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Implementation of the IFIP Digital Library in the HAL open publication repository
In: Libraries Opening Paths to Knowledge: LIBER Annual Conference 2016 ; ; Libraries Opening Paths to Knowledge: LIBER Annual Conference 2016, Jun 2016, Helsinki, Finland ; (2016)
Abstract: International audience ; Inria, the French National Institute for computer science and applied mathematics has been involved for more than 10 years in defining policies and services related to Open Access to scientific information. In 2014, Inria became a partner of the French national infrastructure CCSD, which, together with CNRS and the University of Lyon, develops repository and editorial services for the higher education and research domain. In particular, the HAL publication repository has become a reference platform for the national open access landscape ( The International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) has partnered with Inria to manage their Digital Library on HAL as a corpus of open access papers in information and communication technologies. The IFIP DL is organized as a series of collections (proceedings, books, journals), including embargoed material initially published by commercial publishers such as Springer, ACM or IEEE, as well as publications issued in conjunction to IFIP events (workshops and conferences). IFIP and Inria have designed a comprehensive workflow to integrate legacy and new content to the digital library by means of a series of validation and transformation processes of XML based description of the metadata associated to each document. Such information comprises a variety of precise descriptors related to bibliography, affiliation and technical descriptions. At the end of the complete process it is eventually transformed into a representation compliant to the TEI (Text Encoding Initiative) guidelines. The use of a TEI based representation anticipates further management of scholarly content a (XML based) full text with the prospect of re-publishing capacities in additional formats (e.g. ePub). The integration workflow for IFIP content is based upon a two-step process: - The validation and enrichment of the data delivered by the publisher, where pdf and Springer meta-data are grouped together and further information related to IFIP technical committees is being added;. - The ingestion proper within HAL, by means of an XSLT transform from the enriched Springer format into the standard TEI-based HAL back-office format followed by an upload through a SWORD interface. Furthermore, various additional processes (generation of tables of content, thematic collection management, de-duplication of content when some documents already exist in HAL) and actuated on the fly during the integration of each volume. Such processes rely in particular upon the rich API available on HAL. An important step in the integration of IFIP content on HAL is to check all affiliation information (Institutions, laboratories and research teams) against the integrated authorities database associated to HAL: AuréHAL ( This facilitates the production of precise indicators for the digital library (e.g. co-authorship patterns) and ensures the precise monitoring of further usage statistics.Finally each volume of IFIP DL is a HAL collection with personal design (html pages written manually with a tool provided by HAL) and offer some metrics like number of hits and downloads. The current IFIP DL is visible under:, all disembargoed documents being available under a CC-BY licence.
Keyword: [INFO.INFO-DL]Computer Science [cs]/Digital Libraries [cs.DL]; Digital Library; Metadata transformation; Open repository; XML-TEI; XSLT
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A TEI conformant pivot format for the HAL back-office ; Un format pivot suivant la TEI pour les ressources de HAL
In: Text Encoding Initiative Conference and members meeting 2015 ; ; Text Encoding Initiative Conference and members meeting 2015, Oct 2015, Lyon, France (2015)
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