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A Facet Theory Analysis of the Structure of Cognitive Performance in New Zealand Robins (Petroica longipes)
In: International Journal of Comparative Psychology, vol 32, iss 0 (2019)
Abstract: In this report we analyse the cognitive performance of New Zealand Robins (Petroica longipes) using facet theory, smallest space analysis (SSA) and partial order scalogram analysis (POSA). The data set we analyse was originally subjected to principle component analysis in order to develop a test-battery for avian cognitive performance. We extend these analyses by proposing a two facet rather than a single component solution using SSA and we characterize individual birds by their scores on all tasks using POSA. We note problems with the small sample size and call for our exploratory analyses to be replicated using a larger sample of birds and for the development of further test items using the facet theory’s tool the mapping sentence. We suggest that facet theory and the mapping sentences are research approaches suitable for conceiving, designing, analysing and developing theory that may be used within avian cognitive research. We conclude by proposing a mapping sentence for avian cognition, which forms an adaptable template for future avian cognition research.
Keyword: Animal Behaviour; Avian Cognition; Facet Theory; Mapping Sentence
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A Facet Theory Analysis of the Structure of Cognitive Performance in New Zealand Robins (Petroica longipes)
In: Hackett, Paul M W; Shaw, Rachael C; Boogert, Neeltje J; & Clayton, Nicola S. (2019). A Facet Theory Analysis of the Structure of Cognitive Performance in New Zealand Robins (Petroica longipes). International Journal of Comparative Psychology. Retrieved from: (2019)
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Flexible egocentricity: Asymmetric switch costs on a perspective-taking task
Samuel, Steven; Roehr-Brackin, Karen; Jelbert, Sarah. - : American Psychological Association, 2019
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New perspectives in gaze sensitivity research
Davidson, Gabrielle L.; Clayton, Nicola S.. - : Springer US, 2015
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Gaze sensitivity: function and mechanisms from sensory and cognitive perspectives
Davidson, GL; Butler, S; Fernández-Juricic, E. - : Elsevier Masson, 2014
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Mental-state attribution drives rapid, reflexive gaze following
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