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20191205_R05 ; Recorrido (Walking Interview) 05 ; References to Environs are Coordinated to be Heard and Seen
Severiana Baltazar Lorenzo; Kate Mesh; Maria Elena Méndez Cortés. - : Kate Mesh, 2019. : Lund University Humanities Lab, 2019
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20191118_R08 ; Recorrido (Walking Interview) 08 ; References to Environs are Coordinated to be Heard and Seen
Ambrocio Baltazar Cruz; Kate Mesh; Maria Elena Méndez Cortés. - : Kate Mesh, 2019. : Lund University Humanities Lab, 2019
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20191216_R10 ; Recorrido (Walking Interview) 10 ; References to Environs are Coordinated to be Heard and Seen
Maria Elena Méndez Cortés; CM11; Kate Mesh. - : Kate Mesh, 2019. : Lund University Humanities Lab, 2019
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Participant_Permissions ; Permisos (Permissions) ; References to Environs are Coordinated to be Heard and Seen
Ambrocio Baltazar Cruz; Beatríz Baltazar Canseco; Alberto Méndez Orocio. - : Kate Mesh, 2019. : Lund University Humanities Lab, 2019
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20191118_R08 ; Recorrido (Walking Interview) 08 ; References to Environs are Coordinated to be Heard and Seen
Ambrocio Baltazar Cruz; Kate Mesh; Maria Elena Méndez Cortés. - : Kate Mesh, 2019. : Lund University Humanities Lab, 2019
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20191207_R07 ; Recorrido (Walking Interview) 07 ; References to Environs are Coordinated to be Heard and Seen
María Apolonio Cortés; Kate Mesh; Maria Elena Méndez Cortés. - : Kate Mesh, 2019. : Lund University Humanities Lab, 2019
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20191207_R07 ; Recorrido (Walking Interview) 07 ; References to Environs are Coordinated to be Heard and Seen
María Apolonio Cortés; Kate Mesh; Maria Elena Méndez Cortés. - : Kate Mesh, 2019. : Lund University Humanities Lab, 2019
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Participant_Permissions ; Permisos (Permissions) ; References to Environs are Coordinated to be Heard and Seen
Ambrocio Baltazar Cruz; Beatríz Baltazar Canseco; Alberto Méndez Orocio. - : Kate Mesh, 2019. : Lund University Humanities Lab, 2019
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20191207_R07 ; Recorrido (Walking Interview) 7 ; References to Environs are Coordinated to be Heard and Seen
Maria Elena Méndez Cortés; María Apolonio Cortés; Kate Mesh. - : Kate Mesh, 2019. : Lund University Humanities Lab, 2019
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20191215_R09 ; Recorrido (Walking Interview) 09 ; References to Environs are Coordinated to be Heard and Seen
CM06; Kate Mesh; Maria Elena Méndez Cortés. - : Kate Mesh, 2019. : Lund University Humanities Lab, 2019
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20191206_R06 ; Recorrido (Walking Interview) 06 ; References to Environs are Coordinated to be Heard and Seen
María Orocio Nicolas; Kate Mesh; Maria Elena Méndez Cortés. - : Kate Mesh, 2019. : Lund University Humanities Lab, 2019
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20191205_R05 ; Recorrido (Walking Interview) 5 ; References to Environs are Coordinated to be Heard and Seen
Severiana Baltazar Lorenzo; Kate Mesh; Maria Elena Méndez Cortés. - : Kate Mesh, 2019. : Lund University Humanities Lab, 2019
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20191130_R04 ; Recorrido (Walking Interview) 04 ; References to Environs are Coordinated to be Heard and Seen
Severa Canseco Baltazar; Kate Mesh; Maria Elena Méndez Cortés. - : Kate Mesh, 2019. : Lund University Humanities Lab, 2019
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20191217_R11 ; Recorrido (Walking Interview) 11 ; References to Environs are Coordinated to be Heard and Seen
CM12; Kate Mesh; Maria Elena Méndez Cortés; Claudia García Baltazar. - : Kate Mesh, 2019. : Lund University Humanities Lab, 2019
