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An automatic study of lenition of intra-lexical intervocalic /bdg/ and coda -s in Peninsular vs America spanish
In: Laboratory Phonology Conference ; ; Laboratory Phonology Conference, Jun 2018, Lisbonne, Portugal (2018)
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Connected speech in Romanian: Exploring sound change through an ASR system
In: Production and perception mechanisms of sound change ; ; D. Recasens and F. Sánchez Miret (Eds.). Production and perception mechanisms of sound change, Lincom Europa, pp.129-143, 2018 (2018)
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Exploring Temporal Reduction in Dialectal Spanish: A Large-scale Study of Lenition of Voiced Stops and Coda-s
In: Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association ; ; Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, ISCA, Sep 2018, Hyderabad, India (2018)
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Disfluencies and Teaching Strategies in Social Interactions Between a Pedagogical Agent and a Student: Background and Challenges
In: SEMDIAL 2018 (AixDial), The 22nd workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue ; ; SEMDIAL 2018 (AixDial), The 22nd workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue, Nov 2018, Aix-en-Provence, France. pp.188-191 (2018)
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Studying variation in Romanian: deletion of the definite article -l in continuous speech
In: Linguistic Vanguard ; ; Linguistic Vanguard, 2018, 5 (1), 17p (2018)
Abstract: International audience ; Studies of variation in continuous speech converge towards the conclusion that in everyday speech, words are often produced with reduced variants, where some segments are shorter or completely absent. This paper focuses on the reduction of the post-posed definite article in Romanian. We describe an initiative to automatically exploit spoken corpora for Romanian, in order to better understand linguistic behaviour in spontaneous speech. The corpora cover several speaking styles including both prepared and spontaneous speech such as broadcast news and debates, elicited dialogues and monologues on guided topics.Taken together, the data sets provide more than 10 hours of speech produced in a variety of communicative frameworks. The deletion of the definite article -l, i.e. L-dropping in continuous speech is investigated across speaking styles using aligned speech and pronunciation variants. The main question addressed in the study is the influence of speaking style on the distribution of L-dropping. We examine the role of the surrounding context in L-dropping or L-retention. Theresults show that, in prepared speech and broadcast news, deletion is triggered by the context as a consequence of the communication framework and the nature of the following segment (following vowel-initial words favor L-retention, while consonant-initial words favour L-dropping). In spontaneous speech, L-dropping is more frequent and the context is less important in predicting the occurrenceof reduced variants.
Keyword: [INFO.INFO-CL]Computer Science [cs]/Computation and Language [cs.CL]; [INFO]Computer Science [cs]; ASR; definite article; morpho-phonology; phonetics; Romanian
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