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Die digitale Avantgarde: Rezension zu "Schreibenlassen. Texte zur Literatur im Digitalen" von Hannes Bajohr
In: Soziopolis: Gesellschaft beobachten (2022)
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Les Africains, sont-ils heureux? "Retour au rire" en temps de guerre, de famine et de misère
In: 20 (2022)
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Toward an Epistemic Web
In: 197 ; RatSWD Working Paper Series ; 22 (2022)
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Are Africans happy? 'Return to laughter' in times of war, famine and misery
In: 20 (2022)
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Influencia del sexo y la lengua materna en el rendimiento académico
In: Propósitos y Representaciones: Revista de Psichología Educativa ; 8 ; 1 (2022)
Abstract: Este trabajo se centra en conocer las diferencias en el rendimiento académico de los alumnos de Educación Infantil según el sexo y la lengua materna. Para ello, y partiendo de los distintos escenarios que nos presenta la multiculturalidad, hemos tenido en cuenta las peculiaridades de esta diversidad cultural reflejadas en el aula, sin olvidar que nos encontramos en un contexto en el que coexiste una lengua oficial y un dialecto cultural. La muestra estuvo integrada por 489 alumnos de Educación Infantil de 12 centros educativos públicos y 3 centros concertados, de edades comprendidas entre 5 y 6 años (M= 5.23; DT= .506); de estos el 51.4% eran niños (n=249) y el 48.6% niñas (n=235), de los cuales el 37.7% tenían como lengua materna familiar el castellano (n=183) y el 62.3% el darija (n=302). Se utilizó el instrumento multidimensional de competencias básicas en Educación Infantil (Mateos y Olmedo, 2018). Los resultados de los análisis ANOVA y regresión Logística Binaria evidenciaron que la lengua materna es la principal causa de las diferencias de estos niños, afectando negativamente a aquellos que tienen lengua materna castellana, quedando claramente definido que la principal debilidad se muestra en las áreas de la expresión oral, la expresión escrita y la conciencia fonética. ; This work focuses on knowing the differences in the academic performance of children's education students according to sex and mother tongue. To this end, and starting from the different scenarios presented by multiculturality, we have taken into account the peculiarities of this cultural diversity reflected in the classroom. On the basis that we are in a context in which an official language and a cultural dialect coexist. The sample consisted of 489 children's education students from 12 public educational establishments and 3 concerted centres, aged 5 to 6 (M= 5.23; DT= 506), of which 51.4 percent were boys (n=249) and 48.6 percent girls (n=235) of which 37.7% had Spanish as their mother tongue (n=183) and 62.3% Darija (n=302). The multidimensional instrument of basic skills in Child Education was used (Mateos y Olmedo, 2018). The results of ANOVA analysis and binary logistic regression showed that the mother tongue is the main cause of these children's differences, negatively affecting those who have mother tongue Castilian, being clearly defined that the main weakness is shown in the areas of oral expression, written expression and phonetic consciousness.
Keyword: 10600; Academic Performance; Anthropologie; Bildungs- und Erziehungssoziologie; Bildungswesen Elementarbereich; Diversidad lingüística; Educación pre-primaria; Elementary Education Sector; Language Diversity; Pre-Primary Education; Primar- und Elementarbildung; Primary education (elementary education); Rendimiento académico; Sex; Sexo; Sociology & anthropology; Sociology of Education; Soziologie
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Social Inclusion and Multilingualism: Linguistic Justice and Language Policy
In: Social Inclusion ; 9 ; 1 ; 1-4 ; Social Inclusion and Multilingualism: The Impact of Linguistic Justice, Economy of Language and Language Policy (2022)
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Framing right-wing populist satire: the case-study of Ghisberto's cartoons in Italy
In: Punctum: International Journal of Semiotics ; 6 ; 2 ; 29-55 ; Semiotics of Political Communication (2022)
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Issue Spatiality: A Conceptual Framework for the Role of Space in Public Discourses
In: Media and Communication ; 9 ; 3 ; 5-15 ; Spaces, Places, and Geographies of Public Spheres (2022)
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Communication and Feminist New Materialism: Methodologies to understand the continuum between matter and discourse
In: FZG - Freiburger Zeitschrift für GeschlechterStudien ; 24 ; 1 ; 55-70 ; Der Ort des Politischen in den Critical Feminist Materialisms (2022)
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Invective Gaze - Das digitale Bild und die Kultur der Beschämung
In: 99 ; Edition Medienwissenschaft ; 206 (2022)
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What Constitutes a Local Public Sphere? Building a Monitoring Framework for Comparative Analysis
In: Media and Communication ; 9 ; 3 ; 85-96 ; Spaces, Places, and Geographies of Public Spheres (2022)
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The Engagement Imperative: Experiences of Communication Practitioners' Brand Work in the Music Industry
In: Media and Communication ; 10 ; 1 ; 66-76 ; New Forms of Media Work and Its Organizational and Institutional Conditions (2022)
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Two Linguas Francas? Social Inclusion through English and Esperanto
In: Social Inclusion ; 9 ; 1 ; 75-84 ; Social Inclusion and Multilingualism: The Impact of Linguistic Justice, Economy of Language and Language Policy (2022)
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Gegen die Öffentlichkeit: Alternative Nachrichtenmedien im deutschsprachigen Raum
Schwaiger, Lisa. - : transcript Verlag, 2022. : DEU, 2022. : Bielefeld, 2022
In: 46 ; Digitale Gesellschaft ; 327 (2022)
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Transit Zones, Locales, and Locations: How Digital Annotations Affect Communication in Public Places
In: Media and Communication ; 9 ; 3 ; 39-49 ; Spaces, Places, and Geographies of Public Spheres (2022)
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Relational Communication Spaces: Infrastructures and Discursive Practices
In: Media and Communication ; 9 ; 3 ; 28-39 ; Spaces, Places, and Geographies of Public Spheres (2022)
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Constructive Aggression? Multiple Roles of Aggressive Content in Political Discourse on Russian YouTube
In: Media and Communication ; 9 ; 1 ; 181-194 ; Dark Participation in Online Communication: The World of the Wicked Web (2022)
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Spaces, Places, and Geographies of Public Spheres: Exploring Dimensions of the Spatial Turn
In: Media and Communication ; 9 ; 3 ; 1-4 ; Spaces, Places, and Geographies of Public Spheres (2022)
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Multilingualism and Social Inclusion in Scotland: Language Options and Ligatures of the "1+2 Language Approach"
In: Social Inclusion ; 9 ; 1 ; 14-23 ; Social Inclusion and Multilingualism: The Impact of Linguistic Justice, Economy of Language and Language Policy (2022)
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The Role of Media and Communication in Reducing Uncertainty During the Syria War
In: Media and Communication ; 9 ; 4 ; 297-308 ; Ten Years after the Arab Uprisings: Beyond Media and Liberation (2022)
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