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Defining Spoken Language Benchmarks and Selecting Measures of Expressive Language Development for Young Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders
Lord, Catherine; Landa, Rebecca; Stoel-Gammon, Carol. - : American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2017
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Past tense and past participle verb use in young children with and without Specific Language Impairment
Echelbarger, Margaret. - : University of Kansas, 2013
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Language Ability and Social Withdrawal: Ratings of English Language Learning Children's Withdrawn Behavior in Native and Nonnative Language Contexts
Ash, Andrea Christine. - : University of Kansas, 2009
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Judgments of Omitted BE and DO in Questions as Extended Finiteness Clinical Markers of SLI to Fifteen Years: A Study of Growth and Asymptote
In: Faculty Publications, Department of Psychology (2009)
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Tense marking in children with autism
Roberts, Jenny A.; Rice, Mabel L.; Tager-Flusberg, Helen. - : Cambridge University Press, 2005
Abstract: A recent large-scale study identified a subgroup of children with autism who had a language profile similar to that found among children with specific language impairment (SLI). including difficulties with nonsense word repetition, an ability that has been implicated as one clinical marker for SLI. A second clinical marker for English-speaking children with SLI is high rates of omission of grammatical morphemes that mark tense in obligatory contexts. This study used experimental probes designed to elicit third person and past tense morphology with a large heterogeneous sample of children with autism. The subgroup of children with autism who were language impaired showed high rates of omission of tense marking on the experimental tasks. in addition, some of the children with autism made performance errors that were specific to the autistic population, such as echolalia. These findings further refine the characteristics of language impairment found in a subgroup of children with autism.
Keyword: Acquisition; Deficits; Down syndrome; Grammatical morphemes; Language impairment; Mentally retarded subjects; Pervasive disorders; Pragmatic difficulties; Psycholinguistic markers; Sli
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