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Influences of the early family environment and long-term vocabulary development on the structure of white matter pathways: A longitudinal investigation
In: ISSN: 1878-9293 ; EISSN: 1878-9307 ; Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience ; ; Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, Elsevier, 2020, 42, pp.100767. ⟨10.1016/j.dcn.2020.100767⟩ (2020)
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Universal and Specific Predictors of Chinese Children With Dyslexia – Exploring the Cognitive Deficits and Subtypes
Song, Shuang; Zhang, Yuping; Shu, Hua. - : Frontiers Media S.A., 2020
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Vocabulary growth rate from preschool to school-age years is reflected in the connectivity of the arcuate fasciculus in 14-year-old children
In: ISSN: 1363-755X ; EISSN: 1467-7687 ; Developmental Science ; ; Developmental Science, Wiley, 2018, 21 (5), pp.e12647. ⟨10.1111/desc.12647⟩ (2018)
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Tracing children's vocabulary development from preschool through the school‐age years: an 8‐year longitudinal study
Song, Shuang; Su, Mengmeng; Kang, Cuiping. - : Wiley Periodicals, Inc., 2015. : Guilford Press, 2015
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Tracing children's vocabulary development from preschool through the school-age years: An 8-year longitudinal study
Abstract: In this 8-year longitudinal study, we traced the vocabulary growth of Chinese children, explored potential precursors of vocabulary knowledge, and investigated how vocabulary growth predicted future reading skills. Two hundred sixty-four (264) native Chinese children from Beijing were measured on a variety of reading and language tasks over 8 years. Between the ages of 4 to 10 years, they were administered tasks of vocabulary and related cognitive skills. At age 11, comprehensive reading skills, including character recognition, reading fluency, and reading comprehension were examined. Individual differences in vocabulary developmental profiles were estimated using the intercept-slope cluster method. Vocabulary development was then examined in relation to later reading outcomes. Three subgroups of lexical growth were classified, namely high-high (with a large initial vocabulary size and a fast growth rate), low-high (with a small initial vocabulary size and a fast growth rate) and low-low (with a small initial vocabulary size and a slow growth rate) groups. Low-high and low-low groups were distinguishable mostly through phonological skills, morphological skills and other reading-related cognitive skills. Childhood vocabulary development (using intercept and slope) explained subsequent reading skills. Findings suggest that language-related and reading-related cognitive skills differ among groups with different developmental trajectories of vocabulary, and the initial size and growth rate of vocabulary may be two predictors for later reading development.
Keyword: Article
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