school context ; ELT corpus: The French Polynesian elementary school context: Mendeley Data, V1
In: ; 2018, ⟨10.17632/tzgght78xm.1⟩ (2018)
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Discussion on Bilingual Cognition in International Exchange Activities
In: IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology ; 2nd International Conference on Intelligence Science (ICIS) ; ; 2nd International Conference on Intelligence Science (ICIS), Nov 2018, Beijing, China. pp.167-177, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-01313-4_17⟩ (2018)
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Le dispositif Diwan en Bretagne : une inscription paradoxale ?
In: L’immersion : 40 ans d’expériences pour l’avenir de nos langues ; ; L’immersion : 40 ans d’expériences pour l’avenir de nos langues, Réseau Diwan, Mar 2018, Quimper, France (2018)
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Narrative competence of bilingual children: an exploratory study of Franco-Chinese children aged 5 to 10 years old in France
In: ISSN: 0718-9397 ; REVISTA AKADÈMEIA (ISSN: 0718-9397) ; ; REVISTA AKADÈMEIA (ISSN: 0718-9397), Universidad Gabriela Mistral.- Chili, 2018, 17 (2), pp.4-23 ; (2018)
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Mathematics learners' behaviour in CLIL bilingual lessons within L2 external setting
In: Proceedings of the IV ERME Topic Conference on Classroom-based research on mathematics and language (pp. 117-123) ; ; Proceedings of the IV ERME Topic Conference on Classroom-based research on mathematics and language (pp. 117-123), Mar 2018, Dresde, Germany ; (2018)
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Spanish Language Topics Course Curriculum Proposal
In: Construction Management (2018)
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The influence of pre-stroke proficiency on post-stroke lexical semantic performance in bilingual aphasia
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Verbal fluency as a measure of lexico-semantic access and cognitive control in bilingual aphasia
Rao, Leela A.. - 2018
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Study Abroad in the Neoliberal Academy: Shifting Geographies
In: Scholarship and Professional Work - LAS (2018)
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[Un]consciously [Dis]serving English Learners: A Reflection of Bilingual Teacher Educators on the Border
In: Educational Technology Faculty Publications and Presentations (2018)
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Congolese Refugee Students in Higher Education: Equity and Opportunity
In: Boise State University Theses and Dissertations (2018)
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Looking for a Needle in a Haystack: CALL and Advanced Language Proficiency
In: World Languages Faculty Publications and Presentations (2018)
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The Space Beyond – Academic quality renaissance: Case studies within Māori, Mapuche and Mocoví tertiary education organisations
Rosales-Anderson, Norma. - : Auckland University of Technology, 2018
Abstract: Globally, academic quality is a concept loaded with economic, political, social and cultural connotations. Since the onset of New Public Management and consequent reforms of the late 1980s, the term quality has been pervasive within the complex landscape of tertiary education organisations. Another layer of complexity for Indigenous tertiary education organisations is the imperative for leaders to negotiate quality beyond the unproductive contestation of neoliberal and Indigenous demands. Culturally Responsive Methodologies such as Critical Theory and Kaupapa Māori Theory are the research paradigm of this qualitative cross-cultural study. Three purposeful chosen case studies in the Indigenous tertiary educational settings of Aotearoa New Zealand, Chile and Argentina were critically examined. The three dimensions of semantic, pragmatic and syntactic within a multiple case study approach, allowed social realities to be critically analysed. Interviews, observations, documentary analysis hui, fieldnotes and photographs, were the data collecting methods employed in the field. Although derived from different histories, each case study shared the experience of neoliberalism, Indigenous renaissance and academic quality that occurred during the 1980s and are still prevalent. Corresponding models of biculturalism, interculturality and intercultural bilingual education showed different dimensions of an apparent coexistence between neoliberal and Indigenous imperatives of academic quality. The neoliberal and Indigenous coexistance within the third space (Bhabha, 1994), the ethical space (Ermine, 2004; Hammersmith, 2007) and the in-between space (Anderson, 2014), is contested. For instance, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development regards academic quality from a neoliberal perspective that stems from a specific ontology based on privileging economic capital over any other form of capital. Conversely, the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples views academic quality from an Indigenous perspective that stems from an ontology based on privileging cultural capital over economic capital. Indigenous worldviews moved through a series of phases that (L. Smith, 1999, p. 88) termed “1. contact and invasion, 2. genocide and destruction, 3. resistance and survival, 4. recovery as Indigenous peoples” (p. 88). Complementing these phases of L. Smith (1999), my thesis is positioned in a fifth space or space beyond termed Academic Quality Renaissance. From this position, I argue that an ontological conflict or pathology sits behind the neoliberal and Indigenous apparent coexistence, giving rise to a différend or a dispute between two incommensurable language genres (Lyotard, 1988). The thesis in this study provides an alternative view. To lessen the extend of the différend, an ontological shift must take place. By critically examining the data from the case studies, I came to the conclusion that the present preference for marketisation over culturalisation must be reversed to a preference for culturalisation over marketisation. Governments need to acknowledge the United Nations Declaration for Indigenous Peoples’ principles as a guide for making actual policy. Hence, these principles will not be an aspiration but a practical expression in the form of legislation that will allow the Indigenous Academic Quality Renaissance’s core to pulsate the spirituality and sacredness of the Indigenous ontology.
Keyword: Academic quality; Biculturalism; Higher education; Indigenous; Intercultural bilingual education; Interculturality; Māori; Mapuche; Mocoví
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A Case for Inclusion: A study of the Relationship between students of Color in Private Progressive Institution
In: Senior Projects Spring 2018 (2018)
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¿Puedes Anagramar?: A Game That Helps Heritage Speakers Master Spanish Accentuation
In: Senior Projects Spring 2018 (2018)
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Bilingual Lexical Acquisition. On the crossroads of early word production and grammar: Evidence from a French-Russian bilingual child aged from 2;0 to 4;0
In: International Conference on Multilingual Awareness and Multilingual Practices ; ; International Conference on Multilingual Awareness and Multilingual Practices, Tallinn University, School of Humanities, Nov 2018, Tallinn, Estonia (2018)
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Processing Tools for Greek and Other Languages of the Christian Middle East
In: EISSN: 2416-5999 ; Journal of Data Mining and Digital Humanities ; ; Journal of Data Mining and Digital Humanities,, 2018, Special Issue on Computer-Aided Processing of Intertextuality in Ancient Languages (2018)
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Automatic and social effects on accommodation in monolingual and bilingual speech
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Exploring the Perceptions of Novice Spanish Students in Blended Courses
In: World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures Faculty Publications (2018)
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Translating Intercultural Bilingual Education into Practice: The Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Mexico City
Quezada, Marial. - 2018
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