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TRIPLE Deliverable: D2.1 Data Acquisition Plan ...
Abstract: This report describes the Data Acquisition Plan (DAP) with technical specifications to be implemented in order to collect metadata about the research outputs from Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) in 9 languages and to make them available through the future TRIPLE platform. To reach this objective, the DAP, strategic step of the TRIPLE Core, defines the process of collecting metadata until their exposition in the TRIPLE database through a two-fold approach: 1) Metadata provision by processing chains of aggregation platforms and 2) Semantic enrichment and resource linking by the TRIPLE pipeline. A delivery platform will be the communication interface between both processes. As a first phase, metadata are collected by aggregation platforms which are part of the consortium such as ISIDORE or CESSDA (and others out of the consortium like OpenAIRE, NARCIS etc.) and dropped on the delivery platform. To collect and expose their metadata, these platforms use generic processing chains called BUILD. In accordance ... : The Report has been officially approved by the EU Project Officer. --- The TRIPLE project (, which is financed under the Horizon 2020 framework (, under Grant Agreement No. 863420, with approx. 5.6 million Euros for a duration of 42 months (2019-2023). --- At the heart of the project is the development of the TRIPLE platform, an innovative multilingual and multicultural discovery solution. ...
Keyword: data; data acquisition; metadata; OPERAS; research infrastructure; social sciences and humanities; SSH; TRIPLE
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TRIPLE Deliverable: D2.1 Data Acquisition Plan ...
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TRIPLE Deliverable: D2.1 Data Acquisition Plan ...
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