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Faculty of color in CSD (Horton et al., 2021) ...
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Faculty of color in CSD (Horton et al., 2021) ...
Abstract: Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore demographic characteristics, job satisfaction, workload, challenges and rewards of working in academia, and recruitment/retention advice and recommendations for faculty of color (FOC) in communication sciences and disorders (CSD). Method: A 43-item anonymous survey, composed of 38 closed-ended and five open-ended questions, was used to collect information from CSD FOC. Thematic analysis was used to capture trends in participant responses. Results: The responses of FOC in communication disorders to closed-ended questions indicated that they were satisfied with their jobs. Overall, FOC reported spending a significant amount of their time on teaching and student-related activities. They also identified several common rewards and challenges of working in academia and offered key suggestions, advice, and recommendations to students, administrators, and the field. FOC responses to open-ended questions revealed noteworthy concerns related to racialized practices. ...
Keyword: 170204 Linguistic Processes incl. Speech Production and Comprehension; 200101 Communication Studies; 200209 Multicultural, Intercultural and Cross-cultural Studies; FOS Media and communications; FOS Other humanities; FOS Psychology
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