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Specialized writing instruction for deaf students: A randomized controlled trial
In: Theory and Practice in Teacher Education Publications and Other Works (2022)
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Strategic and Interactive Writing Instruction: An Efficacy Study in Grades 3-5
In: Exceptional, Deaf, and Interpreter Education Faculty Publications (2018)
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Examining Student Writing Proficiencies Across Genres: Results of an Intervention Study
In: Theory and Practice in Teacher Education Publications and Other Works (2016)
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Differentiating writing instruction for students who are deaf and hard of hearing
In: Theory and Practice in Teacher Education Publications and Other Works (2016)
Abstract: Researchers have long highlighted the need to apply evidence-based approaches to writing instruction for students who are 1d/Deaf and hard of hearing (d/Dhh). Yet, the majority of the research base for effective writing instruction and intervention is based on studies of hearing children, with or without disability labels. Therefore, existing interventions often fail to account for the unique language and literacy needs of d/Dhh students. In this article we describe an approach that enhances the power of Interactive Writing (IW) instruction, an evidence-based approach for typically developing students, that is specifically designed to engage and support d/Dhh learners. We begin by providing a brief historical overview of IW instruction as it is often used in contemporary general education classrooms. Then, we describe evidence of the unique language and literacy development of d/Dhh students from a series of recent studies related to Strategic and Interactive Writing Instruction (SIWI) with d/Dhh students. Finally, we present the language zone in the form of a flowchart, which illustrates the teacher decision making process when responding to d/Dhh students’ various language needs in the context of IW. We conclude by illustrating examples of the language zone in use and discussing the implications of this approach for d/Dhh learners.
Keyword: American Sign Language; deaf; Education; metalinguistic knowledge; writing; writing instruction
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Video Review and Reflection for Ongoing Inservice Teacher Professional Development
In: Theory and Practice in Teacher Education Publications and Other Works (2015)
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The writing performance of elementary students receiving Strategic and Interactive Writing Instruction
In: Theory and Practice in Teacher Education Publications and Other Works (2015)
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An Analysis of Deaf Students’ Spelling Skills during a Year Long Instructional Writing Approach
In: Theory and Practice in Teacher Education Publications and Other Works (2015)
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Developing language and writing skills of deaf and hard of hearing students: A simultaneous approach
In: Theory and Practice in Teacher Education Publications and Other Works (2014)
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Deaf writers’ application of ASL knowledge to English
In: Theory and Practice in Teacher Education Publications and Other Works (2013)
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