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The use of computer-adaptive formative assessment: Australian English language teacher perceptions ...
Ijiwade, Oluwaseun. - : UNSW Sydney, 2020
Abstract: Assessment for learning (AfL) is a formative approach to the effective utilization of assessment information which necessitates teachers being able to access and use appropriate assessment tools to enhance student learning. This is particularly important for English language teachers in Australia as students from language backgrounds other than English (LBOTE) are often exempted from national standardized assessments, following a much more individually tailored curriculum-based, teacher-led assessment of students’ English language development. Despite extensive scaffolding of teacher assessment literacy within an AfL framework, however, understanding such users’ perceived notions of assessment use is still very limited. Hence, this study explored teacher perceptions of a new externally designed, computer-adaptive assessment tool for formative purposes and examined potential variations in use through an exploratory sequential mixed methods research design. Qualitative data were collected from online ...
Keyword: Assessment for learning, Classroom assessment; Computer-adaptive assessment, Evaluation, Formative assessment, Learning-oriented assessment; Evaluation; Formative assessment; Learning-oriented assessment; Rasch analysis; Rasch analysis, Standard-based assessment, Teacher perceptions, Technology-based school assessment; Teacher perceptions; Technology-based school assessment; Validation
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The use of computer-adaptive formative assessment: Australian English language teacher perceptions
Ijiwade, Oluwaseun, Education, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, UNSW. - : University of New South Wales. Education, 2020
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