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Ein Austriazismus auf Erfolgskurs – geben als Basisverb der ziel-orientierten Objektsbewegung
In: Linguistik Online; Bd. 110 Nr. 5 (2021): In Stadt und Land. Perspektiven variations- und soziolinguistischer Forschung; 51-74 ; Linguistik Online; Vol. 110 No. 5 (2021): In Stadt und Land. Perspektiven variations- und soziolinguistischer Forschung; 51-74 ; 1615-3014 (2021)
Abstract: The article focuses on the German verb geben (lit. ‘to give’) functioning as a put verb, i.e. a basic verb of goal-oriented placement. While German has been classified as a put-less language in previous research, initial studies on the German language in Austria show that geben seems to be spreading increasingly as a basic put verb, starting from the language area of Vienna. The research desiderata of this thus far overlooked phenomenon include empirically substantiated findings on its areal-horizontal and vertical-social distribution in contemporary German. In order to close this research gap, the article draws on data from a survey throughout Austria. Therein, two different registers of the dialect/standardaxis of each participant were accessed in order to assess intra-individual variation on the lexical level.
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Vergleiche (Komparativ/Äquativ)
Jäger, Agnes. - : Philipps-Universität, 2017
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Variation in the case of system of german. Linguistic analysis and optimality theory
In: Dürscheid, Christa; Giger, Nadio (2010). Variation in the case of system of german. Linguistic analysis and optimality theory. In: Lenz, Alexandra N; Plewnia, Albrecht. Grammar between norm and variation. Frankfurt, Germany: Lang, 167-192. (2010)
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