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Language contact and change through translation in Afrikaans and South African English: a diachronic corpus-based study
Redelinghuys, K. R. - : Sydney, Australia : Macquarie University, 2018
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The embedded indexical value of /s/-fronting in Afrikaans and South African English
Bekker, I; Levon, E. - 2017
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Constrained language : a multidimensional analysis of translated English and a non-native indigenised variety of English
Kruger, Haidee; Van Rooy, Bertus. - : John Benjamins Publishing, 2016
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Professional and personal ethics in translation : a survey of South African translators’ translation strategies and motivations
Kruger, Haidee; Crots, Elizabeth. - : Universiteit Stellenbosch, 2014
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Language Attitudes of University of Cape Town Linguistics Students towards Codeswitching
Schilling, Michael S.. - : College of William and Mary, 2013
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to determine the attitudes of Linguistics students and professors at the University of Cape Town (UCT) in South Africa towards codeswitching, specifically English-Afrikaans and English-Xhosa. The study also addresses how these attitudes vary in relation to the participants' attitudes towards Xhosa, English, Afrikaans, and/or other varieties that they speak, and how these attitudes relate to the linguistic landscape of the University of Cape Town campus and surrounding area. The study's importance lays in its focus on attitudes towards the phenomenon of codeswitching. It will augment the existing literature and be used as a comparison with other, similar studies, such as Ramsay-Brijball's (2004) studies on Zulu L1 students' language attitudes at the University of Durban and Gibbons's (1983) matched-guise study of Hong Kong students' attitudes towards codeswitching. Each of these studies show on some level that the participants' attitudes towards codeswitching portray a compromise of their attitudes towards the varieties involved. Student participants' attitudes were elicited primarily through a matched guise technique, during which they responded to audio clips from South African feature films using a questionnaire comprising 18 semantic differential scales; clips containing speech in English, Afrikaans, and Xhosa, and using English-Afrikaans and English-Xhosa codeswitching will be included. The questionnaire was designed to indirectly elicit the participants' attitudes, while subsequent sociolinguistic interviews were held to more directly elicit those attitudes (Garrett, 2010) and the ideologies informing them. Similar interviews were conducted with various professors and post-graduates at the University of Cape Town in order to investigate how their attitudes vary with those of the undergraduate students. Furthermore, a supplemental questionnaire asked students to rate their intrinsic and extrinsic attitudes towards the language varieties in question and collected information such as the student's gender, level of study, language varieties spoken at home, and language varieties spoken with friends, so that variation in the attitudes could be analyzed according to these factors. Finally, photographs were taken across campus of language in use in signs, posters, and advertisements to obtain a portrait of the linguistic landscape of the University of Cape Town. Triangulation of data from these mixed methods provided a much fuller picture of the language attitudes of undergraduates at UCT.
Keyword: Afrikaans; Codeswitching; Grounded Theory Analysis; Language Attitudes; Matched Guise Technique; Principal Components Analysis; Sociolinguistics; South Africa; Xhosa
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The Translation of cultural aspects in South African children's literature in Afrikaans and English : a micro-analysis
Kruger, Haidee. - : Routledge, 2013
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Apperception and Linguistic Contact between German and Afrikaans
Bergerson, Jeremy. - : eScholarship, University of California, 2011
In: Bergerson, Jeremy. (2011). Apperception and Linguistic Contact between German and Afrikaans. UC Berkeley: German. Retrieved from: (2011)
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Apperception and Linguistic Contact between German and Afrikaans
Bergerson, Jeremy. - : eScholarship, University of California, 2011
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Postcolonial polysystems : perceptions of norms in the translation of children's literature in South Africa
Kruger, Haidee. - : Routledge, 2011
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The translation of narrative fiction : impostulating the narrative origo
Kruger, Jan-Louis. - : Routledge, 2009
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Language-in-education policy, publishing and the translation of children's books in South Africa
Kruger, Haidee. - : Routledge, 2009
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The possibilities provided by subtitling to the SABC TV in the recognition and protection of language rights
Olivier, Jak. - : Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 2003
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