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The training of morphological decomposition in word processing and its effects on literacy skills
In: Frontiers in psychology 8 (2017) 1583, 17 S. (2017)
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The training of morphological decomposition in word processing and its effects on literacy skills ...
Bar-Kochva, Irit; Hasselhorn, Marcus. - : Frontiers Research Foundation, 2017
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An examination of the process of acquiring visual word representations in dyslexic children ; Untersuchung des Aneignungsprozesses von visuellen Wortrepräsentationen bei Kindern mit Dyslexie
In: Journal for educational research online 8 (2016) 1, S. 7-25 (2016)
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An examination of the process of acquiring visual word representations in dyslexic children ... : Untersuchung des Aneignungsprozesses von visuellen Wortrepräsentationen bei Kindern mit Dyslexie ...
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In search of methods enhancing fluency in reading. An examination of the relations between time constraints and processes of reading in readers of German ...
Bar-Kochva, Irit; Hasselhorn, Marcus. - : Elsevier, 2015
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In search of methods enhancing fluency in reading. An examination of the relations between time constraints and processes of reading in readers of German
In: Journal of experimental child psychology 140 (2015), S. 140-157 (2015)
Abstract: The attainment of fluency in reading is a major difficulty for reading-disabled people. Manipulations applied on the presentation of texts, leading to "on-line" effects on reading (i.e., while texts are manipulated), are one direction of examinations in search of methods affecting reading. The imposing of time constraints, by deleting one letter after the other from texts presented on a computer screen, has been established as such a method. In an attempt to further understand its nature, we tested the relations between time constraints and processes of reading: phonological decoding of small orthographic units and the addressing of orthographic representations from the mental lexicon. We also examined whether the type of orthographic unit deleted (lexical, sublexical, or nonlexical unit) has any additional effect. Participants were German fifth graders with (n = 29) or without (n = 34) reading disability. Time constraints enhanced fluency in reading in both groups, and to a similar extent, across conditions. Comprehension was unimpaired. These results place the very principle of time constraints, regardless of the orthographic unit manipulated, as a critical factor affecting fluency in reading. However, phonological decoding explained a significant amount of variance in fluency in reading across all conditions in reading-disabled children, whereas the addressing of orthographic representations was the consistent predictor of fluency in reading in regular readers. These results indicate a qualitative difference in the processes explaining the variance in fluency in reading in regular and reading-disabled readers and suggest that time constraints might not have an effect on the relations between these processes and reading performance. (DIPF/Orig.)
Keyword: Cognitive competence; Computerunterstütztes Verfahren; ddc:370; Deutschland; Dysorthography; Education; Empirische Bildungsforschung; Erziehung; Experiment; Frankfurt a.M; Germany; Kognitive Kompetenz; Lesegeschwindigkeit; Lesestörung; Lesetest; Pädagogische Psychologie; Pupil; Pupils; Reading Efficiency; Reading speed; Reading tests; Rechtschreibschwäche; Rechtschreibtest; School year 05; Schüler; Schul- und Bildungswesen; Schuljahr 05; Vocabulary; Wortschatz
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