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A physician-initiated intervention to increase colorectal cancer screening in Chinese patients.
In: Cancer, vol 124 Suppl 7, iss Suppl 7 (2018)
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A physician-initiated intervention to increase colorectal cancer screening in Chinese patients.
Sun, Angela; Tsoh, Janice Y; Tong, Elisa K. - : eScholarship, University of California, 2018
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Randomised trial of a parent-mediated intervention for infants at high risk for autism: longitudinal outcomes to age 3 years. ...
Green, Jonathan; Pickles, Andrew; Pasco, Greg. - : Apollo - University of Cambridge Repository, 2017
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Randomised trial of a parent-mediated intervention for infants at high risk for autism: longitudinal outcomes to age 3 years.
British Autism Study of Infant Siblings (BASIS) Team; Charman, Tony; Jones, Emily. - : Wiley, 2017. : J Child Psychol Psychiatry, 2017
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Enhancing the early home learning environment through a brief group parenting intervention: study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial
Nicholson, Jan M.; Cann, Warren; Matthews, Jan. - : BioMed Central, 2016
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Early response-to-intervention measures and criteria as predictors of reading disability in the beginning of third grade.
In: Journal of learning disabilities, vol 48, iss 2 (2015)
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The perception of prosody and associated auditory cues in early-implanted children: the role of auditory working memory and musical activities.
In: Int J Audiol , 53 (3) 182 - 191. (2014) (2014)
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Innovative solutions to novel drug development in mental health.
In: Symplectic Elements at Oxford ; Europe PubMed Central ; PubMed ( ; Web of Science (Lite) ( ; Scopus ( ; CrossRef (2013)
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Efficacy of language intervention in the early years.
In: Symplectic Elements at Oxford ; Europe PubMed Central ; PubMed ( ; Web of Science (Lite) ( ; Scopus ( ; CrossRef (2013)
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Efficacy of language intervention in the early years.
In: J Child Psychol Psychiatry , 54 (3) pp. 280-290. (2013) (2013)
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Innovative solutions to novel drug development in mental health.
In: Neurosci Biobehav Rev , 37 (10 Pt 1) pp. 2438-2444. (2013) (2013)
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Community-based early intervention for language delay: a preliminary investigation
In: Research outputs 2012 (2012)
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Efficacy of a reading and language intervention for children with Down syndrome: a randomized controlled trial.
In: Symplectic Elements at Oxford ; Europe PubMed Central ; PubMed ( ; Web of Science (Lite) ( ; Scopus ( ; CrossRef (2012)
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Interventions for children's language and literacy difficulties.
In: Symplectic Elements at Oxford ; Europe PubMed Central ; PubMed ( ; Web of Science (Lite) ( ; Scopus ( ; CrossRef (2012)
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Supporting early oral language skills for English language learners in inner city preschool provision
In: British Journal of Educational Psychology , 80 (4) pp. 497-515. (2010) (2010)
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Effects of fully-established Sure Start Local Programmes on 3-year-old children and their families living in England: a quasi-experimental observational study.
In: Symplectic Elements at Oxford ; Europe PubMed Central ; PubMed ( ; Scopus ( ; CrossRef (2008)
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Improving early language and literacy skills: differential effects of an oral language versus a phonology with reading intervention.
In: Symplectic Elements at Oxford ; Europe PubMed Central ; PubMed ( ; Web of Science (Lite) ( ; Scopus ( ; CrossRef (2008)
Abstract: BACKGROUND: This study compares the efficacy of two school-based intervention programmes (Phonology with Reading (P + R) and Oral Language (OL)) for children with poor oral language at school entry. METHODS: Following screening of 960 children, 152 children (mean age 4;09) were selected from 19 schools on the basis of poor vocabulary and verbal reasoning skills and randomly allocated to either the P + R programme or the OL programme. Both groups of children received 20 weeks of daily intervention alternating between small group and individual sessions, delivered by trained teaching assistants. Children in the P + R group received training in letter-sound knowledge, phonological awareness and book level reading skills. Children in the OL group received instruction in vocabulary, comprehension, inference generation and narrative skills. The children's progress was monitored at four time points: pre-, mid- and post-intervention, and after a 5-month delay, using measures of literacy, language and phonological awareness. RESULTS: The data are clustered (children within schools) and robust confidence intervals are reported. At the end of the 20-week intervention programme, children in the P + R group showed an advantage over the OL group on literacy and phonological measures, while children in the OL group showed an advantage over the P + R group on measures of vocabulary and grammatical skills. These gains were maintained over a 5-month period. CONCLUSIONS: Intervention programmes designed to develop oral language skills can be delivered successfully by trained teaching assistants to children at school entry. Training using P + R fostered decoding ability whereas the OL programme improved vocabulary and grammatical skills that are foundations for reading comprehension. However, at the end of the intervention, more than 50% of at-risk children remain in need of literacy support.
Keyword: Child; Comprehension; Dyslexia; Early Intervention (Education); England; Female; Follow-Up Studies; Humans; Language Development Disorders; Language Therapy; Male; Phonetics; Preschool; Problem Solving; Reading; Remedial Teaching; Verbal Behavior; Vocabulary
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Effects of Sure Start local programmes on children and families: early findings from a quasi-experimental, cross sectional study.
In: Symplectic Elements at Oxford ; Europe PubMed Central ; PubMed ( ; Scopus ( ; CrossRef (2006)
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Predictive validity of the get ready to read! Screener: concurrent and long-term relations with reading-related skills.
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