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The Orientalist Semiotics of "Dune": Religious and Historical References within Frank Herbert's Universe
Jacob, Frank. - : Büchner-Verlag, 2022. : DEU, 2022. : Marburg, 2022
In: 117 (2022)
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Werbung und Identität im multikulturellen Raum: Der Werbediskurs in Luxemburg; ein kommunikationswissenschaftlicher Beitrag
Reddeker, Sebastian. - : transcript Verlag, 2022. : DEU, 2022. : Bielefeld, 2022
In: 18 ; Literalität und Liminalität ; 320 (2022)
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Das Spiel der Anderen: die Entwicklung der Berichterstattung zu Frauenfußball-Großturnieren seit der WM 2011 in Deutschland
In: FZG - Freiburger Zeitschrift für GeschlechterStudien ; 22 ; 1 ; 49-63 (2022)
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"Geil dabei zu sein" - Livestreams als Kommunikationsmittel rechtsextremer Proteste
In: ZRex - Zeitschrift für Rechtsextremismusforschung ; 2 ; 1 ; 72-90 (2022)
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Spanish Tipsters and the Millennial and Centennial Generations in the Scenario of a Pandemic
In: Media and Communication ; 10 ; 1 ; 286-296 ; New Narratives for New Consumers: Influencers and the Millennial and Centennial Generations (2022)
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Issue Spatiality: A Conceptual Framework for the Role of Space in Public Discourses
In: Media and Communication ; 9 ; 3 ; 5-15 ; Spaces, Places, and Geographies of Public Spheres (2022)
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Communication and Feminist New Materialism: Methodologies to understand the continuum between matter and discourse
In: FZG - Freiburger Zeitschrift für GeschlechterStudien ; 24 ; 1 ; 55-70 ; Der Ort des Politischen in den Critical Feminist Materialisms (2022)
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Invective Gaze - Das digitale Bild und die Kultur der Beschämung
In: 99 ; Edition Medienwissenschaft ; 206 (2022)
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The Engagement Imperative: Experiences of Communication Practitioners' Brand Work in the Music Industry
In: Media and Communication ; 10 ; 1 ; 66-76 ; New Forms of Media Work and Its Organizational and Institutional Conditions (2022)
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Gegen die Öffentlichkeit: Alternative Nachrichtenmedien im deutschsprachigen Raum
Schwaiger, Lisa. - : transcript Verlag, 2022. : DEU, 2022. : Bielefeld, 2022
In: 46 ; Digitale Gesellschaft ; 327 (2022)
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Transit Zones, Locales, and Locations: How Digital Annotations Affect Communication in Public Places
In: Media and Communication ; 9 ; 3 ; 39-49 ; Spaces, Places, and Geographies of Public Spheres (2022)
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Relational Communication Spaces: Infrastructures and Discursive Practices
In: Media and Communication ; 9 ; 3 ; 28-39 ; Spaces, Places, and Geographies of Public Spheres (2022)
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Constructive Aggression? Multiple Roles of Aggressive Content in Political Discourse on Russian YouTube
In: Media and Communication ; 9 ; 1 ; 181-194 ; Dark Participation in Online Communication: The World of the Wicked Web (2022)
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The Role of Media and Communication in Reducing Uncertainty During the Syria War
In: Media and Communication ; 9 ; 4 ; 297-308 ; Ten Years after the Arab Uprisings: Beyond Media and Liberation (2022)
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Structures of the Public Sphere: Contested Spaces as Assembled Interfaces
In: Media and Communication ; 9 ; 3 ; 16-27 ; Spaces, Places, and Geographies of Public Spheres (2022)
Abstract: This article updates certain aspects of the normative notions of the public sphere. The complex ecosystem of social communications enhanced by mobile media platform activity has changed our perception of space. If the public sphere has to normatively assess the expected conditions for public debate and for democracy, the assemblage of devices, discourses, infrastructures, locations, and regulations must be considered together. The literature reviewed about the public sphere, spaces, and geographically-enabled mobile media leads this article to the formulation of a concept of the public sphere that considers such assemblage as an interface. As an empirically applicable update to the definition of the public sphere the text offers a model that helps analyze those factors considering how they shape the communicative space in four modes: representations, structures, textures, and connections. These modes consider the roles played by assemblages of devices, infrastructures, and content in delimiting the circulation of information. The second part of the article illustrates the model with examples from previous research, paying particular attention to the structures' mode. The dissection of qualitative, quantitative, and geodata generated by digital and (visual) (n)ethnographic tools reveals three subcategories for the analysis of structures of space: barriers, shifts, and flows. The structures effectively enable/disable communication and define centers and peripheries in the activity flows. The contribution of this article is, thus, conceptual - it challenges and updates the notion of the public sphere; and methodological - it offers tools and outputs that align with the previously developed theoretical framework.
Keyword: Anthropologie; Area Development Planning; assemblage; electronic Media; elektronische Medien; geomedia; Interactive; interaktive; interface; journalism; Journalismus,Verlagswesen; Kommunikationssoziologie; Landscaping and area planning; Landschaftsgestaltung; mobile media; News media; public space; public sphere; publishing; Publizistische Medien; Raumplanung; Raumplanung und Regionalforschung; Regional Research; Sociolinguistics; Sociology & anthropology; Sociology of Communication; Sociology of Language; Soziolinguistik; Soziologie; Sprachsoziologie; Städtebau; structures of space
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Online Networks and Subjective Well‐Being: The Effect of "Big Five Personality Traits"
In: Social Inclusion ; 9 ; 4 ; 399-412 ; In Good Company? Personal Relationships, Network Embeddedness, and Social Inclusion (2022)
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ProPublica's Data Journalism: How Multidisciplinary Teams and Hybrid Profiles Create Impactful Data Stories
In: Media and Communication ; 10 ; 1 ; 5-15 ; New Forms of Media Work and Its Organizational and Institutional Conditions (2022)
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Metaphorik der Digitalität: Über den Nicht-Erklärungswert etablierter Begrifflichkeiten zur Beschreibung der Online- Kommunikation
In: 16 (2021)
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Vaccine Hesitancy and the Cultural Politics of Trust in the Dengvaxia Controversy: A Critical Discourse-Ethnographic Study of Online News Content, Producers, and Audiences
In: ASEAS - Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies ; 13 ; 2 ; 1-8 (2021)
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Investigating Visual Content Shared over Twitter during the 2019 EU Parliamentary Election Campaign
In: Media and Communication ; 9 ; 1 ; 158-170 ; Dark Participation in Online Communication: The World of the Wicked Web (2021)
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