Abstract: Maria Elena Méndez Cortés interviews a man from Cieneguilla (psedonymized as CM12) about local landmarks and paths taken to reach them, following the interview guide produced for the REaCHeS project. ; Maria Elena Méndez Cortés entrevista a un señor de Cieneguilla (llamado "CM12" aquí) sobre los puntos de referencia locales y los caminos tomados para llegar a ellos, siguiendo la guía de entrevista del proyecto REaCHeS. ; To locate objects in the world, speakers typically use two linked indicating strategies: spoken expressions like 'here' or 'there,' and simultaneous head and hand movements to point to the object. A growing body of research asks how these strategies draw attention to physical space, and what motivates speakers to use the strategies in isolation or in combination. The REaCHeS project examines indicating strategies in speakers of Eastern Chatino (EC), a lesser-studied and typologically unusual language used in Oaxaca, Mexico. We investigate the factors that motivate EC speakers to express spatial concepts using speech, gesture, or their combination, focusing on language used during wayfinding and direction-giving activities. ; Para señalar objetos en el mundo, generalmente los hablantes suelen utilizar dos estrategias vinculadas: usan los términos deícticos, los cuales son expresados en el habla, como ‘aquí’ o ‘allá’, y también usan los movimientos simultáneos de la cabeza y las manos. El proyecto REaCHeS investiga las estrategias de señalar que usan los hablantes del chatino oriental, una lengua de Oaxaca, México. Esta lengua ha sido poco estudiada y tipológicamente es inusual. Investigamos los factores que motivan a los hablantes del chatino a expresar conceptos espaciales utilizando el habla, los gestos o su combinación, centrándonos en el lenguaje utilizado durante las actividades de orientación. ; Kate Mesh operated Camera 1, w/ mic connected to the interviewee; Claudia García Baltazar operated Camera 2, w/ mic connected to the interiewer. Present but off-screen during the interview: Lynn Hou (observer). ; Kate Mesh operó la cámara 1, con el micrófono conectado al entrevistado; Claudia García Baltazar operó la cámara 2, con el micrófono conectado a la entrevistadora. También presente durante la entrevista: Lynn Hou (observadora).
Keyword: Interview: Local Environment; Spanish (Mexico); Undetermined language; Western Highland Chatino (San Juan Quiahije Variety)
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20191216_R10 ; Recorrido (Walking Interview) 10 ; References to Environs are Coordinated to be Heard and Seen
CM11; Kate Mesh; Maria Elena Méndez Cortés. - : Kate Mesh, 2019. : Lund University Humanities Lab, 2019
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20191217_R11 ; Recorrido (Walking Interview) 11 ; References to Environs are Coordinated to be Heard and Seen
Maria Elena Méndez Cortés; CM12; Kate Mesh. - : Kate Mesh, 2019. : Lund University Humanities Lab, 2019
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20191205_R05 ; Recorrido (Walking Interview) 05 ; References to Environs are Coordinated to be Heard and Seen
Severiana Baltazar Lorenzo; Kate Mesh; Maria Elena Méndez Cortés. - : Kate Mesh, 2019. : Lund University Humanities Lab, 2019
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20191118_R08 ; Recorrido (Walking Interview) 8 ; References to Environs are Coordinated to be Heard and Seen
Maria Elena Méndez Cortés; Ambrocio Baltazar Cruz; Kate Mesh. - : Kate Mesh, 2019. : Lund University Humanities Lab, 2019
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20191206_R06 ; Recorrido (Walking Interview) 6 ; References to Environs are Coordinated to be Heard and Seen
Maria Elena Méndez Cortés; María Orocio Nicolas; Kate Mesh. - : Kate Mesh, 2019. : Lund University Humanities Lab, 2019
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20191130_R04 ; Recorrido (Walking Interview) 4 ; References to Environs are Coordinated to be Heard and Seen
Severa Canseco Baltazar; Kate Mesh; Maria Elena Méndez Cortés. - : Kate Mesh, 2019. : Lund University Humanities Lab, 2019
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