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How adolescents navigate Wikipedia to answer questions ; ¿Cómo navegan los adolescentes en Wikipedia para contestar preguntas?
In: Infancia y aprendizaje 38 (2015) 2, S. 435-471 (2015)
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The inattentive on-screen reading: Reading medium affects attention and reading comprehension under time pressure
In: Learn Instr (1478)
Abstract: This study explored the influence of reading media and reading time-frame on readers' on-task attention, metacognitive calibration, and reading comprehension. One hundred and forty undergraduates were allocated to one of four experimental conditions varying on the reading medium (in print vs. on screen) and on the reading time-frame (free vs. pressured time). Readers' mindwandering while reading, prediction of performance on a comprehension test, and their text comprehension were measured. In-print readers, but not on-screen readers, mindwandered less on the pressured than in the free time condition, indicating higher task adaptation in print. Accordingly, on-screen readers in the pressured condition comprehended less than the other three groups. Mindwandering and text comprehension were similar under free reading time regardless of medium. Lastly, there were no differences in readers’ metacognitive calibration. The results support the hypothesis of shallow information processing when reading on screen under time constraints.
Keyword: Article
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