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University of Tennessee Library Lectures, 1976-1978 (no. 28-30)
In: University of Tennessee Library Lecture Series (1979)
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An Analysis on Non-Finite Verb Forms as an Indication of the Style of Translation in Bede's Ecclesiastical History
In: Library Faculty & Staff Publications (1978)
Abstract: Non-finite verb forms are ideal as indicators of a translator's ability and style of translating Latin into OE. (1) This is because in Latin there are six different infinitives: the present active infinitive, the present passive infinitive, the perfect active infinitive, the perfect passive infinitive, the future active infinitive, and the future passive infinitive. However, in OE there is only one infinitive: the present active infinitive. In Latin there are four different participles: the present active imperfect participle, the present passive perfective participle, the future active imperfective participle, and the future passive imperfective participle (gerundive). The gerund is the neuter singular nominal of the gerundive. However, in OE there are only two participles: the present active participle and the past passive participle. The translator had little problem in translating the equivalent forms, but when confronted with those infinitives and participles for which there are no equivalents in OE, the translator was forced to innovate. These innovations are personal stylystic traits and can be used as a base of comparison with other Alfredian Translations.
Keyword: analysis; Bede; Ecclesiastical History; Library and Information Science; non-finite; style; translation; verb forms
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Levels of technicality in scientific communication
Tagliacozzo, Renata. - : Elsevier, 1976
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Iowa Materials for the Linguistic Atlas of the Upper Midwest
In: Books at Iowa (1967)
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Using Pura Belpre Books to Connect Learners to Hispanic Culture
In: ETSU Faculty Works (1905)
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