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Normative Labels in Two Lexicographic Traditions: A Slovene–English Case Study
In: Lexikos; Vol. 30 (2020) ; 2224-0039 (2020)
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From Haugen’s codification to Thomas’s purism: assessing the role of description and prescription, prescriptivism and purism in linguistic standardisation ...
Ayres-Bennett, W. - : Apollo - University of Cambridge Repository, 2020
Abstract: Haugen’s model (1972 [1966]) of standardisation has been widely adopted in general histories of particular languages, not least because of its clarity and simplicity. In this article, I focus on its treatment of codification, with a view to suggesting refinements to this part of the model. In particular, I discuss the relationship between codification and prescription on the one hand, and between prescriptivism and purism on the other. Haugen makes no distinction between codification and prescription either in the original version of his model (Haugen 1972 [1966]), or in its revised version (Haugen 1987). Indeed, he seems to consider codification and prescription as broadly interchangeable, suggesting that the typical products of codification are a prescriptive orthography, grammar and dictionary. Whilst Milroy and Milroy (1991) do differentiate codification and prescription, neither model mentions purism, although Deumert and Vandenbussche (2003) argue that it is essential to consider its role in the ... : This research, part of the Multilingualism: Empowering Individuals, Transforming Societies research project, was funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) under its Open World Research Initiative. ...
Keyword: Codification; Haugen; Original Paper; Prescription; Prescriptivism; Purism; Standardisation; Thomas
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From Haugen’s codification to Thomas’s purism: assessing the role of description and prescription, prescriptivism and purism in linguistic standardisation
Ayres-Bennett, W. - : Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2020. : Language Policy, 2020
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From Haugen’s codification to Thomas’s purism: assessing the role of description and prescription, prescriptivism and purism in linguistic standardisation
Ayres-Bennett, Wendy. - : Springer Netherlands, 2020. : Language Policy, 2020
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Normative Labels in Two Lexicographic Traditions: A Slovene–English Case Study
In: Lexikos, Vol 30, Pp 561-581 (2020) (2020)
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Begging for bags: BAG-raising and prescriptive ideologies in Spokane Washington
In: Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America; Vol 5, No 1 (2020): Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America; 354–368 ; 2473-8689 (2020)
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