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Acculturation and attitudes toward code-switching: A bidimensional framework
In: Int J Billing (2021)
Abstract: AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: Code-switching, the spontaneous switching from one language to another within a single speech event, is often performed by bilinguals who have mastered a communicative competence in two languages. It is also a social strategy – using linguistic cues as a means to index social categories and group solidarity. Code-switching is, therefore, linked to attitudes, seen as a reflection of the speaker and their values and identities. Traditionally perceived negatively, attitudes toward code-switching have been shown to be acceptable in certain cases, such as in multilingual contexts. However, it has yet to be determined empirically whether attitudes toward code-switching are associated with individual social characteristics, including cultural identity and identity negotiation. Adopting the bidimensional model of acculturation, the goal of the study was to investigate the relationships among cultural identity and code-switching attitudes. Specifically, we sought to examine whether the bidimensional framework can be used to characterize and distinguish biculturals and whether such distinctions result in differences in code-switching attitudes and other related factors. DATA AND ANALYSIS: Cantonese-English bilinguals (n = 67) reported their language background and completed questionnaires relating to identity and code-switching. FINDINGS: The findings suggest the bidimensional model was successful in classifying biculturals versus non-biculturals and, additionally, that biculturals could be differentiated according to their strength of cultural identification, which we designated as strong biculturals, Canadian-oriented biculturals, Chinese-oriented biculturals, and weak biculturals. Findings also revealed significant group differences in code-switching attitudes and other factors, such as code-switching comfort and preference, among the bicultural subgroups. IMPLICATIONS: The study supports the hypothesis that code-switching is linked to bicultural identity. The results conclude that a more nuanced classification of biculturals is meaningful, as individual differences in cultural identification among biculturals are linked to significant differences in code-switching comfort, code-switching preference, code-switching attitudes, and multicultural attitudes.
Keyword: Articles
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An Inconclusive Study Comparing the Effect of Concrete and Abstract Descriptions of Belief-Inconsistent Information
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Threat and Outgroup Derogation—A Social Neuroscience Perspective
Sampasivam, Sinthujaa. - : Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2018
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Official Bilingualism: Fair Exchange?
Simon, Sherry. - : Invenire, 2014
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Bilingualism in Minority Settings in Canada: Fusion or Assimilation?
Freynet, Nathalie. - : Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2013
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Expressing Prejudice through the Linguistic Intergroup Bias: Second Language Confidence and Identity among Minority Group Members
Shulman, Jessica L.; Clément, Richard. - : Groupe de recherche diversité urbaine, 2008. : CEETUM, 2008. : Érudit, 2008
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Second language learning and acculturation: The role of motivation and goal content congruence
In: Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics; Vol. 10 No. 3 (2007); 309-323 ; Revue canadienne de linguistique appliquée; Vol. 10 No. 3 (2007); 309-323 ; 1920-1818 ; 1481-868X (2007)
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Language, identity and stress: A situated approach to acculturation.
Noels, Kimberly Ann.. - : University of Ottawa (Canada), 1996
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The Production of the Pastoral Care: King Alfred and His Helpers
In: Library Faculty & Staff Publications (1986)
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King Alfred and the Latin Manuscripts of Gregory's Regula Pastoralis
In: Library Faculty & Staff Publications (1985)
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An Analysis on Non-Finite Verb Forms as an Indication of the Style of Translation in Bede's Ecclesiastical History
In: Library Faculty & Staff Publications (1978)
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