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An aphasia research agenda – a consensus statement from the collaboration of aphasia trialists
In: Research outputs 2014 to 2021 (2022)
Abstract: Coordination of international aphasia research would minimise duplication of effort, support synergistic international activities across languages and multidisciplinary perspectives, and promote high-quality conduct and reporting of aphasia research, thereby increasing the relevance, transparency, and implementation of findings. The Collaboration of Aphasia Trialists (CATs) sought to develop an aphasia research agenda to direct future research activities, based on priorities shared by people with aphasia, family members, and healthcare professionals. Our established international research network spanning 33 countries contributed to this activity. Research literature reporting the priorities of stakeholders was reviewed and synthesized (phase 1). Representatives from Working Groups on Aphasia Assessment & Outcomes, Prognosis & Predictors of Recovery, Effectiveness of Interventions, and Societal Impact & Reintegration participated in a two-day research agenda-setting meeting. The CATs expert panel refined research objectives and identified constituent components of research and methodological developments required to address these research components. The objectives and research components were grouped into overarching themes (phase 2). The resultant list was then circulated to more than 180 CATs members for review, revision, and approval. Consensus on the final aphasia research agenda and roadmap was reached by CATs executive committee (phase 3). The expert panel identified five overarching research themes: (i) evidence-based interventions for people with aphasia, (ii) effective interventions to support those communicating with people with aphasia, (iii) cross-linguistic assessment and core outcomes for aphasia research, (iv) predictors of language recovery, and (v) clinical implementation of research findings. Within these broad themes, 30 research objectives and 91 individual aphasia research components were identified and sequentially ordered. This agenda builds on research priorities identified by people with aphasia and their families, and includes priorities of healthcare professionals and researchers, and will support the rehabilitation and recovery of people with aphasia. Our internationally relevant research agenda promotes rigor in methodology, considers international applicability, synergistic activities, and sharing of resources and expertise.
Keyword: agenda; Aphasia; Communication Sciences and Disorders; consensus; Medical Sciences; Medicine and Health Sciences; Neurosciences; priorities; research; Speech Pathology and Audiology
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Assignment of Grammatical Gender in Heritage Greek ...
Karayiannis, Demetris; Kambanaros, Maria; Grohmann, Kleanthes. - : Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2021
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Assignment of Grammatical Gender in Heritage Greek
Alexiadou, Artemis; Grohmann, Kleanthes; Kambanaros, Maria. - : Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2021
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The minimalist program and second language acquisition
Slabakova, Roumyana. - : Cambridge University Press, 2021
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An aphasia research agenda - a consensus statement from the collaboration of aphasia trialists.
In: Ali, Myzoon Soroli, Efstathia Jesus, Luis M. T. Cruice, Madeline Isaksen, Jytte Visch-Brink, Evy Grohmann, Kleanthes K. Jagoe, C. Kukkonen, Tarja Varlokosta, Spyridoula Hernández Sacristán, Carlos Rosell Clari, Vicent Palmer, Rebecca Martinez Ferreiro, Silvia Godecke, Erin Wallace, Sarah J. McMenamin, Ruth Copland, David Breitenstein, Caterina Bowen, Audrey Laska, Ann-Charlotte Hilari, Katerina Brady, Marian C. 2021 An aphasia research agenda - a consensus statement from the collaboration of aphasia trialists. Aphasiology 1 21 (2021)
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Forthcoming: Syntactic architecture and its consequences: Synchronic and diachronic perspectives. Volume 1: Syntax inside the grammar
Barany, András; Biberauer, Theresa; Douglas, Jamie. - : Language Science Press, 2020
In: Language Science Press; (2020)
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Forthcoming: Syntactic architecture and its consequences: Synchronic and diachronic perspectives. Volume 1: Syntax inside the grammar
Barany, András; Biberauer, Theresa; Douglas, Jamie. - : Language Science Press, 2020
In: Language Science Press; (2020)
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Forthcoming: Syntactic architecture and its consequences: Synchronic and diachronic perspectives. Volume 1: Syntax inside the grammar
Barany, András; Biberauer, Theresa; Douglas, Jamie. - : Language Science Press, 2020
In: Language Science Press; (2020)
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Forthcoming: Syntactic architecture and its consequences: Synchronic and diachronic perspectives. Volume 1: Syntax inside the grammar
Barany, András; Biberauer, Theresa; Douglas, Jamie. - : Language Science Press, 2020
In: Language Science Press; (2020)
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Forthcoming: Syntactic architecture and its consequences: Synchronic and diachronic perspectives. Volume 1: Syntax inside the grammar
Barany, András; Biberauer, Theresa; Douglas, Jamie. - : Language Science Press, 2020
In: Language Science Press; (2020)
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Forthcoming: Syntactic architecture and its consequences: Synchronic and diachronic perspectives. Volume 1: Syntax inside the grammar
Barany, András; Biberauer, Theresa; Douglas, Jamie. - : Language Science Press, 2020
In: Language Science Press; (2020)
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Forthcoming: Syntactic architecture and its consequences: Synchronic and diachronic perspectives. Volume 1: Syntax inside the grammar
Barany, András; Biberauer, Theresa; Douglas, Jamie. - : Language Science Press, 2020
In: Language Science Press; (2020)
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Forthcoming: Syntactic architecture and its consequences: Synchronic and diachronic perspectives. Volume 1: Syntax inside the grammar
Barany, András; Biberauer, Theresa; Douglas, Jamie. - : Language Science Press, 2020
In: Language Science Press; (2020)
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Forthcoming: Syntactic architecture and its consequences: Synchronic and diachronic perspectives. Volume 1: Syntax inside the grammar
Barany, András; Biberauer, Theresa; Douglas, Jamie. - : Language Science Press, 2020
In: Language Science Press; (2020)
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Forthcoming: Syntactic architecture and its consequences: Synchronic and diachronic perspectives. Volume 1: Syntax inside the grammar
Barany, András; Biberauer, Theresa; Douglas, Jamie. - : Language Science Press, 2020
In: Language Science Press; (2020)
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Forthcoming: Syntactic architecture and its consequences: Synchronic and diachronic perspectives. Volume 1: Syntax inside the grammar
Barany, András; Biberauer, Theresa; Douglas, Jamie. - : Language Science Press, 2020
In: Language Science Press; (2020)
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Forthcoming: Syntactic architecture and its consequences: Synchronic and diachronic perspectives. Volume 1: Syntax inside the grammar
Barany, András; Biberauer, Theresa; Douglas, Jamie. - : Language Science Press, 2020
In: Language Science Press; (2020)
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Forthcoming: Syntactic architecture and its consequences: Synchronic and diachronic perspectives. Volume 1: Syntax inside the grammar
Barany, András; Biberauer, Theresa; Douglas, Jamie. - : Language Science Press, 2020
In: Language Science Press; (2020)
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Forthcoming: Syntactic architecture and its consequences: Synchronic and diachronic perspectives. Volume 1: Syntax inside the grammar
Barany, András; Biberauer, Theresa; Douglas, Jamie. - : Language Science Press, 2020
In: Language Science Press; (2020)
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Forthcoming: Syntactic architecture and its consequences: Synchronic and diachronic perspectives. Volume 1: Syntax inside the grammar
Barany, András; Biberauer, Theresa; Douglas, Jamie. - : Language Science Press, 2020
In: Language Science Press; (2020)
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